A/N: Okay this is my first outsiders fic so.. DON'T LIKE DON'T READ!! I don't want flames and stuff because weather you like it or not,I am not changing anything in here.. lol okay sorry just had to get that out of my system.. But I will listen to any suggestions but I cant make a promise that ill fulfill them. This is a dallyxOc fic =)

diclaimers: I DON'T OWN THE OUTSIDERS!! wouldn't it be a joy if I did?! owning dally?? THAT WOULD BE AWSOME!! lol

-2 Months before the 'Incident'-(Just wanted to show how everything is going before all of this happened)

--Normal P.O.V--

It was morning. Ponyboy had just woken up and smelled something.. Something delicious. He decided to get out of bed and automatically knew the smell. It was pancakes. Fresh pancakes in the morning. Lexi, His only sister, only made them on Saturdays when the gang didn't have school. Well.. The part of the gang that went to school anyways..As he waked down he noticed most were already awake and it was 11:45 am.

"So, you decided to wake up?" Said Darrel looking up from the morning paper.

"Heh, yeah. I guess I didn't get much sleep last night." Replied Ponyboy. It was true, last night he and Johnny had been chased nearly half way across town by a Soc, but they eventually lost him. Darry just stayed silent while reading his paper.

the smell of Pancake batter being poured on a hot skillet made its way to the living room. That was all it took. Get ready, here comes hell. Just then the door slammed open and Two-Bit, panting, ran in with Steve. Johnny walked in as well, but less enthusiastic. The Curtis's always did have the whole gang over for breakfast, especially for pancakes.

"I'm starved!!" Yelled Two-Bit as Steve walked to Ponyboy and Soda's room to wake him up.

"Why am not surprised?" The female voice from the kitchen yelled. She stepped out and smiled wiping her hand with a rag. She was wearing a dark blue spaghetti string top, and some blue pajama nee-length shorts. This is non other then Alexandra Curtis. Lexi as everyone called her. No one really called her by her full name besides Darry when he was mad.

She was Sodas younger twin. Her hair was a black-brown color and was short, no longer then her neck, and was mostly tied up into two high pony tails. Shed let her bangs, which were up to her eye brows and trailed down her face in a face frame, down which made her look more evil with her famous smirks. Her eyes were a dark blue color, like Sodapop's but darker. She had a curvy figure, skinny but chesty. Don't think you know her just yet. She may look feminine and all--but she's tough as nails and will sock anyone who judges her for being a girl, since she enjoys fighting so much. She hadn't cared much about the rules and broke them often, but usually never got caught. When their parents were alive, quoted: her dad wanted to put her up for adoption the second she was born-as Lexi stated. It didn't end up happening, but when she was young they had talked about putting her in boarding school. She was sent their two years before her parents death. Shed sometimes skip some of her classes in the day and drive the 2 hours back here to see every one. Ofcorse her parents hadn't known, but her brothers did, And darry wasn't to happy abut it. After her parents death she moved back permanently and always thought her parents never wanted her.

--Lexis P.O.V--

Yup. The only girl in the gang. That's me! Darry never really liked me getting into all the fighting and gang stuff, but it didn't matter to me. I hated when someone acted that way. Its probably because I'm a girl. You don't see him yelling at Ponyboy not to be part of all this, and he's younger then me! I'm not like most girls, actually I'm way different then other girls: I like to fight, I'm actually really good at it. I hate being taken care of. I don't like someone to take advantage of me. I have a temper problem. And last but not least, I hang out with guys more then girls… Most guessed it was since I was pretty much raised by guys and spent most of my time with the gang. I'm real fond of them.

Darrel was a good brother with good intentions and all.. but he's just a tad too protective over me.

Soda is pretty much the best twin I could ever ask for. He's funny, cares about me, and is always there when I need him. I'm always being playful with him and glad that he isn't as protective as darry. Heck I even like that girl sandy he's been dating for a while. I actually hang out with her a lot more then other girls, sometimes even spend the night at her house or vice-versa.

Ponyboy is pretty different then my other brothers. He's real smart--not that my other brothers aren't, he's just smart for his age is all. I almost always let him off the hook, I even cover for him sometimes when he gets home late. He knows and I usually remind him that he can come talk to me about anything he wants and I wont judge.

Steve is a good buddy, real funny and even ended up beating a Soc that jumped me once. When ever him and soda are playin' poker or something I usually tag along, sometimes even beating their sorry asses.

Two-Bit--Man this guy cant keep his mouth shut!! He's always getting smacked by me because of his smart remarks but that's just how he is. He's pretty funny and I hang out with him often. Enough to make my ears hurt is all.. Heh, just kidding..

Johnny is real quiet and shy, I'm always telling him how cute he is lookin' like a little puppy. He may be a year younger then me, but I treat him as if he's a 5-year-old little brother of mines, always callin' him Johnnycakes and giving him little pecks on the cheek--Hey, you'd be into it as much as I am if you saw how shy and adorable he got after words.

Dallas.. Were do I start? He's mean, cruel, and incredibly…..sexy..-- But id like keeping that to myself! Well.. yes I admit that through out the years I've developed a crush over him, but no one knows about that.. He's mysterious, cold to certain people, and my closest friend in the bunch next to Soda and Two-Bit. Him and I always used to get into trouble without getting caught, it was such a thrill. Me and him always hang out. Despite him being.. Him, he always asked me what was wrong when ever I'm down, and not to tell anyone 'cuz he'd be considered a 'softie' if anyone knew. That's what I saw. A normal guy. I NEVER treated Dallas Winston like others did, I barley even respect him sometimes.

--Normal P.O.V--

She smiled after her remark to Two-Bit and set down the plate of Chocolate-chip pancakes.

"Well, what are you all waiting for? Take up a seat!" Said Lexi as she sat turned their heads and had noticed that the pancakes were finished and quickly ran to the table.

"Where's Soda and Steve?" She said looking around as Darry shrugged and heard loud arguing as she saw her brother and Steve rolling over each other in an attempt of trying to pin one another down.

"..And their they are" Said Ponyboy as Johnny laughed. She got up and yelled loudly.

"HEY! I told you no wrestling before breakfast!!! Either you stop or its no pancakes for you!!" that was all it took to have them both jump up to their feet and run to the table. Just then, they noticed Dallas had been laying his back at the door watching the show.

"Keep the claws in, will ya?" Said Dally with a smirk as he took a seat.

"Oh shut up" She said as she sat down putting three pancakes on her plate.

"Really sis, you should keep that temper down" Soda laughed as Lexi rolled her eyes.

"Mnm! Your pancakes are amazing Lexi! Always are!" Yelled Two-Bit as he munched on one.

"Kissin' my ass wont get you more syrup, ya know that right?" She said smirking as Two-Bits eyes narrowed.

"Then you got the worst cookin' in the world!" He said laughing as she punched his arm playfully.

After about a half hour they had all finished. Ponyboy was laying on the couch looking full. Two-Bit, Steve, and Sodapop were playing poker on the table next to the couch. Johnny was watching them play as him and Ponyboy spoke about the Soc they encountered yesterday. Dally was laying back on the other couch with his feet up on the table and his hands behind his head. Lexi was taking the silverware off the table and walked into the living room as Darry walked in slipping on his shirt.

"Well, I'm off to work. Try not to burn the house down while I'm gone." He said as he walked out and Lexi rolled her eyes and fell back words onto the couch.

"That man works to hard." She said as she blew a string of hair from her cheek.

"No duh. He's got a stick up his ass." Said Soda as he smirked and shared a laugh with Steve.

"Stick? More like a tree." Said Ponyboy as Johnny laughed but Ponyboy kept his strait face.

"Gee, you guys are very supportive brothers." Said Lexi sarcastically and she got up and kicked Dallys legs off the table. He set his hands down and glared at her.

" Feet off the table" She said arching a brow a him. He wanted to play the glaring game? Two can play at that.

"Does it look like I give a-" Before he could finish he noticed she was no longer in front of him and already half way down the hall of her room and chuckling. He twitched a little and just laid back putting his feet back up.

No one treated Dallas Winston like she did. She wasn't afraid of him like anyone else. Shed backtalk him, stare right back at him when he stared at her, and even yelled at him some times when he deserved it. Shed always been like that, even when they were little, she didn't care who it was, she wasn't afraid of them. Dally liked the fact that she treated him that way.

"He got shafted" Two-Bit said laughing as Dally took out the empty carton of cigars that he found in his pocket and tossed it at the back of Two-Bits head as he called him some name Two-Bit couldn't recall. After the game of poker was over, Soda stood up and yawned while stretching. It was now almost 3.

"I better get to work, old mans probably getting ready to skin me alive if I'm late again." He said as he grabbed Steve by the back of his collar.

"Aw, I was just gettin' to relaxin' too." Said Steve as he got up and Soda released his collar.

Lexi walked back into the living room, now wearing a pair of light jean shorts, a light red strapless top, and Sodas unbuttoned red Plaid shirt and had the sleeves rolled up to her elbows. Sodas shirt reached about up to her hips and almost covering her shorts from the back. Her outfit showed some cleavage, as usual of her above average chest, and showed off her long legs. Ponyboy didn't pay much attention, still in his conversation with Johnny who smiled over at Lexi. Two-Bit was wiping his blade again, and Dally's eyes became a little wider at Lexi. Steve was almost out the door but looked back to see Soda who had noticed her.

"That my shirt?" Said soda smirking and almost laughing.

"No duh, congrats on figuring that out." She said with her foot agensied the wall as she tied the lace on her black high-tops. She wore those almost everyday.

"You want me to take it off?"

"Nah, ya always wear my shirts so its not like that'll make a difference."

"Good, 'cuz I wasn't gunna" She said with laugh and stuck her tongue out as they left. She turned back to the boys remaining: Ponyboy, Johnny, Dally and Two-Bit.

"So anyone wanna catch a flick?"

"Sure" Said Ponyboy

"How 'bout you, Johnnycakes?" She asked followed by a nod from Johnny.

"Sign me up to!" said Two-Bit putting his blade back in his pocket.

"Great!" She said almost as enthusiastic as Sodapop would. at least today she wouldn't be bored just wandering the streets for something to do.

She turned her head to Dally who was searching his pocket for a cigar. He looked up at her with an eye brow raised.

"What?" He questioned at her stair.

"You gunna come along?" She asked with her hand on her hips.

"Yea, yea, Why not." He said.

She walked to the bathroom as they walked out. Assuring them shed catch up when she was done. She began to hum as she walked out of the bathroom, not noticing the man right in front of her.

--Lexi's P.O.V--
I finished taking a leak and was on my way out of the bathroom. I stepped out and bumped into something hard and muscular. Before I fell I caught my balance, looked up at Dally, and smirked. Before I could say anything, his lips caught mine. We stayed kissing about a good 50 seconds before he tried to stick his tongue in my mouth. I bit it harshly and giggled as he pulled back.

"OW! What the fuck Lex?!" He said with his tongue out.

"Keep that seductive tongue of yours to yourself Dally, unless were alone" I smirked, then motioned to the door that the boys were probably waiting outside of for us.

Its not like I didn't enjoy it but if I continued any longer the boys would probably think I was dead or something and storm in--then see Dally and me. Not really something id want them to see. I kissed his cheek and walked past him as he rolled his eyes. Yeah, no one knows about Dally and me. We got involved together some were along 4 or 5 months ago. Its not that I haven't thought about telling anyone… Its just that when we had first gotten together Sodapop quit school 2 weeks later, and I didn't want to make Darry even more furious with the news that his little sister was dating Dallas Winston. So it was kept quiet for another month. Its not that I thought Darrel wouldn't like that fact because of Dally, Its just that Darry can be a bit over protective. To him, no one was good enough for me. Anyways, we just agreed that we weren't gunna tell anyone. If they asked we'd answer but if they didn't it wouldn't be said.

I walked out with Dally following me out. Just before I opened the door I felt a tight squeeze on my thigh and yelped then glared at him.

"I shouldn't wear shorts around you anymore" I said then giggled as I walked out and two bit raised an eye brow.

"Mind tellin' me what all the laughin's about?" He said with a perverted grin. I could see Johnny getting a little pink-cheeked at Two-Bits implying, aw it was so cute when he was shy like that.

"She was just thinkin' bout how amazingly sexy she thinks I am" Said Dally with a smirk and a laugh.

"Yeah, in your dreams Dally, in your dreams" I said with my tongue out. Yes. I was a very good liar since what I had just said was a total -Bit began to laugh and so did Ponyboy and Johnny. Man. Id kill to see the day Two-Bit would be serious for once.

" So lets get going." Johnny said in a low tone.

"Lead the way Johnnycakes!!" I smiled motioning to the side walk as I saw some Socs eyeing me. Great. Just what I need.
