Beta: Lolly4Holly/Author: NickandGregNumberOneSlashFan
Author: NickandGregNumberOneSlashFan
Parings: Nick/Greg
Description: Greg along with the team are called to a Crime Scene, but things are not what they seem when they arrive can they figure it out, before the killer targets one of their own and what secret does Greg and Nick hold? R&R.
It was 10pm when Greg arrived home, walking through his apartment door he placed his keys on the counter and closed the door. He then walked to his bedroom flopping down onto his bed, not long after drifting off to sleep, not even bothering to change into his pyjama's. He was brought out of his dream state when his phone started ringing, he shot up in bed and grabbed his phone off the nightstand flipping it open.
"Sanders!" Greg mumbled annoyed at having been disturbed.
He heard Grissom on the other end. "Greg I'm sorry to disturb you, I know you just got home a few hours ago, but we have a high priority case and Ecklie needs everyone on this." Grissom said apologetically.
Greg sighed heavily. "Ok, I'll be right there!" Greg answered, but before he hung up Grissom stopped him.
"No Greg, meet us at the Crime Scene here is the address..." Grissom said. Greg jotted it down as soon as he got it, saying goodbye then hung up. Greg walked to his shower, taking a quick hose down then jumped out to get dressed, immediately taking off towards the address that Grissom had him write down.
It didn't take long for Greg to arrive at the house, when he got there he found Nick waiting for him out the front. He parked his car, reaching Nick who had his field kit ready in hand. They were the only one's outside for the moment so he lent in and kissed Nick softly and quickly.
Greg smiled when he pulled back. "Hey Nick, thanks man." Nick just nodded with a loving smile.
"Your welcome darlin' You ready to get this goin', G?" Nick asked.
"Yeah! Where's Grissom and the others?" Greg asked.
"Already in the house, they were waitin' for you to arrive, so lets go meet up with em." Nick said, they both turned towards the house, walking in. When they got to the front door they walked in and sure enough there was Grissom and the others standing there waiting for them. When Grissom saw Greg beside Nick, he gave a knowing smile and nodded to the others.
"Alright! Now that Greg's here lets get started shall we? Nick, I want you and Warrick in the back yard, Sara, you and Catherine take the living room. Greg you upstairs gather any evidence you can get." Grissom instructed. They nodded getting to work.
Nick and Warrick walked into the back yard. As they came upon a pool, Nick saw a body from the corner of his eye. He turned to look at the bottom of the pool, motioning for Warrick to join him. They both looked at each other wondering which one was going to go in to fetch out the body, so they did rock-paper-scissors and of course Nick lost, so he stripped off his shirt, socks and shoes then dove in. He had a difficult time retrieving the body, but got it up eventually. Once the body was up, Warrick helped him haul it out of the pool. Nick was shaking his head in disgust.
"Next time Warrick, you're going in after the body! That was disgustin' man and I mean disgustin'." Nick said wrinkling his nose up as Warrick started laughing. "It's not funny man!"
"You're right, it's not funny! It's hilarious!" Warrick laughed even harder. When he finally stopped he wiped his eyes, looking at Nick who just shook his head. "But seriously though, let's get the body processed and tell Grissom there's a body out here." Warrick said more seriously. Nick nodded in agreement. They began to take photographs, search for DNA/fibers or any other things that might be on the body.
Sara and Catherine looked around the living room, walking around the blood that was splattered every where. They took swabs, dusted for fingerprints, footprints and other evidence that might be there. They couldn't believe that this was the third triple homicide in a month. Sara stopped in front of the bed, turning to look at Catherine. "Hey Cath?" Catherine turned to look at her.
"Do you think there is something going on between Nick and Greg?" Sara asked.
Catherine looked at her then shook her head. "I don't think there is, but if they wanted us to know they would come out to us, on their own terms."
"Yeah I know; I mean they make a great couple and I hope, oh I really hope they are together." Sara said with a smile.
Catherine agreed nodding. "Me too Sara, me too."
"Do you think these murders are connected? I mean three triple homicides in 3 months? What are the odds?" Sara asked changing the subject.
Catherine looked back at her. "I don't know. I mean your right three triple homicides within 3 months? There's no way that is not connected, but we won't know until we get the evidence back to the lab." Catherine said getting back to her work.
Grissom however was outside taking statements with Brass. It was taking way too long, longer then collecting evidence, but they had a job to do and they were going to do it until it was finished. Grissom sighed heavily, continuing to take statements then went to work in the front yard.
Greg was upstairs by himself, going from room to room mirroring Catherine's and Sara's job, until he got to the master bedroom. Greg walked over to the window, looking out. He was on the second story and he could see out into the back garden. He looked down to where Nick and Warrick were. He looked over to his husband for almost two years. He couldn't believe they had hidden it this long and the only person who knew was Grissom, that was only because they had to tell him for the change of address, and surly by now the others already figured it out.
Greg wanted to tell the others, but Nick felt he wasn't ready yet. Greg tried to reassure him that they would be happy, but Nick was terrified that the others would reject them or look down on them and he told Greg that he wasn't going to let him go through that if that was the case.
Greg sighed, smiling to himself. He loved Nick and he would do anything to make him happy, even if it meant waiting. Nick's parents where happy for them. They knew all about their son and gave him all the support they could, they even came to the wedding along with his brother and cousin. His momma was badly sick and with his sisters being out of town so they couldn't get there in time. he's not mad at them he understood so all ended well plus they had to wait a day or too for them to show up anyway. They even had Greg call them Momma and Dad now. So why was it so difficult to tell the others, their friends?
Greg shrugged getting right back to work. He was so lost in thought and work that he didn't even notice a presence lingering in the room until he looked up, it was too late.
Nick was snapping a shot of the body and other important evidence, that they would be able to use on this case later in court. He himself couldn't believe that this was the third triple homicide in 3 months. How could anyone do this to someone? It just didn't make sense, he was so caught up on his job that he didn't notice Warrick walking up to him, until his voice caused him to jump. He looked up at Warrick who was grinning widely.
"So Nick! How long have you and Greg been together?" Warrick asked as he knelt down beside him to help gather the evidence.
Nick looked back up at him in shock and surprise. He blinked in a panic. "What? I-I don't..." Nick stuttered trying to come up with an excuse to tell him that he was wrong.
"Cut the bullshit Nick. I know you two are together." Warrick said grinning. Nick just stared at him blankly.
"How did you know?" Nick asked finding his voice.
"Simple! You just can't keep your hands off him and the way you look at him, not to mention when I came over that day, when Greg was at work, I noticed extra stuff in your house that you would never touch and how you kept saying 'Mamma and Dad said this' instead of 'my mom and dad said this' so I put two and two together." Nick was blushing bright red, letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding in.
Warrick knew so he wasn't going to lie to him. "We've been married for almost two years now." Nick said with a smile. Warrick almost fell over, trying to regain his composure shaking his head.
"Married? When?" Warrick asked, both shocked and happy.
"Conference in Wyoming. It wasn't illegal there so we kinda stayed longer had our family come out and witness it. I am sorry Warrick I didn't think you guys could get the time off or I would have told ya' guys and invited ya'" Nick looked over at him he could see he was hurt a little and he feared Warrick would hate him now "You don't hate me do you?" Nick asked worried. Warrick looked at him.
"When was the wedding?" Warrick asked.
"July 17th" Nick stated Warrick's face softened at that.
"Well then your right we couldn't have gotten off we were working a high priority case so no! I don't hate you! I am a little hurt that you at least didn't tell me or us, but I can understand why. And Why would I anyway? Nick who you choose to fall in love, marry or sleep with is none of my business, until you feel ready to tell me, and that goes for Catherine and the others too." Nick looked at him in awe.
"Greg wanted to come out to you guys, but I felt I wasn't ready, and that you guys wouldn't take it well, Greg was supportive he said he would wait until I was ready! Man Warrick I love him, I love him with all my heart. I guess you guys would have been ok with it, huh? And I'm sorry again for not tellin' ya" Nick said and asked, watching Warrick nod.
"It's ok and yeah of course we would have been alright with it! Look all we want is for you guys to be happy! You guys are like my brothers, which means you're family and all I want is for you guys to be happy, and if Greg makes you happy and you make Greg happy then more power to ya." Warrick stated happily, making Nick smile. "All you need to do now is tell Sara and Catherine. That is when you're ready." Nick nodded in agreement.
"I think I am ready to tell the others I..." Nick was suddenly cut off by a loud shattering he looked up in time to see Greg go flying through the window.
Warrick and Nick both climbed to their feet. "GREG!" Nick yelled running towards him Warrick on his heals and on the phone with the medics as they watched in horror as Greg went landing in the soft bushes, but not soft enough to break his fall. When Nick finally reached him he was unconscious bleeding from his face and arms.
Nick dropped to his knees right beside him. "Greg? Greg can ya' hear me? Come on darlin' answer me please!" Nick pleaded, on the verge of tears, but no response. Nick didn't know the extent of the damage done, that's when Grissom and the others came running out, hearing Nick cry out Greg's name.
"Nick! what happ..." Sara trailed off when she saw Greg lying there helplessly. She gasped putting her hand over her mouth. Catherine did the same as she looked down to see him lying there. Grissom's mouth was opened in shock.
Nick reached out to touch Greg when Warrick stopped him. "Nick don't! We don't know the extent of the damage, and if we move him we might lose him. When the medics get here let them do their jobs, I've already called the medics, the moment Greg went flying out the window." Warrick explained. Nick looked up at him with tears in his eyes. Warrick's heart broke for his best friend.
The medics arrived shortly after. They ran to the back of the house where Brass pointed to. They reached the group hovering over Greg, who still laying unconscious. They pushed their way through, but Nick wouldn't get up, he just wouldn't leave him.
Warrick had to pull him away. "Nick, come on let them do their jobs." Warrick shouted. Nick didn't respond, but he allowed himself to be pulled away.
"What have we got?" One of the medics asked.
"Young Male, about 25 years of age..."
"31." Nick corrected.
"Excuse me?" One asked.
"H-He's 31 years old." They nodded in understanding.
"Male, 31 years of age; multiple cuts to the face and torso, we'll know more when we get him to the hospital." One of the medics said as the other nodded.
"I'm riding with him." Nick insisted stepping forward.
"You family?" One of the medics asked.
"I'm his husband." Nick informed them. Catherine and Sara gasped in shocked. The medics nodded, loading Greg carefully onto a gurney then into the back of the ambulance. Nick climbed in beside him, delicately stroking his husbands hand.
As the medics drove off, the lights started flashing and sirens started blaring, trying to create room for them to get by, driving off towards the Desert Palms Hospital.
They arrived within moments. Grissom, Sara, Catherine and Warrick pulling up behind them, immediately rushing after them. Greg was taken through to surgery, leaving Nick in the waiting room. Nick sank down into a chair. He couldn't believe this was happening. Why Greg? What did he ever do? Sara came up to him and placed her arms around him giving him comfort. Nick looked up and over at her. She smiled as did Catherine when he looked at him.
"Nick? Why didn't you tell us? About you and Greg I mean?" Sara asked.
"Because I thought you guys wouldn't accept us." Nick simply said, looking down once again.
"Oh Nick, I'm sorry if you thought that, but you were wrong. We do accept you, in fact I was just telling Catherine before all of this..." Sara trailed off, "Anyways I was telling her that I really hoped you guys were a couple, because you two look so good together." Nick looked up at her once again then over to Catherine who nodded.
"She sure did, and I have to agree with her! We give you guys our full support on this, I take it Warrick knows?" Catherine asked. "Does Grissom know?" Nick nodded.
"And so does my parents" Nick said proudly
"Your parents know about you two?" Sara asked surprised.
"Yea, I told them when Greg and I first got together, when we were datin'" Nick said
"Nick that's awesome, but that doesn't explain the marriage part" Sara said Nick nodded.
"Yeah I know! and ya'll are probably gonna be angry with us, but we kinda got married in Wyoming on the 17th of July we had to wait a day for our parents to come out there, but they made it and witnessed the marriage! well at least mine did Greg's mother and two sisters were absent due to one bein' really sick and the other two out of town" Nick said they stared at him in shock.
"Why didn't you call us? we would have at least liked to have known" Catherine said she was a little hurt by this information. Nick looked at her then sighed as he let his tears fall.
"I know and I'm sorry guys! I was just afraid of your reaction. I feel aweful about it, I just didn't think you could get off in time anyway! and now I might lose him I-I can't lose him I love him with everythin' I have" Nick said as he sobbed into his hands Catherine put her hands on his shoulder as she soothed him.
"Your forgiven and Greg's a tough fighter he'll make it through you'll see, but promise us that next time you two decide to do something major at least let us know about it! and yeah your right we were working a high priority case so no we couldn't have gotten off in time!" Catherine said patting Nick on the shoulder he smiled up at her and nodded. "So how did they take about the weddng?"
"Absolutely I promise and they were happy that Greg and I got married they love Greg, they love him a lot". Nick said.
Grissom placed a hand on Nick's shoulder after hearing everything and he couldn't help, but comfort him, which was very unlike him to do. "Nick everything will be alright, you'll see like Catherine said Greg is strong, and so are you." He said softly. Sara and Catherine exchanged looks of surprise, Warrick just stared in shock. "What?" Grissom snapped at them. They all shook their heads.
"Nothing! It's just weird to see you giving comfort to someone. It's kind of a surprise. I mean no offense, but that's something you usually never do." Catherine explained.
"Yeah, I mean it's like your becoming human." Sara chortled, as she did Nick couldn't help but laugh at her remark. This made everyone else smile too, when suddenly the doctor came out.
"Nick Stokes?" He asked the group.
Nick jumped to his feet. "That's me!"
"You here for Greg Sanders, right?" He asked. Nick anxiously nodded awaiting the news. "I'm Dr. Andrews, I'm Greg's Doctor."
"These are his friends and co-workers. How is he?" Nick anxiously asked. He and the others held their breaths hoping for the best.
"He will need at least 6 weeks of recovery. He has at least three broken ribs, one punctured the left lung...we managed to repair it and get the bleeding to stop, along with a mild concussion. He came out of surgery with no problems, he's going to be just fine." Dr. Andrews said. They all let out their breaths with a sigh of relief
"His room is 314 down the hall to your left, go see him when you're ready." Dr. Andrews left as they headed down the hall towards the room.
Upon entering they saw Greg resting peacefully. Everyone gathered around the bed while Nick scooted up a chair to sit down. He carefully took Greg's left hand in his, careful not to move or hit the IV that was attached. He couldn't believe this was happening, he almost lost his husband. He swore when he found this guy he was going to kill him.
As if he was reading his thoughts, Grissom suddenly spoke up. "Nick don't even think about it! When we catch this guy, we will do it by the book understood?" Grissom told him firmly. Nick nodded and sighed now all they could do was wait as Greg slept peacefully.