A/N: Chapter 2 is up quick, but I can't say if you can expect that too often for this fic... I just write it spontaeneously, I can't really say I've consciously been planning this out yet. I have some plot points that have been premeditated, but as this fic is based somewhat on my own life (this next bit is entirely made up because I love Gilbert, therefore I must break him), so I have to just see how everything turns out first. :P

Please enjoy chapter two of The Life and Times of Gilbert the Awesome!

Saturday, March 28, 2010 Time: 3:45

Dear Journal,

As usual, I was awesome today.

I love Saturdays. It's one day a week that I can just sleep. I ended up waking at around 11:00am, when West knocked at my door, telling me that it was time to clean.

Because that's exactly how I want to spend my weekends. Yeah, so I cleaned the bathrooms and dusted, and then tidied the kitchen. Ugh, that should be West's job, he's such a housewife. He and Kiku, they're neat freaks. I like Feliciano, coz he couldn't care less if he made a mess or not.

So when I finished cleaning, I practiced my violin more, this time with Ave Maria, by Caccini. It sort of made me sleepy, so I made it a point to next practice my guitar, with some Rammstein, bitches. So after I blasted the sleep out of me, and probably the hearing outta West, I decided for a little more mood whiplash, and decided to practic playing piano. I decided I would learn the accompaniment for Devil's Trill, because it sounded cool when Roderich played it, and if I were ever to record it, I would first want Roderich to play it, though I doubt he would, so it'd be better if I knew it as well. It isn't too hard, not if you learn the different parts of each hand seperately. I'll need to keep working on it though.

By the time I'm done jamming, it's around 3:00pm, and I feel like going out. So I decide to call up the Bad Touch Trio, and --take names and kick ass-- hang out at the mall. So I call up Francis, and ask him if he has plans. And dammit, he does. He apparently has a date with this girl Michele, who I admit, is hot. She's from some island off the coast of Africa, and she's got this whole 'wild beauty savage girl' thing going on. In other words, she's cute, and clueless. And apparently, Francis knew her from when they were kids, because his family knows hers, and they went to visit her in --wherever-the-fuck-- Seychelles. So that leaves Francis out. The priss probably has to go get his nails done. I'm not even kidding (oh how I wish I were...).

Next, I call Tonio. And lo and behold- He has a fucking date too. Apparently, that bitch Romano finally got around to asking him out after school, and they're going to see a movie or something stupid that I certainly do not care about.

So I decide I'm going to call Roderich. And would you believe this? He has plans too. He's going to the library with Elizabeta, for some Geography project that isn't even due for two weeks. Keener. I swear to Gott, between the two of them with Roderich to his teachers and Eli to Roddy, there's enough kiss-ups to explode a Hershey factory. (I don't fucking care if that analogy was lost.)

So with all options lost, I end up asking West if he wants to go to the mall with me, and he tells me he's busy, and that he has to go walk his lieblings (damn cute dogs...).

Who cares? I don't. I'm so awesome, I don't care about being alone. And I certainly don't care that Elizabeta is hanging out with Roddy. Because being alone rocks. All I need is my awesome self.

Have a nice fucking day,

Gilbert the Awesome

Post Script:

Time: 10:30pm

Screw that. Today sucked. I ended up just staying home and drawing. Damn people and their damn happy couple-ness. Damn.