What's up people! Imma back for another chapter of this story, this is the first chapter that I didn't originally write so Im trying to keep with the flavor. Tell me if this chapter sucks, wasn't necessary, or didn't sound the same, im trying to think like I did a few years ago when I wrote this, I personally feel I cant nail it… well enjoy!

In the throne room of Olympus.

"No! Im not going to have my daughter spending so my much time with your irresponsible son!"

"Oh please Athena, what is so wrong with MY son!"

" Well, for a start, he is irresponsible, unwise, acts without thinking…"

"For once I agree with you" Ares said.

"Oh your no better yourself Ares!"

"POSEIDON! ARES, ATHENA! ENOUGH!" Zeus roared, the entire throne room shook.

"Brother, please tell her that it is not our business what our children choose to do " Poseidon asked.

"Yes I am aware of that , but I have noticed that my daughter, annabeth has been coming into her cabin late recently, and im certain it is because of your son! "

"Of course you are" Dionysius muttered, getting a laugh from Ares.

"im sure Percy isn't involved."

"well then lets just see then shall we…"she waved her hand and a giant glowing ball formed in the middle of the throne room. Then a picture started to form, what looked like the forest at camp half blood, you could make out two people, in deep embrace, completely nude, and moaning loudly. Then, when it became apparent who these figures were, mouths started to drop open in shock. Athena started stammering random words, Poseidon looked relatively surprised, though he started smirking at Athena after a while. Aphrodite looked extremely happy, saying "finally, at last" And everyone else was watching Athena and Poseidon, waiting for them to say something.

After a few minutes of this, Athena slightly recovered from her shock, she said "look what your son has done to her"

"my son?" he said "look at your daughter, she's just as bad, if not worse, she's acting like a professional!"

"wow" Ares said "your kids are retards, you don't see my kids acting like that"

All of a sudden Clarisse walks up to them, naked. Ares looks up at the ceiling, suddenly not interested anymore. Silena is there to, but Aphrodite is just sitting there looking proud.

"oh don't be sad, your kid just doesn't have it" she said to a bored looking Hades.

"Ok this is enough!" Zeus said. "obviously your children are extremely irresponsible, they should follow my daughters lead, she never is acting like this! Then the sphere of light thing in the middle of the room changed and it showed thalia and nico in a major lip lock. Lightning flashed, hades was grinning.

"oh my kids have got it alright!" he said.

"ok, I think I've seen enough for one night" Apollo said

"I agree" said Hermes, as they walked out of the throne room.

Ok that's the end, doesn't really have anything to do with the story, but I wanted to update, I had kind of a writers block, so this just came out. Look forwards to a new chapter in a few days though. Bye! R&R below!