Entry #1-Sidelines:


I guess since this my first entry, I might as well tell you a little bit about me. My name is Sierra Sinclair and I positively hate my life. If anybody knew what I go through everyday they could see why. First off, my father is Poseidon, the God of the sea. I know your probably thinking, dang girl, you have it good, but then please let me inform you that you are wrong.

Very wrong.

Since I'm not the "chosen one" I have to live in his castle underwater all 365 days of the year while wearing the ugliest toga in all of the world. Nobody can know about me except for Father, Tyson my half brother, Chiron the camp counselor, and the maiden who comes and takes care of me like a three year old, so I'm cooped up in my bedroom 24/7.

Plus, my brother who has no idea that I exist gets all the glory. Sure, it could have been me, but no, it couldn't have been anybody else but him. It makes me almost sick to my stomach.

You're probably wondering how I pass time if I'm stuck in one room for, like, my entire life. Well, I do have an I-pod. Of course, I have to put an air bubble around all electronics or they won't work. Heck, I have to put a permanent air bubble around my room in general. Usually, I listen to my Greenday songs, but I do have other kinds of songs too.

I draw too. My drawings are mostly of the ocean and the fish that swim by my tiny porthole window. My walls are covered in pictures, most of which I drew. The rest are pictures of land above the sea and of Tyson and me.

Tyson is undoubtedly my best friend. I had known him ever since I was a baby and we could barely ever be separated. I miss him when he's gone even when he makes fun of my hair.

He never liked that I died my originally dark brown bangs blue and most definitely did not like the fact that I grew them out so it was covering, as he put it, one of my pretty green eyes.'

The other thing Tyson absolutely hated about me was my hatred toward Percy.

He would say, "Percy a good guy, Sierra. Why you hate him?"

Of course I really don't have an answer to that question. "I just do."

It's a weird feeling. Even though I've never met Percy, the thought of getting to know him annoys me to no end.

The only thing I hate more than Percy, is celebrating birthdays. It's always the same thing, Father wishes my a happy birthday, gives me a small present and then leaves, then Tyson calls me, because he has never been home for any of my birthdays and finally, I'm left alone for the rest of the day. The only thing that really happens on my birthday is I get one step closer in visiting Hades for good.

Guess what? Today happens to be my 14th birthday. It sucked the same as usual and the only present I got was this notebook. Father said that it would help me vent my feelings onto a sheet of paper instead of out loud to Tyson.

Well, Let's hope something exciting happens in the next year.

See ya,

Sierra Sinclair

A/N: YAYA I got my first story request! Thank you HalfBloodLover! If anybody has a story request for me (preferably one shots) send a message! REVIEW THIS STORY IF YOU WANT TO MAKE ONE OR JUST IN GENERAL!