Sonic Cross Prologue

"Your Mission"

Sonic was running through an open field at Super Speed. He was whipping around at mind-bending speed. He then came to a couple of rock formations. Using his acrobatic skills he kicked off the sides of the rocks. While in the air he twirled in a circle then landed on the ground then kept running. He jumped out of the rock formations. He stalled in the air looking around with eyes then zoomed off again. "That chaos emerald must be around here somewhere," Sonic thought. Sonic was on an emerald hunt since he just foiled another one of Eggmans schemes using all the chaos emeralds making them scatter all over again. Sonic didn't want to be without at least one emerald since he started coming into using more of his chaos powers. He felt it made things a bit too easy but sometimes it was quite a lifesaver.

"Over here," came a voice. Sonic immediately came to a full stop.

"Huh, whose there?" Sonic asked. There was no answer. Sonic decided to slowly look around. "Hello,"

"Down here," came the voice. Sonic looked down at a blue chaos emerald. Sonic bent down and picked it up.

"Weird," Sonic said.

"Your one to talk," said the voice again. Sonic looked around trying to find the source of the voice.

"Come on Sonic use your ears not your eyes," said the voice again.

"Who are you and where are you?" Sonic asked.

"Come on Sonic I know you have skill so you should be able to find the source of my voice," said the voice again. The voice was deep and echoed in the air. Sonic could tell who ever it was, was very powerful. Sonic stopped looking around him and started to look in front of him. "You're starting to get on the right track," the voice commented.

"Why don't you just come out?" Sonic asked starting to walk forward.

"Ah I see that you're hearing the voice from in front of you and your trying to track me, to bad you don't realize I'm right under your nose," the voice said. Sonic then looked at the chaos emerald in his hand.

"Your in the chaos emerald?" Sonic questioned.

"No I'm not in the emerald I'm using the emerald to communicate with you," the voice said.

Suddenly the emerald gave off a blinding light making Sonic cover his eyes. Sonic eyes were closed while the light started to get weaker and weaker. Sonic then finally dropped his hands, as he was now able to see again. He saw that it looked like he was in space, except he was bigger than the planets. He came to realize that these are simply just bobbles. Sonic looked around the strange world in was in.

"Welcome Sonic…" Sonic turned. "To the Spark Realm," said a hedgehog sitting on a throne.

He looked at the strange hedgehog. The hedgehog had four quills standing up on both sides of his head, his fur was totally white, he had on a black cape attached to pads on his shoulders, his eyes were an emerald green like his, on his hands he had gold gloves with a gold wrist bands, he had on some gold boots with a white line going up on the side, and he had a little white mustache. (Like Uncle Chucks).

"Ya know it would be more helpful if you had one of those name tags that said "Hello my name is…" just to help break the ice," Sonic said.

"Hmph like that would stop you from talking,"

"Why do you sound like you know me?" Sonic asked.

"Because I have been watching you Sonic,"

"Aw that's so sweet and stalkery," Sonic said.

The hedgehog chuckled. "Well good to see you still have a sense of humor,"

"Well ya know, but jokes aside who are you and why am I here?" asked Sonic.

"Of course my name is King Solar," he said.

"King Solar? What are you King of?" Sonic asked.

"Allow me to explain," he started. "You see Sonic I have been watching you fight countless battles defend the innocent and bringing out the good in others. I have admired your courage and heroism for a while but quite frantically I'm still a little unsure," said King Solar. "Unsure with what?" Sonic asked. "You see Sonic my job is to protect the worlds from falling apart or going crazy or keeping balance," King Solar explained.

"Oh I see but how come you're a hedgehog?" Sonic asked.

"Because I have a very powerful connection with your world more than any other,"

"So you protect the worlds and make sure everything stays straight," Sonic surmised.

"Correct," King Solar said.

"So why am I here?" Sonic asked truthfully what he really wanted to know.

"Well since I know that's what you really want to know I will tell you. You see Sonic I have been keeping perfect balance for many years and I have grown quite weary. It was when I went to the smash world to stop Tabuu from claiming ultimate power did I meet you," King Solar said.

"You were there too?" Sonic asked surprised.

He nodded. "You see Tabuu could have been a real threat so I had to stop him, but when I got there I saw another hedgehog who had already had him under control," King Solar smiled. Sonic eyes widened with surprised.

"Yep that's how you caught my attention Sonic so I had decided to research you a little bit and boy I must say I am quite impressed," he said.

"So if I'm hearing you right you want me to take your job," Sonic said. King Solar nodded.

"You can't be serious," Sonic said. He just smiled and nodded."Wow you want me to become King of the universe too cool!"

"Hold on now Sonic there is still something else,"

Sonic calmed himself.

"You see I must test you to see if you can qualify for this position," King Solar finished.

"But I thought you said you were giving me your job," Sonic complained.

"Sonic you have the credentials to apply for the job it's totally depends on your own abilities if you can actually have it," He said.

"Great so what do I have to do?" Sonic asked.

"You will become my apprentice, you will follow all my orders and take on all disturbances in the worlds you will have everything you will need. When I send you I will equip you with the proper tools so that you can fight on even grounds with anybody in that world. You will also have access to every power you've ever had. And finally I want you to keep that chaos emerald with you at all times so that I may summon you, and communicate with you, and also don't lose it for if you do and your on a mission then you could very well be trapped there understand," said King Solar finally done explaining.

Sonic nods to the agreement. Then King Solar snapped his fingers and a bright light blinded Sonic. Sonic's vision was then clear again then he found himself back at the fields.

"Well looks like this might just be the adventure I was hoping for," Sonic said excited with a smile