I do not own anything.


Dear Tsunda-shishou,

I really appreciate your guidance for these past two years, but I think it's time to learn more things about the world…. I'll continue my training and even become stronger to protect the ones precious to me.

I want to find myself again, that's why I can't stay in Konoha. I've to open my eyes again, to see what lies before me.

I want a change … I know my responsibilities as a Konoha shinobi … but I also know that you'll understand me.

You taught me your knowledge, from medical ninjutsu to super inhuman strength, you made me strong, worth to be a Konoha kunoichi. I just wanted to say that over these years you've become like a second mother since my parents death…

That's why, Thanks for Everything and stay safe.

Yours Sakura

P.s.: I'm sorry for the extra paperwork. Tell Naruto, Kakashi, Sai and everyone else that I'm sorry for not saying good-bye, but I'm going without any regrets. I'm not sure when I'll be coming back. Tell Naruto not to search for me.

I'll remain loyal to Konoha. Always.


Sakura left the sealed scroll, that only Tsunade could open, on the kitchen table of a now very silent house. Once there was always some kind of action … she missed her mother's cooking …. No.

She couldn't start her new life with old memories. She has to pull herself together!

With new found determination sparkling in her emerald orbs, she made her way out of the old, empty Haruno compound. It was a warm summer night. The moon brightened the night in it's full glory.

The pink haired kunoichi made her way through the village. Every now and then she would lose herself in happy and sad memories, like the training grounds where Tsunade had made her live a living hell… 'Oh this, I'll definitely never forget.' She thought with a shudder and a low chuckle. But it was also there, where she firstly split the ground with her own fist. It was a great and terrifying feeling at the same time…

The great gates of Konoha came into view.

After she went out of the village hidden in the leaves and she turned around once again. For a while she just looked at the majestic gate; took every detail in.

"Well, it seems like we're not seeing us for a while… The next time I'll go through this gate, I'm definitely going to be stronger, to free Naruto and myself from the past. It's a promise."

She said and grinned from one ear to another in a Naruto-like manner. "This definitely isn't the last time you'll see us!"Inner Sakura agreed.

She turns around and dashes full speed ahead into her new adventure without shedding a single tear.


~ Next Day ~

It was a nice summer day in Konoha, the birds chirped, civilians running errands or work, children playing on the street and their happy laughter could be heard through the open windows of the hokage tower.

Suddenly a loud 'SHE DID WHAT?' and a 'BANG' sound could be heard from Tsuande's office and caused a few people to pause and look up to the tower.

Meanwhile, in Tsunade's office laid a knocked-out Naruto with a huge bump and the rest of the remaining Team 7 stood by the door.

"Is that all she has left?" asked a silver haired Jonin with a little saddened expression. And even Sai looked sad, well, as much as he could with his emotionless mask. Though, you have to say Team 7 did a good job with this emotionless kid from ANBU root. If you look back to their first meeting you can fairly say that he made a huge progress.

"Yes," said the Hokage while frowning, "you are dismissed."


"Out, NOW!" she barked and banged her fists on her desk (custom-made for her angry/violent outbreaks, any normal desk would have been a total loss by now). She huffed, as the remaining Team 7 made their way out of her office, and leaned back in her comfortable armchair with a deep-drawn sigh. Memories overwhelmed her.

'Well, it seems like the day, she came back from the confrontation with that cursed Uchiha-brat, something has changed.'

Just a week has gone by since their encounter. The sparkling in Naruto's and Sakura's eyes seemed to have dulled since then.

'If this journey could bring the old Sakura back…or a completely new Sakura, so be it .I think it will do her good to learn new things and cultures and I'm excited to see how she change.' At the last thought a small grin played around her lips.

"Well, we will see…."

Just as she finished the sentence her eyes began to widen as a realization struck her. SHE had to deal with the paperwork AND these stuck up and uptight elders. Her eyebrows began to twitch and she lowered her head so that the features of her face were shadowed while a dark aura surrounded her entry body.



Somewhere at the border of the fire country, Sakura sneezed. Let the journey begin…


My first fanfic. Help is welcomed. Sorry for my grammar…

Now I need ideas :

I have most of the time just basics for a story … the rest just comes I think… xD

What skills should she posses? Nothing absurd please,… And what should she look like xD

I'm no good in inventing interesting missions, need help for various flashbacks at times. Some interesting things she saw or did…

But a few important things :

Sakura centered fic, she, naruto and sai where 15 they met sasuke again, he tried to kill sakura, that why she DIFINITLY isn't in love with sasuke!

Well maybe he could see what he lost *very dark chuckle*

Just to make it clear it dosen't has to be always a romantic relationship or sth.

I'm very grateful for every idea I get :D see you and review please