Lucy sighed when the front door closed behind her. Her best friends were married. Her biggest case had come to a close.
`What will I do for entertainment now?' she pouted.
`I can think of another couple that could use your matchmaking skills, Luce,' D chuckled.
`I doubt they are going to need any help, my dear,' Donna replied, inclining her head toward the street.
Tara was leaning against Bobby's car, while he stooped to whisper something in her ear. Lucy had no idea what he said, but Tara beamed back at him.
`Lucy, dear,' Donna regained her attention, `perhaps it's time that you do a little matchmaking for yourself instead.'
`As far as matchmaking for Bobby and Tara goes, I'd be happy to give you a ride home, Luce,' Myles offered.
She glanced back at the couple by the car before nodding her agreement. It would be best to leave the two of them alone, for now.
`You guys!' she called over her shoulder. `You go ahead without me. I'm gonna catch a ride with Myles.'
Lucy didn't even look back to see their reaction. She took the arm the blond agent offered her and allowed him to escort her to his car.
She didn't notice Donna nudging her husband and whispering, `Now that's what I'm talking about.'
When Myles drove out of the street, Lucy glanced at him. He had changed over the years. Since Sue joined their team, he had become less self-absorbed, friendlier, even caring. Should she give him a second chance? Would he want one? Could she continue to hide the feelings she still had for him? She thought about her best friend. Sue had taken a chance on love, though it took her three years to do it, and she had found her place in life, a home with Jack. Deep down Lucy knew what she wanted.

Author's note: Thank you all for reading and reviewing my story. I hope you've had as much fun reading it as I had writing it. I'm sorry if this story is too short for your liking. I've just started on something longer, a lot longer. It will take a lot of time though, time that I don't really have at the moment, so you're going to have to be very patient.