Disclaimer: Yeah serectly I'm a undercover CHERUB agent and oh did I mention I know Hannah Montana. Yeah right.

Chapter Two: The Newly Discovered CHERUB Agent

James Adams was a CHERUB Agent? That explains so much except for his lack of skill in our sparring match. But on the other hand, it explains why he knows about CHERUB. But why was he here? Was he on some mission and I was suppose to help him out? If so, why hadn't I been contacted? Wait, I had been…in a way, not really just briefly. But then again I just came back from my last mission so….So many thoughts raced around my brain, rebutting each other. I felt like the inside of my head was a debating team.

Suddenly I heard a voice from behind me.

"OY! What do you think you're doing in my locker?" I didn't need to turn around to recognise that British accent but I did anyway and came face to face with none other than James Adams.

"What do you think you're doing?" He thundered again.

"Uh…" I said.

Usually I could think of an excuse but this time I came up blank.

James stepped closer and noticed what was in my hands: it was his Black CHERUB T-shirt. I could see him start to sweat. I could see his clogs in his brain turning to see if he could think of a good excuse. I actually thought it was quite funny to see this scene to begin to unfold. But I knew eventually I would have to tell him the truth.

"Ah, I see you've found my Summer Camp T-Shirt." He said nervously. "I keep it just in case I forget my PE gear."

"Aha," I said playing along with it. It took every fibre in my being to stop myself from laughing. "So is this camp back home in England?"

"Y-yes." He stammered.

At least there was some truth in that.

"You don't sound so sure." I said trying to sound serious.

"I-I'm sure." He said sounding a little more confident.

"Cut the crap right now." I said suddenly.

I knew at some point I would have to tell him. Sooner or later as my Dad always told me.

"Wh-what?" James said sounding generally surprised.

"I know you're a secret undercover CHERUB agent from England." It was all coming back to me now. I knew I recognised James and now I know. I was one of the agents who had helped him train for CHERUB. How could I have forgotten?

"That's ridiculous! There's no such thing!" He lied.

"Oh shut up, there is and you know it." I said smiling, I was enjoying my fun.

"No there isn't!" James protested.

"Yes there is!" I protested back.

"NO!" James practically yelled back.

"YES!" I equally yelled back.



"HOW DO YOU KNOW?" James shouted.

"BECAUSE I'M A CHERUB AGENT TOO!" I shouted without thinking.

Immediately the reaction took place. I clamped my hand over my mouth because I said it too early and James relaxed and his smiled mischievously.

"So, you're one too huh? Guess you've heard of me." He said smugly.

"Yeah," I said and he grinned. "As an idiot who can't fight and just gets lucky on missions."

He looked disappointed.
"Sorry, Kerry told me." I shrugged.

It was all coming back now. Kerry and I had always remained good friends. Even though we were continents apart, we still kept in touch. Kerry had often told me all these stories about James. I had only met the guy a few times, he seemed alright maybe a bit of an ego manic (kinda like Jake) and I was pretty sure all the stories Kerry had told me were from the fact that they were exes. But now I see what she meant about the fighting. She was right, James can't.

"So Miss I Think I'm A Great CHERUB Agent, what rank are you? Grey? Blue?" James said thinking that he was mister big shot.
"Actually white." I said quietly.

I was 17, enjoying my second to last year of school. The rules of CHERUB were at the age of 17, you were done with CHERUB. I had all ready been accepted into Harvard, Yale, Oxford, Cambridge and heaps of other great universities but I had decided to go back home and finish of a couple of years of school. Upon returning, I met up with my old childhood friend: Oliver and my newest friend, who I had hit off with before going, Miley. I was glad I had made that decision.

So therefore my CHERUB days were over for me. My CHERUB days had ended quite a bit ago. I was sent back to the home to see if there were any potential students available for CHERUB training. Sadly there wasn't. I was always welcome on campus and I was still contacted if they had a small job for me which require an older person. I had done a few jobs since leaving CHERUB.

James looked a little sad.

"An ex-agent huh?" He said and I nodded. "So what were you before you left?" He asked putting his hands in his pockets. "Navy? Grey?"

"Black, like you." I said chucking his CHERUB back at him.

"Nice." He grinned.

We paused for a minute allowing the information to sink in.

"Wait," James said thinking. "I was supposed to buddy up with another CHERUB agent here. Is there any others? Besides you?"

I shook my head.

"I was informed briefly that I had to help out a CHERUB agent on a mission but that was it. Guess you're it!"

James shook his head and laughed a bit.
"What?" I asked looking confused.

"It's just I was told I was working with the great Lilly Truscott not you." He said, sounding disappointed. It was now my turn to laugh.

"Yeah that's me." I laughed.

James looked amazed.

"You mean it was you who succeeded in missions no other CHERUB agent could?" He asked simply amazed.


"It was you who was the youngest person ever to get a black shirt after two incredible missions in France and Italy?"


"It was you who brought down half the mafia and some of the biggest crime bosses in England, Italy, USA and China?"

"Yep!" I said again.

"It was you who brought down the Our Destiny and World Church who was corrupting teens to their word by brainwashing them and stealing money from donations to increase production in crime? And it was you who had brought down Extremist Nazis Comrades Group (ENCG) in Northern Germany? And-"

"James, I'm gonna save you a lot of time. All me!" I said pointing to myself.

James looked like he was in the present of a God. But the again I was called the Cherub God back at CHERUB. It was pretty neat to be known as one of the best CHERUB agents that had ever passed through campus.

We began walking down the locker room; James was still thinking about everything. So was I in fact. James, the new kid, was a CHERUB agent? Whoa, did not expect that. We turned a corner and then I heard something: people talking. I pulled James aside and he hit the wall with a small thud.

"Ow." He complained.

"Shut up! Listen!" I whispered pointing to the green door next to us.

We crept closer and bent our heads closer to listen.

"So tonight? At Pier No. 4?" The speaker was male. I reckon he was about our age (around 17-18). There was a pause as the other person on the other line said something. I could hear the faint voice of it. It sounded like 'Yes, make no mistakes.' Luckily for me years of training at CHERUB have increased my senses. The boy continued.

"Yes Mum, don't worry. Nobody else knows."

"What is he talking about?" James mouthed but I shook my head and put a finger to my mouth and then to the door to shut him up.

I heard the response just this time.

"Good, see you tonight."

I heard the click of the phone and I gestured to James to hide. We quickly tip-toed down the corridor and round the corner, out of sight. We heard the door open and I saw the boy who had been speaking. I recognised him as a boy in my French class. It was Curtis Oxford. I heard little alarms go off in my head as I do every time I hear his last name, but why? Why does it sound so familiar? This was going to bug me for ages again. Last time it took me like a week before I gave up.

Andrew looked around and then headed in the opposite direction from us. I let out a breath of relief but before I could do anything James accidently stepped on a loose tile and it let out a small creak.

Andrew whipped around, looking for the culprit. I held my breath. Wondering what was going to happen. James and I stood frozen like statures, waiting, listening, and watching. Finally Andrew must have decided something else made the noise and continued on. I let out a sigh of relief and I heard Andrews' footsteps fade away.

"Phew!" James said wiping his forehead.

"Next time," I hissed at him. "Be. More. Careful!"

"Sorry!" James whispered. He looked around. "Now what?"

"Well we have to get to the pier. Did you see how nervous and serious he looked? Obviously he and his Mum are stirring up trouble."

"But how do we approach this?" James asked. "We have NO information and why are you so sure that we need to do this?"

"Okay first question: we meet him there and do a stakeout, two: yes we do and three: I don't know why but something is telling me to go ahead with this. I think it may be the start of something. Maybe the mission you were sent to do."

"CHERUB did say to look out for suspicious activity."

"But how do we know what to do? What info do we have?"

"We have the approx time, date and place." I smiled.

James smiled back. "Perfect." He said.

A/N: Sorry it's been a bit. I had actually written this a while ago but I couldn't remember some CHERUB facts so I had to ask my friend about it. Hope this chappie is worth the wait =)