Title: Red
Main Characters: Fred, George, Oliver, Harry(sort of)
Pairings: Oliver/Katie, if you squint
Quote: "We never forgive those who make us blush." --Jean-Francois De La Harpe


"Oi! Oliver! What's that?"

Oliver looked at the spot of ground that Fred Weasley was pointing to, where something dark red and lacy lay at his feet.

"It fell out of your locker," Harry said, pulling a shirt on over his head. Oliver picked it up, holding it up to the light.

"It's…it's a bra…" Oliver trailed off, suddenly very aware of Fred and George's presence. His cheeks heated up as they swooped in, evil grins on their faces.

"Oh, is it now?" Fred grabbed the garment from Oliver's hand, studying it carefully.

"Is it yours, Ollie, dear?" George asked, doing a perfect imitation of his mother. Harry laughed quietly, tying his shoelaces.

"Of course not! I don't have any idea how that got into my locker!" He said, face flushing.

"He's right, it's too seductive for Oliver. He probably prefers sports bras," Fred leaned in, mock whispering. "You know, for the extra support."

Harry and the twins burst out laughing, while Oliver steadily grew angrier. "Shut it! It's not mine! I don't know who's it is or how it got in my locker, okay?!"

The boys sniggered, and George took the bra from his brother, examining it closely.

"Can't remember that night, eh, Wood? Too much firewhisky?" Fred nudged the older boy in ribs, grinning. "Was she pretty, at least? Or is that night too much of a blur for you?"

Oliver scowled, shoving the ginger demon away. "Stop making things up, Weasley. There was no girl."

George let out a yelp of a laugh, then fell against the lockers, cracking up. "I don't think Katie would appreciate the fact that you obviously don't consider her a girl, then."

Harry guffawed, looking over George's shoulder. "You can't be serious! Katie Bell? Ha!"

Fred slapped Oliver on the back. "Nice catch, Oh, Captain of mine! Bit young, though, don't you think?"

Oliver's eyes bugged as he snatched the lacy undergarment from George's hand, searching for the tag desperately. And sure enough, there on the little white tag, was written: K. BELL.

"Oh, my…" Oliver's face turned as red as the bra in his hands, which he quickly dropped to the ground. "I swear, there is nothing going on between me and Katie. And we certainly never…I mean, not that she's not pretty or anything…I mean, no, I would never consider…she's one of my chasers! I couldn't! No! Never!"

The three boys fell to the ground in a laughing fir as Oliver ran from the locker room, shirtless and dripping wet from his shower. From their position in the doorway of the girls locker room, Angelina, Alicia, and Katie all laughed hysterically at the sight of their captain running around like a maniac.

"Remind me to give Harry a huge kiss later for planting the bra in Wood's locker for us," Alicia said, wiping a tear from her eye.

Angelina nodded, still heaving with laughter. "No one would ever suspect Harry to be so devious. Bless that boy."

Katie smiled, admiring the sight of a shirtless Oliver Wood. "I'm glad that bra my cousin gave me finally had a use. It's been sitting at the bottom of my trunk for months now."

Finally, Oliver seemed to collapse in the middle of the field, obviously scarred for life. Katie chuckled, then went to fetch him. Angelina cracked her knuckles, grinning widely.

"That'll teach him to have five a.m. practices on a Saturday."

Short, but sweet(?). Review pleeease!!!