I woke up late one sunny day
And mom was in a rage
If she had been an animal
We'd have put her in a cage.

"You lazy boy!"
She began to yell
"Go get a job!"
She rang like a bell.

She kicked me out
Without any cash
So I had to go rooting
Through my secret stash.

All my life savings
I had hid in a pile
It was about enough
To buy a floor tile.

I knew this was coming
I'm always in trouble.
But it went rather quickly
Like a pin on a bubble.

I head for the port
And hope for a ride
With some charitable person
Who can see from my side.

The guards turn me away;
The plane is reserved.
For some corporate bum
It doesn't deserve.

What kind of place
Has Yorkland become
When one of its own
Is treated like scum!

Then that corporate bum
Who was mentioned before
Saw the disturbance
And came out the door.

"We'll bring him along,"
He said with some flair.
"Give him a seat
Right next to my chair."
So I get on the plane
It takes off with a blast
Someone hit the wall;
He'll need a cast.

"My name is Mondo,"
He said without yelling
"I'm also from Yorkland
I owned my own dwelling."

It was nice to meet someone
From my hometown
With a high-paying job
And no money down!

The trip wasn't long
It was really quite short
And in a short time
We had reached port.

"Thanks for the ride!"
I said with a bow
"But now comes the time
To get me some chow!"

I'd arrived in Manhattan
Where I'd meant not to go.
Wonder if the food here
Is worth my good dough?

I search through the town
For someplace to eat
"The Deep-Fried Banana"
That sounds like a treat!

I wander inside
And see a blonde cop.
With the way he looks
I'd call him a fop.

I approach the man
For no reason at all
And talk about my trip
With elaborate gall.

I mention the name Mondo
And get a reaction
I think this guy
Wants some sort of action!
Apparently Mondo
Is not what he seems
He's a criminal mastermind
Right down to the seams.

"But he seemed so nice!"
I plead for the character
Of the mysterious man
Who offered me charter.

"Well he deceived you quite well,"
The cop replies with a howl.
"He's a no-do-gooder!"
And he leaves in a growl.

Now what to do?
I'm as lost as a kite.
And it also seems
That I've lost my appetite.

I go to the port
To head someplace new.
Koorong is popular
It has a nice view.

I arrive in the city
Of bright neon lights
It's filled with wondrous
And mysterious sights.

But it's not to my taste
Too flashy and bright.
So I hop ship for Owmi
On a transregional flight.

I arrive in just minutes
Happened in a flash
And best thing of all
It cost me no cash!

Owmi is peaceful
A nice place to stroll
But not what I'm seeking
I find it too droll.

But my appetite has returned
So I head for a meal
In the lively downtown
Looking for a deal.
I walk in a building
And look for a table
When I see a green lady
Who's eating a bagel.

"I like the food here,"
She says jovially.
"They don't use crap here
Like bitter MSG."

I mention the name Mondo
She lets out a chuckle
It threatens to break
Her golden belt buckle.

She talks of my dad
And what happened to him
Apparently Mondo
Had the nerve to kill him!

All of these years
I'd wondered what happened
And now that I know
I'm feeling quite maddened!

And apparently Trinity
Is not what it appears
It's rotten right down
To it's old rusty gears.

All of this info
Is confusing to me
I don't know what to think
So we'll just wait and see!

Unsure of my actions
Not sure what to do
Joining these thieves
Seems the right thing, that's true!

So I join up with Hamilton
And her band of thieves
To do away with Mondo
And the plans he conceives.

We approach his huge base
Hiding in a blind spot
Hoping to get close
And fire off a shot.
We fire the main cannons
And breach the defenses
Then we rush right inside
Before they regain their senses.

The interior building
Has quite bad decorum
Metal and steel platforms
Is what does it for'em!

We rush through the base
Hitting switches to progress
The platforms move downward
They refuse to regress.

Then we reach the conclusion
Of this escapade
And face down with Mondo
To end this charade.

Riding in a mec
With unbelievable force
Of all of this trouble
He was the true source!

Riding in Spriggans
His power is large
But we must prevail
Or he'll stay at large!

But how the story ends
I leave up to you
I had some fun
I hope you did too.