Spy Guy: Sorry this took so long. XD I did it though.
Chapter 5: Of Leaps and Mareeps.
"There's a collection of islands, west of Sinnoh." Toris explained, sitting up straight in the uncomfortable chair. He pulled the map closer, taking the pen and circling the area. There were three small islands, the two largest resting beside each other.
"Why do you suppose Alfred is so interested in them?" Ivan asked idly, drawing patterns on the tabletop with his finger.
"They're mostly unexplored." Toris continued, taking a deep breath. "This one here," He said, indicating the smallest, "Is called Iron Island. There's an abandoned mine there, and now it's a place where trainers go to challenge themselves."
"And the others?"
Toris harshly swallowed the growing lump in his throat. Alfred had trusted him with the secrets of the other two isles, telling him of the legends Kiku had grudgingly shared. It was said that those two islands were home to legendary creatures, which, if disturbed, could be very volatile and dangerous. Ivan was a man that should not be allowed around volatile and dangerous things...as he was one himself.
"There's...I'm not sure." The man lied. "They really haven't been explored much. The locals don't go near them"
"Oh. I see." Ivan said with a smile...a smile that Lithuania knew all too well. Ivan knew that he was keeping something from him. Ivan always knew. If he didn't tell...
"It's said that there might be legendary pokemon there. I don't know which ones. But, they're supposed to be very powerful."
"Legendaries?" Russia grinned. "You know how I do love legendaries."
"You really shouldn't go after them, sir." Toris said. "They're not like articuno, or entei. These creatures-"
"I think that hunting them down is the best part," Russia continued, getting to his feet. "The thrill of the chase. The great battle that follows. This could be an adventure."
"Kiku has heard horrible stories-"
"There's one on each island, da?" The older man pressed on, wrenching the pen from his lackey's grip. "Two islands. Two legendaries. And the islands are so small. Not much of a hunt is it? No matter. I need to get to them before America does."
"Alfred's just going to explore-"
There was a sharp crack as the pen snapped in half in Ivan's hold, black ink staining his gloves.
"America does not go anywhere just to explore." He snarled. "Alfred always has to be the best, the greatest, like no one ever was. I'm tired of letting him get the better of me."
There were a few beats of silence before Ivan chuckled, throwing the pen away, all traces of anger wiped from his face.
"I will need a boat." He said, clapping his ink-stained hands together. "And someone who can pilot it. Toris, can you?"
"You said that you'd let me go-"
"Silly Lithuania. Once I'm done exploring the islands, then you can go back. If I let you go now, you would only warn Alfred that I was coming...and we can't have that, da?"
"I guess not..."
And that was that.
Kiku checked his watch again. It was getting late. He stood on the pier, surrounded by his bags of luggage, dressed in what he supposed was proper seafaring gear: a large t-shirt, baggy shorts, flipflops and sunglasses. The sun was hot, and the sea calm.
Japan tried ringing Alfred's cellphone, only to once again hear his annoying rap song of an answering machine. The boat was due to leave soon, and there wouldn't be another for weeks.
"Last call, sir." The man taking tickets shouted over the hustle and bustle of the pier. Kiku sighed, running a hand absently through his hair.
"Can't you wait a few more moments? My friend will be here very soon."
There were wingulls flying in the air, making plaintive calls. Two were fighting over a forgotten cup of french fries along the pier. Kiku stared at them for a moment as he waited, trying not to think about how irresponsible his friend was. Sometimes, he wondered why he even bothered with the younger man. Alfred was brash, and headstrong; oblivious to the feelings of others. He was always running headfirst into things without thinking. Kiku felt obligated to take care of him, and make sure that he didn't get into trouble...because there had been a time when the tables had been reversed, and America had been taking care of him. While the younger man acted like a child, it was only because he was young...but he had a good heart.
Now, the wingulls were going after a poor tourist who had been walking along the water. They snatched the man's fries from his hands and quickly took off into the air, forcing the man to chase them to the edge of the dock.
The waterfront was nice.
Alfred was never late.
He was too awesome for that.
Washington's wings cut through the air, pumping powerfully as they careened toward the pier. The young man's hair whipped in the wind, and he had to hold onto his glasses with one gloved hand to make sure that they didn't blow away. Below, he could see a large cruise ship, and briefly pointed to it with his free hand, almost losing his balance in the process.
"Target sighted!" He cried.
Washington angled its trajectory, zeroing in on an empty part of the ship's deck. It was fast approaching, and the pidgeot extended its legs, preparing for landing.
"Steady...Steady." Alfred whispered, holding tight to the creature's feathers. The deck was flying closer, closer-
Washington spread his wings wider, catching the wind and breaking rapidly-
And then they were on the deck, surrounded by shocked people.
"No need to applaud." Alfred said, holding up one hand. He jumped off of Washington's back, and quickly returned it to its pokeball.
He had made it.
"Alfred! Alfred-san!" Kiku called, waving franticly from his spot on the pier.
"Kiku, my good man!" Alfred called, leaning over the ship's railing. "Why are you down there? The boat's going to be leaving soon!"
Kiku sighed, giving a frustrated facepalm.
"America, this is our boat!" He said, pointing to another cruise ship close by.
Alfred tilted his head like a puppy, and then turned to the security guard that was walking quickly in his direction.
"Where is this boat going?" The young man asked, giving the guard his winning smile.
The guard was not amused.
"Vermillion city." He said gruffly.
"Oh. I see."
On the pier, Japan was gathering up his bags and boarding the correct ship, finally handing the ticket-taker his ticket.
"That your friend over there?" The man asked.
"Yes." Kiku replied, watching as Alfred made a death-defying leap between the two boats. "I have his ticket right here."
As the man checked the pass, Japan saw Alfred pulling himself over the railing, landing gracefully on the deck (give or take a subtle stumble). People were circling around him, clapping madly, while the young man soaked it all in.
"How does he have all that energy?" The older man grumbled to himself as he clambered up the plank.
Raivis had always been afraid of Mareep.
He wasn't sure why. Maybe it was their soulless black eyes. Maybe it was the electric charge that always built up in their wool. But Raivis was pretty sure that it wasn't either of those things. People would always laugh at him when he told them the real reason.
Mareep had very very sharp teeth.
It was true. They really did. And for some reason, every Mareep he had met liked to chomp on him. It was incredibly ironic that Estonia kept a few with him at all times...and that caused Latvia endless stress. But, then again, everything caused him stress. He was always shaking (no matter how hard Ivan tried to "help" him to stop), and stuttered when he spoke. And, he was so short…much shorter than any of the others in the gang.
One of Eduard's mareep was watching him from the other side of the hideout, its glassy eyes unmoving. It was making Raivis very nervous...so nervous that was was barely listening to yet another of Estonia's lectures.
"Latvia, are you paying attention?"
"Oh!" The man cried, breaking eye contact with the demon sheep. "Yes. I was...you were talking about...ummm..."
"I was talking about what Ivan said about your pokemon." The other man said with a sigh. "You know he's told you to get new ones."
"I know..." Lativa whimpered, remembering their boss's own lecture from the night before.
"Why don't you use your Natu, Raivis?" Eduard asked, turning his eyes back to his laptop, one hand patting his loyal porygon, Tartu, who was resting quietly in his lap.
"It…it kind of scares me." The boy replied, reaching for the pokeball at his belt. He clutched it nervously in his hands, recalling the terrifying unmoving eyes of the natu he had unwittingly captured. How was he supposed to know that the bird had eyes that NEVER MOVED? It was one of the scariest things he had ever seen, right up there with Ivan, mareep, and an empty liquor cabinet.
Eduard pushed his glasses further up his nose, and let out a sigh.
"Ivan told you to get rid of that caterpie. It's never going to be strong enough."
"But…I like It…It might not be the-the strongest b-but—"
Tartu gave an electronic whine and nudged its master's hand impatiently.
"Alright." The man said, reaching for the power cord dangling from his laptop. "Don't be so impatient."
The porygon trilled happily, letting its master plug it in so he could recharge. Eduard sighed once again, continuing to pat the creature on the head. Only he was capable of finding the only pokemon that needed to be recharged, like a cellphone or camera. He loved technology…but when it came to technologically engineered pokemon…the field seemed a little unnecessary.
"What about that Ralts you caught?"
"It…Riga…has a-a bad habit of…disappearing."
"Latvia! You need to start working with it, or Ivan isn't going to be happy."
The younger man cowered in fear.
"I-I know." He quaked. "I'm just not good at this!"
It was then that they both heard the click of a lock...and the door opened.