Oh MAN! Ok so I re-read the chapter "Tattoos" and I am so disappointed in myself. Half those tattoos don't even make sense :/ I apologize guys. Should I re-write the chapter and make them more earthy tattoos or just leave them as is? Send me a message and tell me please(: Also, I read "Angel". It was awesome! :D I have a pretty good feeling where my story is going to go. Its going to have some of the same events that happened in "Angel" but of course the plot will be different because I have an OC in the story :P

Anyways I'll just stop talking so you could read this chapter(^_^ )

All day we flew in the sky. Sure we stopped here and there but over all we flew the entire way over to New York.

We landed behind a building. It was probably around 7:45pm.

"Alright, where was the last time you saw Fang?" Max asked.

"Why are we even looking for him?" Dylan asked. "There's no use. The guy left." He said crossing his arms. Max looked hurt and then furious.

"You have no say in this!" She said angrily.

"I'm part of this flock too," Dylan said.

"You're not part of MY flock." Max said. You could see the hurt in Dylan's eyes. Max calmed down and sighed. She obviously knew that she hurt him…and she actually felt bad! Which is weird because she usually hates him.

"Um, underground where the subway is. That's where I saw Fang last" I said, "I think I still remember where it was." I said.

Max looked at me and nodded while Dylan glared at me for even saying anything. We walked out from behind the building. It was beginning to get cold. I looked around at the streets.

"Oh my gosh!" Nudge squealed. I jumped, what if erasers or something had followed me here?

"What?" Max and I said frantically and turned toward her.

"Look at this dress!" She said as she pressed herself close against the glass where the dress was.

"A dress?" I said raising my eyebrows. Hey at least it wasn't anything that wanted to kidnap me.

"Nudge lets just focus on finding Fang for now." Max said. She sighed and slumped over a bit. She looked really tired.

"Are you alright?" Gazzy asked.

"Yeah, just tired." Max replied.

"How much sleep did you get last night?" Iggy asked. Max was quiet.

"Not much, maybe half an hour." Max said. It surprised me how she was able to keep up for so long.

"I guess I was just thinking about Fang." Max shrugged.

"Well let's find the underground spot where I last saw Fang. We can stay the night there." I said. Everyone nodded and we set off to the subway.

We walked down the stairs that led to several tunnels. I looked at the signs on the wall. I remember him taking me to the tunnel that was closet to a graffiti name that said, "Hope". I walked along the tunnel.

"Everyone look for the word 'Hope'." I said. As we walked down the tunnel everyone was looking around. There was graffiti everywhere.

"Hey! I think I found it!" Gazzy said pointing to a wall. I ran up to him and sure enough it was the word 'hope'.

There were stairs right next to the graffiti wall. We walked down them and into the abandoned area. This area was roped off and the subway didn't run this way. I led everyone onto the tracks.

I took Iggy's hand and helped him down. He quickly let go of my hand. I walked back to the front trying not to show how frustrated I was with him.

"We aren't going to get run over right?" Gazzy asked.

"No, we aren't." I said still walking. "Everyone watch-" was all I could say until I heard someone fall. "Your step." I said turning around seeing that it was Iggy.

"Thanks for the warning." He said sarcastically. Dylan helped him up. I rolled my eyes and turned back around. I kept walking and then we saw a light.

"This looks familiar." Max said. We kept walking and the light kept getting bigger. It was just like before when Fang and I first met. The glowing light was a small fire that two people were gathered around.

I looked up at the platform that we slept on and it was open. I smiled, the thought of sleep sounded so amazing! It must sound like heaven to Max since she hadn't have gotten any sleep the night before.

"I remember this platform." Nudge said as we all got onto it. Iggy sat down against the wall. I walked next to him and sat down near him.

"Can we talk?" I said.

"The rest of the flock can hear us." He said quietly to me.

"Well can we leave the flock for a few seconds, then?" I really needed to talk to him. Not just about us but about Fang to.

"I'm kind of tired." He said turning away from me.

"Fine." I said quietly. At this point I was fed up! I didn't know what to do. Fang told me not to say anything but I couldn't resist. This team…this flock needed to know what was going on.

I walked over to Max who was on the other side of the platform. I walked over to her and sat down next to her. She was looking at the people walking around in the area. Everyone in the flock seemed to have nodded off.

"Why aren't you asleep?" I asked Max.

"I can't but I've been thinking. Maybe I shouldn't try to find Fang." Max said. "It's a bad idea."

"Yeah, I kind of think it is to…" I admitted.

"Well then why would you go along with the idea of finding him?" She asked looking at me.

"I like someone in this flock…if you found Fang maybe…" I trialed off hoping she would understand.

"You could still be with Iggy if you wanted." Max said.

"Its not up to me and what would happen to you?" I asked

"I wouldn't end up with Dylan, if that's what you're thinking!" Max crossed her arms.

"What's so bad about him? I think maybe…" I hesitated because I really didn't want Max to knock my teeth out. "You should move on."

Max looked at me like I had just told her something she already knew. I just shrugged back at her. I think now was the time I should tell her Fangs plan.

"Fang had a plan." I said," he's going to create a new team." I said slowly.

"What?" She said loudly. Her voice echoed threw out the area. Everyone looked at Max and I. Surprisingly the flock stayed asleep…well except for Dylan and Iggy. They shot up and looked over at where the loud noise came from.

"What's going on?" Dylan asked walking over to us. Iggy followed close behind him.

"I can't believe him!" Max said angrily, "How could he do this to the flock?"

"How could who do what to us?" Iggy asked. Oh so now he wanted to listen.

"Fang. He's going to create a team of his own." I said. Iggy frowned and Dylan just sat there like he knew this was going to happen.

"Well, Fang decided it was best to leave. If he wanted to make a team of his own…I guess that makes sense." Iggy said trying to shrug the situation off. Max looked back at me.

"Anything else?" she asked.

"No. Well he did ask me if I wanted to join but I said no." I said.

"Well that was a good choice. Listen, tomorrow morning I guess we should just go back home." Max said sounding strong and sure of her decision. However, I don't think she's fully over Fang yet.

"Good idea!" Dylan smiled.

"Just go home? That's it?" Iggy asked disappointed.

"Well maybe we could go to my moms house. I mean I haven't talked to her or Ella in a few weeks." Max said.

"Now that sounds like a good idea!" Iggy nodded and smiled. I narrowed my eyes. Why was he so happy about that? Max looked at him weirdly.

"Well now I think we should all get some sleep!" Dylan said looking at me and Iggy. I could sense he wanted to talk to Max. I nodded but Iggy wasn't getting the hint since he was blind.

"Ig, can we talk now?" I asked. Well it wasn't much of a question since I helped him up and away from Max and Dylan.

This was a hard chapter to write because I've never been to New York and I've never been into a subway. My knowledge with New York and Subways are from movies and video games XD I really hope I didn't butcher this chapter too much D: Anyway, please comment(: