Heyy this is my new fanfic :)
Hope you like it! Soo R&R

Disclaimer: I do not own the Maximum Ride Series or any of the characters! I do own Ali though

I landed on the ground silently. Couldn't risk freaking the whole flock could I? Let me explain myself. I come from Dr. Gunther-Hagen. No, I'm not evil. My name? Alison. You can call me Ali for short. I'm designed to be Fangs perfect other half. After the Doctor saw how determined Max was to be with Fang he made me so Fang could mate with me and Max could mate with Dylan. Ew.

When I was let out of the doctor's insane asylum I was sent to find Fang. I had some clues from the scientists and I was on my way to find Fang. Well I found him. Not the friendliest of folks. I don't understand how I'm supposed to love him. I thought he was cute, sure but I didn't see him and I together…ever. Besides he mentioned a girl named Max. I tracked her down and now here I am, in front of the house about to bombard this whole flock.

Fang made me promise...swear I wouldn't tell Max where he was. Then he said it wouldn't matter anyway because he was leaving that place soon.

I didn't explain what I looked like yet. I have brown hair with side swept bangs. My hair has loose curls in it. I swear, I wished they made me with straight hair. I arrived wearing a big black bow in my hair on the side. I wore a cute vintage V-neck and light jeans and black vans. I might seem unapproachable because I am quiet but if I know you well enough I will be outgoing; heck I will even smile showing my teeth. Other than that you guys get closed mouth smiles. Also I have like 12 tattoos. Not scary ones by any means. They're all pretty cute. Haha.

I saw that the door was all the way up in the sky practically and sighed. Up, up, and away I guess. I thought flying up in the air. My wings were white with black tips. I flew up and landed in front of the door. I knocked on the door. I heard a ton of shuffling and whispers and then the door swooped open and there was a girl there in fighting position. She looked confused. Haha must be Max. Fang told me this would happen.

"Hello." I smiled; closed mouth.

"Um, how'd you get up here?" she asked crossing her arms.

"I teleported." I said dryly. Her eyes widened like she believed me. I laughed. "I flew up here."

"How should I believe you?" she said glaring at me. I unfolded my wings.

"Whoa." A small blond boy said from the corner. I smiled and waved at him. He smiled and waved back. The girl moved in front of my view. I pulled my wings back in.

"You must be Max." I said.

" How do you know that?" Max said.

"Fang told me."

After I said that she dragged me by my arm inside the house and shut the door. Ow. She has a death grip I swear…she must be one heck of a fighter. As she dragged me in I saw others come out of nowhere and come into the living room.

I saw the little blond boy sit on the couch and next to him was a little blond girl who was adorable. There was a guy leaning on a wall looking my way. He was kind of cute but I wasn't there to make a relationship. There was another girl standing next to the guy leaning on the wall with her hands on her hips.

After Max let me out of her death grip I looked at my arm. Yup, that's gunna be a bruise. I never understood why I bruised so easily.

"Who are you?" Max said.

"Call me Ali." I said as I crossed my arms. I don't think I'm welcomed here.

"How do you know Fang?"

"Well I'm supposed to be his perfect other half." I said. Her face turned from curiosity to anger.

"Did you come from Dr. Gunther-Hagen?" A boy asked walking out from the hall. Oh, this must be Dylan.

"Yeah." I said.

"OK. I'm finished here. I need you to get out of our house!" Max said raising her voice.

"Excuse me but I haven't even told you why I'm here!"

"Sorry to disappoint you but Fang left." She said looking down. "If you think your going to get with him, you have another thing coming." She said taking a step toward me.

"Will you relax for two seconds and let me explain?!" I said.

"One. Two." She said as she swung her fist at me. I caught it quickly and heard gasps. Wrong move.

"I don't want to do this Max." I said solemnly. She swung her other fist lightning fast and I dodged it. She then tried to kick me in the head but I dodged it and bent down swinging my foot at her leg tripping her. Once she was on the floor I held her arms and legs down.

"I don't want to hurt you Max!" I practically yelled.

"Get off of me!" She yelled back.

"Not until you agree to be a civilized hybrid being!"

"Why should I listen to you!?"

"Because I have some news about Fang." I said. She nodded. I got up off her. I could feel everyone's gaze on me.

"Where's Fang?" Max said clenching her fists.

"I can't tell you." I said.

She ran up to me and took my shirt in her hands like a bully. "Tell me or-," she said raising her voice again.

"Max, Stop." The cute guy said. He was now standing straight and looking our way.

"Iggy-" she began.

"No. Let her finish. I wanna hear this. " He said. She let me go.

"Thanks." I said to him. He nodded. I looked at Max. "Even if I did tell you where he is you couldn't do anything. He was already leaving to go somewhere else."

"Where's he going?" Max asked.

"I don't know. He never told me."

"Does he know you're his perfect half?" Dylan asked.


"And?" Dylan asked obviously wanting more information.

"And I told him that I thought he was cute but I didn't want to be anything other then friends."

"Why'd you do that?!" the cute little blond girl said. Not looking so cute anymore.

"Because I don't want to go out with him. I talked to him for a while and it was like talking to myself."

"What did he say?" Max asked.

"He smiled and said same here." I told her.

"Why are you here? Just to tell me that information?" Max asked.

"I want to help you find Fang." I said. "He told me about you two. You guys had something special together." I looked down. "After he told me the story about you two I knew I couldn't just come in and take all that from you or from him." I sighed. I saw her relax a bit and then look at me.

"Thank you." She said. I nodded.

"Your not in a flock are you?" Iggy asked.

"No." I said. No joke my heart was beating quickly. I was afraid they were all going to hear it.

"You should join ours." He smiled. I looked at Max. She looked over at Dylan.

"We already have one of Dr. Gods freaks." She said crossing her arms. Dylan leaned against the door way and looked down shaking his head.

"I say we put it to a vote." Iggy said as he stood next to me. "All in favor of having Ali in our flock raise your hands."

I was kind of scared. What if no one wanted me? I saw Iggy raise his hand and I swear I was trying my best not to blush. Oh great. I cant like this guy. Boy problems should be the least of my worries. I saw Dylan raise his hand.

"Your have really cool wings!" The blond boy said as he shot up his hand. I heard Iggy chuckle from behind me. The little blond girl next to him looked like she was thinking and then she raised her hand. There was only two people left who hadn't have raised there hand. The girl was standing next to Iggy raised her hand. Max looked at her.

"What? She looks like a good fighter. We could always use good fighters." She said. Max looked back at me and thought for a second.

"Alright." She said raising her hand. I think the only reason she agreed to have me stay is because I basically told her that Fang was hers and I wasn't going to interfere. I didn't know that the little blond girl had other plans.

"OK. Well I should introduce you to the flock." Max said. "That's Iggy." She said pointing to the boy next to me. I smiled. "And that's Nudge." She said pointing to the girl next to Iggy. "And that's Gazzy and Angel. There brother and sister" she said pointing to the blond boy and girl. "You might already know Dylan." She said pointing to Dylan.

"Yeah. The doctor said some stuff about you." I said looking down.

"Ah, I see." He laughed. "I bet they weren't good things."

"No not really." I said laughing back a tiny bit.

"I think we should all go around telling something about each other. That way she knows a little something about us." Max said. Everyone nodded. "I'll go first. I'm the leader of the flock." She said humbly. I nodded. So she's the leader. Hm. I guess its good she likes me then.

Nudge was the next one to go.

"Um my hobbies are fashion, creativity and charm!" she smiled. "Oh by the way I like your shirt!"

"Thanks" I smiled a little. Iggy was next. Don't blush Ali. Don't blush!

"Well I don't know if you already knew but I'm blind." He said. WHOA! WTF! Blind?! I never would have guessed.

"Uh…" I said confused. Wow, I'm such a dork.

"I'm guessing you didn't know?" he laughed.

"Yeah, that's news to me…I mean you seem like you can see." I said.

"I can feel colors." He said looking at me. Even though he can't see his eyes were looking right at my eyes.

"Iggy can also cook amazingly!" Gazzy added.

"Really?" I smiled a little.

"Yup!" he smiled proudly. Next it was Gazzy's turn.

"I can mimic peoples voice!" he smiled. Cool.

"That gets him into so much trouble though." Max said walking over to him and ruffling his hair. She seemed so nice and warming now. I smiled. She was definitely the leader.

"I can read peoples mind." Angel smiled at me. Shit. Has she been reading my mind…Oh my gosh! Did she know I liked Iggy!!!

"Yes. And yes." She replied. I laughed nervously.

Don't worry. I wont tell Iggy. I put a picture of you in his mind. He thinks your pretty.

Angel smiled at me. That was angel's voice.

"Cool!" I said. I also blushed realizing Iggy thought I was pretty. Max walked up to me. Well we should get you situated. We have a spare room in the back just in case a guest came." She said. I followed her to the back.

"Thanks." I said. It was a nice room.

"Oh wait! Your clothes…" she started.

"Oh yeah…there out side. I didn't know-" I began. When I saw Iggy come in with my suitcase.

"This yours?" he asked.

"Um. Yeah." I said. He put the suitcase on the side next to the closet. Max smiled and walked out. Before she left she winked at me. Angel that little liar! She must have told Max.

Haha. Sorry. She wanted to know what you thought about each of the members in the flock. I promise I wont tell anyone else!

Angels voice popped up in my head. I sighed and looked down. Iggy walked over to me. He was pretty close to me but I don't think he realized it.

"So you really told Fang that you didn't want to be with him?" he asked. His blue eyes looking right in mine. Goodness for someone who couldn't see he certainly knew where my eyes were.

"Um. Yeah." I said. "Max is really special to him."

"Did you want to be with him?" He asked.

"When I got out of the…lab," I said slowly. Ugh I hated that lab. "I wanted to be with him because the doctor built up this idea he wanted to be with me."

"Now do you still want to?"

"No. Not anymore. I don't understand how you can make your soul mate-your other half."

"Yeah. Dylan is Max's perfect half."

"That's why the doctor made me; he saw that Max and Fang had a strong bond. I guess he thought creating me would make Fang love me more than Max but you can't make someone love someone else." I said not realizing where that all came from.

"How old are you?" he asked. The question threw me off.

"Uh a year." I said. He smiled. "How old are you?"

"I'm 15." He responded with a smile. Whoa! 15…wow any chance I had with him has just flown out the window.

"You don't seem like a year old." He said. "You have strong fighting skills and to have blocked Max's punch without braking your own fist is impressive. How well can you fly?"

"I'm not sure. I flew all the way here from New York." I said. "Well with a few stops."

"That's amazing." He smiled.

"Thanks." I said looking down. He put his hand on my cheek and I looked up at him.

"Sorry, I didn't realize I was standing so close to you." He smiled. I looked at him. He had pretty eyes. Usually I never let guys get this close to me. I don't even know Iggy. He could be a major creep and yet I'm still standing here with him a few inches away from me. I could feel myself blush. Apparently, he could too. He smiled. I totally forgot his hand was on my face.

Gazzy walked in and laugh.

"Sorry was I disturbing something?" he laughed. Iggy removed his hand from my face and looked down and sighed.

"Gazzy…" he began.

"Crud!" he yelled. Just as Iggy ran out of the room and chased him.

I hope you liked it! So please review and tell me what you think :D