Disclaimer: I do not, never have and never will own Harry Potter or his friends (sniff).


Chapter One

"Give it back!" James yelled after Albus. He had stolen the Marauders' Map. True, James ha stolen it from his father, but best not go into that.

"I haven't got it!" Albus yelled back at him. His green eyes where swarmed with anger. "Stop blaming me every time something goes wrong in your life! Besides, you shouldn't have it anyway!"

"Neither should you, so give it back!"

"I told you, I HAVEN'T GOT IT!" those last lines finally caught the attention of their father.

"What the hell is going on?!" his father called up angrily at them. He hated riots after a hard days work. James found out when he was seven.

"Albus nicked something of mine."

"Albus," his father responded sternly.

"I didn't! And you" he pointed at James, "shouldn't even have that map."

"Map? What map?" H is father's face filled with confusion. James gave a sheepish grin. Within the blink of an eye, all trace of confusion was gone, only to be replaced by anger.

"You stole the Marauders' Map!" It was a statement rather than a question. "Your grandfather's map!" If looks could kill, James would be as dead as a dormouse. "Hand it over," he said firmly, "now!"

"I haven't got it!" he shouted, "Al has!"

"You utter LIAR!" was his immediate response.

"James, you and I both know Al would never do a thing like that, so hand it over!" James' blood had reached boiling point, "I DON'T HAVE IT! YOU ALWAYS TAKE AL'S SIDE! ALWAYS GIVE HIM THE BEST ADVICE! HIM THE BEST STUFF! THE MOST ATTENTION. ALL BECAUSE HE IS YOUR BLOODY FAVORITE. HE EVEN GOT THE CLOAK FOR GOD'S SAKE! AND WHAT DOES JAMES GET? APSOLUTLY NOTHING! YOU MAKE ME SICK!" With his anger finally out, he turned on his heel, and left for his room.

"James get back here this INSTAND and apologise and give me the map!" he father shot angrily at him.

"NO!" he shot back, his anger suddenly returning, "I'LL STAY IN MY ROOM TILL YOU APOLOGISE AND AL GIVES ME THE MAP BACK!" He slammed the door.

Guessing his father will want to come in and give him a "pep talk", as he called it, explaining how he loves all his children the same, blah, blah, blah, James rushed to his bed and pulled the frame towards the door until it stopped it opening at all. He sunk into the wall, letting a lonely tear fall down his cheek. And another, until it was a full-fledged sob. He, at this very moment in time, just wanted to be left alone. But at the same time, he wanted to make his father suffer, emotionally, for favouring Al. It was true though! For instance, when he was eleven, nervous enough about going at Hogwarts, Al had teased him about being sorted into Slytherin, he gave him a shove, a shove, and Al had cried for dad and, no matter how much he explained that he had only shoved him, and that Al had teased, he got punished. And when Al was eleven, James teased him about being sorted into Slytherin, and he got the "death stare" as he called it. And on the very same day, his dad gave Al a tip on how to get out of being put into Slytherin, and what did he get? "It doesn't matter what house you get put in, we'll still love you the same." Honestly, look at him-sixteen and jealous of a brother two years younger than him. Hang on, not even Lily got this much attention, and she was two years younger than Al. That proves it he thought, he's defiantly favoured Al.

He sat there for hours, thinking of ways to get back at his father:

Attempt suicide-no, that would just lead to permanent scaring and possible death.

Burn all his possessions-no, his parents would just yell at him and he'd have to save up for everything he burned.

Burn all Al's possessions-tempting, but his parents would just yell at him and he'd have to save up for everything he burned. Plus he might burn the map.

Several stupid suggestions later he came across the perfect one-runaway. It would be perfect, plus, he would find out if his father loved him as much as Al (he didn't need to question his mother, she scolded her children all the same). If he kept looking for him even if presumed dead, he would go back. If he gave up after the end of the year (they were in July), well, he wouldn't.

It was so simple, yet so brilliant.

I know it's short but it's only the intro.