A.N. This is my first fan fiction so bare with me here this is all human so that's all I want to say for now.

The Swans

Charlie & Renee

Isabella Aka Bella



The Cullen's

Carlisle & Esme

Edward Cullen

Rosalie Hale

Jasper Whitlock

Bella's Pov

Ugh I hate. hate. hate forks, Did I mention I hate forks I mean I've somewhat gotten used to living here since I've lived here for about 14 years but it's so cold and wet.

Wait let me backtrack, my name is Isabella Swan but I go by Bella. I'm 18 yrs old and I go to forks a Junior. I moved here when I was five because my father Phil who was a baseball player who was abusive in every way possible to me and my mom he would even use his bat to beat us.

A year after they divorced my mother Renee married Charlie who soon after decided he wanted to adopt me. So now my name is Bella Swan instead of Bella Green. Soon after they married they found out that I was gonna have a brother ……….and a sister, I was so excited to be having twin siblings.

My brother's name is Emmet and he likes sports and video games and is annoyingly protective of me he is 6"tall and really strong if you asked anyone they probably would say he looks like he's on has brown hair and blue eyes. If you just met him you would probably think that he was a body builder or could possibly crush you but the truth is he's really just a really big teddy bear he also acts like he's hopped up on coffee when he hasnt had any.

My sister's name is Alice and well let's just say she acts like she's also hopped up on coffee or in some cases both coffee and sugar she is also very much into fashion an interest that i am definately not into. They both are 16 yrs old and both are freshman luckily we have lunch togeather. I'm currently putting on my faded blue jeans and my blue sweater for school I know Alice is going to want to kill me or as she says the fashion police should arrest me but today I don't care. I mean it's not like I'm anything to look at I'm below normal, a dork you could say, I have dirty brown hair and am very thin I'm not well built either I have hazel eyes and I wear glasses.

I jumped when I heard someone pounding at my door, most likely Alice chuckling to make sure I'm up to her standards 'well sorry to let you down alice' I thought to myself and then chuckled .

I opened the door to an upset looking pixie who started yelling some stuff about my style sence or lack thereof very fast to the point that I couldnt catch all of what she was saying and passed by her to get whole time Alice is ranting about one thing or another. I thought to myself hmmm I wonder why she doesn't have a boyfriend or never has had a boyfriend thus causing me to I chuckled under my breath she looked at me and said "what's so funny" thankfully Emmet decided to come down for breakfast so I ran out to my beat up Chevy truck that all my friends and family have deemed the monster. I don't care what others think of my truck If I was to be in an accident I would probably come out with just a couple scratches. I ended up making it to school a half hour early, so I decided to just wait in my car listening to Claire de Lune.

Twenty minutes later I was still listening to music waiting for some of my friends to get here when 'Catch Me by Demi Levato' came on when I heard another car pull up and when I looked to see who it was, Adonis himself A.k.a Edward was climbing out of his Volvo.

I fall too fast
Kiss me quick
But make it last
So I can see
How badly this will hurt me
When you say goodbye

Keep it sweet
Keep it slow
Let the future pass
And don't let go
But tonight, I could fall too soon
Into this beautiful moonlight

But you're so hypnotizing
You've got me laughing while I sing
You've got me smiling in my sleep
And I can see this unraveling
Your love is where I'm falling
But please don't catch me

See, this heart
Won't settle down
Like a child running scared from a clown
I'm terrified of what you'll do
My stomach screams
Just when I look at you

Run far away
So I can breathe
Even though you're far from suffocating me
I can't set my hopes too high
'Cause every hello
Ends with a goodbye

But you're so hypnotizing
You've got me laughing while I sing
You've got me smiling in my sleep
And I can see this unraveling
Your love is where I'm falling
But please don't catch me

So now you see
Why I'm scared
I can't open up my heart
Without a care
But here I go
It's what I feel
And for the first time in my life
I know it's real

But you're so hypnotizing
You've got me laughing while I sing
You've got me smiling in my sleep
And I can see this unraveling
Your love is where I'm falling
So please don't catch me
If this is love
Please don't break me
I'm giving up
So just catch me

mind ya i dont really care for demi levato but the song kinda fits how I feel.
Then behind him was Rose and Jasper riding in Rose's mercedes poor Jasper was having to deal with Rose's taste of music while she listens to dont cha by the pussycat dolls. He seriously looked like he was in pain I pretty sure he's gonna start driving his own car. I then got out of my truck and shut the door while red specks of old paint floated to the ground. Edward is quarterback of the football team with my brother they are best friends we all have known eachother since my family moved here.I mainly hang with the girls but Edwards never seemed to have taken notice of me in any way other than a friend which is understandable I'm not worth looking at. So I decided to go to class, the funny thing is my brother likes Rosalie and Alice likes Jasper. Speaking of the devil's my brother and sister decided to join me. They were driving Alice's yellow mustang,while alice had fashionista blairing, I don't know why Emmet didn't drive Dora today and no he didn't name his jeep after the T.V Show. It's just like another limb to and Edward are Junior like me and Jasper is a freshman with Emmet and AliceI was just about to make it to the building when Mike stopped me 'Ugh what does he want now ?'

"Hey Bella whats up" 'let me just get this over with as soon as possible i cant stand his attempts i know its coming'

"nothing much just hoping this is gonna be a good day what about you "

" Its goin fine hey I was wondering if you would like to go out this saturday?" he said while feeling me up 'oh no this freak is not feeling me up not again. I didnt have time to answer when Edward and Emmett decided to step in Ugh they act like I cant take care of myself.

Emmett Edward Mike Bella

" Leave my sister the hell alone"

" What did I tell you yesterday about touching Bella like that let alone any girl. Did you get her permission to touch her like that"

"n no "

"Wait dude what happened yesterday that you didnt tell me about "

" Wait Bella didn't tell you what happened yesterday" he asked while they both looked at me and when they turned back to eachother he said

" No Bella what happened"

" Nothing much just the usual and then Mike here decided to ask me out and feel me up like he just did when Edward walked in and showed him what not to do to a woman. Basically by using Mike as a test dummy "

" whoa dude you did that that freakin awesome " the whole time Mike is standing there whimpering.

"Sorry mike that they forgot you were there but im gonna have to decline your invitation to go out. "

We then left him standing there looking scared.

"Thanks guys but I could have taken care of my self ya know" I said " Bella your being absurd we do that because we dont want anyone especially someone as vile as newton to do that to anyone especially you" Edward and Emmett said

"Well I still dont know what those guys are thinking its not like i'm something to look at I'm not like a cheerleader or something.......yet" I said saying the last part more to myself that to them.

"WHAT" they both yelled causing me to have to cover my ears.

A.N. REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW and please tell me how I did, mind you this is my first story on here and it's kind of hard for me to write a story based around S.M's story. And to figure out the new story thing i had to put up a crappy copy so I redid it becaue it was well crappy lol. but here it is and I would like to send out thx to my sister who helped me get the idea for this story.