Disclaimer: I don't own Transformers animated Characters. They belong to Hasbro.

Cheetor let out a feral scream as he felt his armour get physically torn off him and his muscles get shredded away to be replaced by metal wires and his blood was changed into energon. Even though he had gone through the opposite transformation earlier he still didn't think it hurt that much to become a techno Organic as it did to become a mech again. But as he felt his fangs turn back to denta the half mech half Techno Organic closed his mouth and shut off his voice so that his father and his teammates wouldn't hear his cries of pain.

"I just have to get through it" Bumblebee thought as he felt his chest plate was ripped off and his spark was revealed.

But when he felt his feline instincts getting ripped from his CPU the bot curled around himself and prayed to keep at least some of them. Suddenly almost as if he was walking in a darkness and a light suddenly shined down on him the bot started to feel yellow armour fall into place and as he felt his face plates rearrange Bumblebee felt the smaller instincts of his past cheetah self stirring in the back of his CPU making him grin and smile as he felt the wires connect his battle mask in place. Next the young mech's peds where transformed into battle feet with what looked to be jets in them so he could jump higher. The tougher and stronger armour covered his legs and back. The last thing the mech felt installed into his new body was his weapons. Then with a hiss Bumblebee stepped out of the chamber and faced his father and his guardian. When the deceptions saw Bumblebee they all gasped he was very handsome. He had yellow armour with black stripes going down the sides of his body and on both his right wrists were two blades (like sideswipe in the movie). The armour was tight fitted and made him were lithe and older. In fact with his new body the mech no longer looked like the equivalent of a fourteen year old and more like a seventeen year old human boy.

"My Prince" Lugnut said as he fell to the floor in a respectful bow.

Bumblebee ghosted past him very lightly on his new peds not making a sound as he walked up to his father and gave him a cocky look.

"Well father: what do you think?" Bumblebee asked flashing Megatron a happy go lucky grin with a hint of arrogance in it.

Megatron just looked his son up and down a few times before clapping Bumblebee on the shoulder and grinning at him "You're perfect"

Bumblebee gave Megatron a smirk that even Sunstreaker would love to have and pretended to inspect his fingers "Yes I am quite impressive aren't I"

Megatron laughed and slung his arm around his smaller son and then waved Blitzwing over "Bumblebee this is your guardian: now I know that you're going to want to go off and wreck havoc like the good like Deception you are but your still a little weak from the transformation and not all your systems have gotten used to your new weapons so I don't want you to go anywhere without Blitzwing here" Bumblebee fixed his newly appointed guardian a searching stare and then realized that he could do a lot worst like having Lugnut as a guardian so with a tired sigh he nodded.

Megatron smiled and then lead his son-who was followed by Icy Blitzwing, he takes his job very seriously- to a large room that had been turned into a training room.

"This is where you will be training in efforts to become better with your new weapons" Megatron said as he stood in front of a locked door. "But until I say you're ready you are not going to be allowed to go through this door do you understand?"

Bumblebees nodded and then dropped his wheels on the ground so that they were based on his heels and raced towards a non moving figure, and then with a graceful back flip Bumblebee flipped over the figure and at the same time sliced the obstacle in half. Megatron smiled and nodded in approval but Bumblebee didn't seem to like what he just did and put his helm in his hands as he looked at his blades.

"This isn't my kind of thing" The yellow and black mech admitted as he just stared at the blades that were attached to his wrists.

Megatron nodded to Blitzwing who was still in icy mode and left the triple changer to deal with his newly transformed son. The split personality mech made his way over to Bumblebee and laid a hand on his shoulder pad.

"Young Prince you may be awkward and unsure at the moment, but I remember when you were just a child and we were trying to teach you how to be quiet, I also remember that you picked up a technique quicker than anyone I know did" Blitzwing told the young mech who didn't seem to get any better "I also remember when you saved me from an autobot attack by using your sniper skills, so now that I am your guardian I want to give back the favour and I have pledge myself to protect you until the time when you no longer need me"

Bumblebee looked at the mech he'd trained with when he was just a young sparkling and then nodded and put his cocky smile back in place.

"Can we go into town?" Bumblebee pleaded and then at Blitzwing's unsure face he sighed "Don't worry I just want to see what my new mode is I want to see how fast I am"

The triple changer laughed a little at this and a weird glint entered his optics "Oh I think you'll love your form Megatron choose it for you because it was a fast choice of car"

Bumblebee gave his guardian a pleading look "Oh come on now you've really made me interested"

Blitzwing laughed loudly and then he changed into hot head "Come on you little prince we need to see if you will be able to kill the puny Autobots"

Bumblebee chuckled and then in seconds he had changed swiftly and then sped out of the base making the seeker take to the skies to dodge his speed.

"Hey isn't that the prince" One of the seekers asked in a confused tone.

"Great here we go again" His companion said in a tired voice.

The two seekers sighed and then watched as Random Blitzwing skipped out after the yellow and black corvette which had just sped pass them.

If he'd had been able to Bumblebee would be yelling in joy as he raced along the roads silently. Blitzwing had been correct about his alt mode: it was fast. In fact it was so fast that as he drove along the roads Bumblebee had to try his hardest not to hit anything.

"Bee my beautiful Bee where are you!" As the crazed voice rang out Bumblebee sped up but when he rounded the corner a familiar red Lamborghini right in front of him.

"Oh this isn't going to end well" Bumblebee thought as he transformed the same time as sideswipe.

"Nice the new deception punk is in which means he gets to be introduced to my fists" Sideswipe said cracking his knuckles.

Bumblebee just smirked and crossed his arms and cocked one of his eye brows making Sideswipe bristle.

"Really cause you don't look that awesome to me, you look like an overly bright painted mech who craves attention when in real life he doesn't have anything to give" Bumblebee said in a cocky tone which made Sideswipe start to twitch.

"Keep going you wet being the ears sparkling and I might have to forget going easy on you" Sideswipe muttered trying to stare the younger mech down.

"Really well let's just see about that" Bumblebee said, but before he could even slide his blades out Icy Blitzwing flew in and landed right in front of me.

"Prince Stay behind me, I don't want you harmed" Blitzwing said in a total serious voice which made the yellow mech back up,

Sideswipe looked at the triple changer in shock: Never in his whole life had he ever heard of a deception holding such respect for anyone but Megatron and now there was some kind of prince.

"How dare you threaten the Prince" Blitzwing as suddenly Ravage and Frenzy stood up next to his sides.

"Ravage, Frenzy?" Bumblebee asked in shock

The cat like robot turned his head back and gave the golden mech a feral smile "I was asked to follow you and Frenzy here wanted to follow me, good thing too huh?"

Bumblebee nodded and then watched as Sideswipe cursed and took on a defensive position as he faced the three Deceptions, then a certain called caught his audios.

"Sunny I need you" Bumblebee immediately started pulling Frenzy back

"Come on he called his brother" Frenzy looked up at the prince and then nodded before jumping on Ravage and telling the cat bot who then told Blitzwing over the comm.. Link who then shot Bumblebee a scared look.

"Don't worry, I'll out run him" Bumblebee said flipping into his alt mode and then taking off as red Lambo followed him.

Bumblebee felt Sideswipe following him even with the agile ability that had been beaten into him since he'd first been able to walk, the yellow mech lead Sideswipe around sharp turns and ended up getting on the docks and somehow ended up in one of the warehouses.

"Oh you're going to get it this time" Sideswipe said slowly transforming into his warrior mode why Bumblebee transformed quickly but stayed in a crouched position.

"Come and get me big boy" The smaller brighter mech snarl as his blades slide out.

Sideswipe charged at the yellow mech only to have him leap up and slash him on the back. The younger mech was just about to touch the ground when he felt two large hands grab his ankles.

"Nice move, but I'm used to fighting speedsters" The red mech said in Bumblebee's audio unaware of the dangers of holding Bumblebee close.

"Yeah well I don't think your used to fighting one's like me" Bumblebee said before dejecting his blade and spinning it in his hand before stabbing Sideswipe in the chassis below the spark chamber.

Bumblebee jumped away from the larger mech and thought he was in the all clear when he felt pain explode from his back. Then a beautiful voice rang out from the entrance.

"Leave my brother alone you puny little punk"

Bumblebee knew that voice anywhere so ignoring his father's wishes Bumblebee dug deep into his different weapons and found that he still had his electric power. So while sheathing his blade he started to gather energy in the blades connected to his wrists and then slammed them into the ground sending a shock wave towards Sunstreaker.

"Dammit" bumblebee cursed as his functions went hay wire.

Sunstreaker held himself off the ground by one hand and then froze when he saw the Deception lord fly down and scoop the smaller mech into his arms.

"I told you to take it easy your functions aren't perfected yet" The large grey mech said as he held the smaller brighter one closer.

"I had to fend him off somehow" the younger mech whispered as he flinched in pain.

Megatron laughed a little and then fixed the Lambo twins a very heated glare. "If my son wasn't in such pain right now then I would destroy you, so I think you should thank lady luck when you see her again"

Sunstreaker, although weakened and injured by Bumblebee's shock wave still managed to glare at the taller greyer mech darkly.

"Your just lucky that , your so called son took me out of action otherwise I would have killed him" The golden warrior snarled making Megatron laugh darkly.

"So you would kill a mech you care about so deeply?" Megatron asked with a smirk.

"Huh?" was Sunstreakers intelligent response.

Megatron smirked and bent down so that he was optic level with the fallen mech "My son, the new Prince of the Deceptions is your loveable and carefree Bumblebee" Megatron said shocking both Lamborghinis before jumping up into the air and activating his jets.


Ratchet arrived on the scene to see Sideswipe holding his helm in his helm and Sunstreaker looking as if someone had killed his brother right in front of him.

"Kid what's wrong" Ratchet asked the golden twin who just sat there staring at the space which bumblebee had once been laying in the arms of the enemy.

"We found Bumblebee" Ratchet shot Sideswipe a annoyed look

"Don't you mean Cheetor?" Ratchet asked while trying to magnetise the new and foreign electricity out of the golden Lambo's body.

"No Bumblebee, but he's in a new body, I attacked him, he was changed back and is now the Deception Prince" Sideswipe said in shame.

"It's oaky Sides" ratchet said using the mechs nickname but wasn't ready for the red mech to glare at him.

"Did you not here me: I attacked Bumblebee, the mech I think of as my second brother I tried to off line him" Sideswipe said in a whisper that was scarier than any mech raising his voice.

Ratchet just looked at the two dejected mechs and then commed Optimus and the others at the base.

"Guys I need you, I have a problem" Ratchet sent to the Comm. to everyone who was at the base the whole time keeping his eyes on the twins.

"Were on our way" Optimus replied and the faint sound of cars in the back ground was heard.

Ratchet shut off the link and then went back to watching the twins who seemed to be on the verge of breaking down. As the group of Autobots reached Ratchet and the others they were shocked to see the two most enthusiastic-next to Bumblebee-mechs sitting away from each other and looking like they had just seen one another die.

"What's wrong?" Jazz asked very slowly.

The two twins who were now sitting together just stayed silent and looked at the ground in shame and what could have been sorrow.

Ratchet sighed and turned to the group of Autobots and then noticed it was only Sentinel's team plus Optimus that had come.

"The twins found Bumblebee" The jet twins look up happily at this news and then their grins faded from their faceplates as he saw the twins get sadder if it was possible.

"But the problem is well, he's already been changed into a mech again, but by Megatron, and in some twisted way Bumblebee now thinks of Megatron as his father and has been dubbed the Deception Prince"

"That's not true"

All of the mech's turned to Blurr who for once in his life was talking slowly. Blurr looked away from all the others gazes and then sighed.

"When I was training Bumblebee in speed I noticed that he was very agile and was able to move between obstacles very swiftly without breaking his speed, something that even I have difficulty with" Blurr said slowly making the others turn to face him fully with all their face plates saying: go on. "So I questioned him, and after a little bit of bully I got the story out of him. It turns out that Bumblebee was taken in by the deceptions when he was just a sparkling, and Megatron took him in the most. Megatron taught him how to be a spy and how to run a be fast but you already know this, what you don't know is that during his life with the lord, he became like son to him and he started to think of Megatron as his father and Megatron started thinking of him as his son, so the other Deceptions began to think as such, and he got the title: The Deception Prince"

The Autobots looked at each other in shame as the realized they really knew very little about the yellow mech that had affected them all so much. Blurr looked away from the group and looked at the ground before continuing.

"he made me promise that I wouldn't tell anyone, but the thing is, if Bumblebee has forgotten who we are, then we won't be seeing him on a friendly level at all, he has the whole Deception army at him whim, he once told me of a time when he had come back from a spying mission with one scratch, one, and the whole army was babying him, thinking it was the end of the world"

The Autobots looked up in horror and Sideswipe stood up and walked to ratchet with a sad but determined face.

"Find Bumblebee in my memory and put in a holoform so everyone else can see him" the red Lambo demanded.

Ratchet stared at Sideswipe in shock but the nodded when he saw the true determination that was planted on the red mech's face.

"Are you sure, if I go in there I might see some very personal things" Ratchet warned the younger mech who just smiled.

"Ratchet, you were the one who basically raised me and Sunny when we were just sparkling and our creators were off lined the only other person I would trust with this is Sunny and he doesn't know how to do it, so your turn to see what's it's like to be a Lambo twin" Sideswipe said in his usual cocky grin.

Ratchet smiled warmly and then made Sideswipe sit cross legged in front of him and then opened up the back of his helm making everyone wince as they saw the red mech's optics power down.

"Okay everyone this will take a moment" Ratchet said as he connected his CPU chord to Sideswipes.

The suddenly he felt an on sleight of emotions and images. He saw Sideswipe resting with Bumblebee and felt the love Sideswipe had felt, and then he saw Bumblebee laughing with Sunstreaker who was gazing at him lovingly and felt guilt and jealousy flood his senses at the same time. Then he saw a beautiful corvette that's paint job resembled Bumblebee's and then when he transformed lust and hate filled him.

"Found him" Ratchet said in a happy voice as he froze the on sleight of images and then turned the picture of Bumblebee's new form onto the holoform projector.

The group of Autobots all gasped as they saw Bumblebee's new corvette warrior form standing before him with his arms crossed and a cocky smirk on his face which was all Bumblebee.

"Is that really our little Bee" Jazz asked as he looked at the more mature looing mech with a shocked expression.

Ratchet nodded and stepped away from the newly on lined Lambo who was now standing next to Sunstreaker who had gotten to his feet and was looking at the holoform with a strange expression on his face.

"He's grown up!" Sentinel yelled in a shocked voice "Wait didn't he have his final upgrade already"

Optimus shook his head and then stared at Sentinel in the optics. "No but whenever we asked him if he wanted his second last upgrade he would just shake his head and tell us that he liked being a kid and didn't want to grow up, but I was going to force him soon: his armour was getting too tight"

Sentinel just gasped at his friend and shook his head. "You mean this whole time I thought that yellow bumbler was fully grown when in truth he still had how many upgrades left?"

Optimus shuffled on the spot and looked at Ratchet who sighed "Bumblebee had three more upgrades left"

Sentinel just stared at Optimus and shook his head "You are aware that if the little Bumbler hadn't gotten his new upgrade he would never have gotten used to it and could have died on the battlefield"

Optimus nodded and sighed: he knew he was to lax on the youngest member of his team, it was just the fact that he was the youngest and needed to be protected that he hadn't wanted Bumblebee to have to deal with his new body, and also he didn't want the idea that Bumblebee was becoming older become a real thing.

"What's more you almost damaged THE Key!" Sentinel shouted

Optimus gave his rival a strange look "What do you mean?"

But before Sentinel could answer Jazz stepped forward and shook his head "it's not your concern"

Ratchet looked away from his leader and then motioned for everyone to head back to base so that could discuss what had happened.