New Friends

Discalimer : I do not own Naruto

"Dr. Haruno, the emergency needs you " said a nurse to her superior.

"What happened in here!" said a beauty pink haired doctor.

"He's got two broken ribs, a huge hole in the stomach, a broken leg and arm, and a huge gash on his face. And I think his enemies put a poison into his body "answered the nurse.

" Okay. Let's move. It will be a very long time to heal him. The faster we heal him, the faster we finish it! " shouted the pink haired doctor.

" HAI! " said the nurses,

After 3 hours...

" Finally! Move him to room 324 and tell a nurse to watch him for a while, because his condition is still bad" ordered the pink haired doctor.

" hai, sakura-hime "

" don't call me that, kotone-chan. You know that I hate it when people kept calling me that. I'm not that great " said a very agitate Sakura.

" I'm sorry, Sakura-chan. But it suits you and people kept calling you that because they love you and will do everything for you. You're Konoha's Cherry Blossom and Konoha's sweetheart! " said Kotone, on of the nurses in the hospital.

" really? I didn't know that " said a blushing cherry blossom doctor.

" and you called me an idiot. Anyway, great job, Sakura-chan. You can go home now and I will take care of all. Get some rest, you need that! And I'm sure The Godaime doesn't want to see her precious student get sick" suggested Kotone.

" you know me very well, kotone" said Inner sakura

" thank you very much, koto-chan. You're the best. Say my hello to Tsunade-shisou, okay? BYE" said Sakura after hugging the girl.

"BYE, SAKI-CHAN! Be careful "

Sakura Haruno was the most beautiful woman in Konoha. If you asked both villagers and ninjas about her, they'll answer that Sakura was an angel. She had long silky pink hair that you wanted to touch it very much, her forehead wasn't huge anymore, her cute little nose, rossy pink lips that every man wanted to kiss it, curvy body in the right place, and the most wonderful about her physical was her eyes. It was the most wonderful and captivating eyes you had ever seen, emerald green eyes. It showed the emotion she felt at the moment. You would sank deeper in that eyes and couldn't look away from it.

At the street..

After Sakura went out from the hospital, she decided to go to the training ground. Every people, both villagers and ninjas, greeted her with such a manner. They called her "sakura-hime", "sakura-chan", or "sakura-sama" much to made her even angry, but she just dropped it. They woouldn't listen her and it was just like a nickname for her. Maybe they thought she was happy, but they were wrong. She felt sad, she missed her boys very much.

" Kaka-sensei, Naruto...Sasuke-kun. Where are you guys? I miss you guys very much" thought Sakura.


" Inner, SHUT UP ! "

" Geez... You're not funny, saki-chan! "

" I'm you, remember . now, go to your inner land!" smirked Sakura

" I will ! ciao! "

After a few minutes...

In deep of thought and arguing with her inner, Sakura didn't realize that she had arrived in the training ground. And still didn't realize the stares from a group of ninjas. Until...

" SAKURA ! LOOK OUT! " shouted a blonde man that looked like a woman.

" WHAT? " said a very very surprise Sakura. She tripped and fell down to the ground..

" ugh...hurts..."

" Sakura, are you okay? Deidara, you stupid blondie. Look what you had done! " said a very angry blue haired woman.

" Sakura-chan, are you okay? Tobi is worry! " saids a hyper Tobi.

" I'm sorry, un. I didn't mean to. " said Deidara apologetically.

"'s fine deidara.. I'm fine " answered a very dizzy sakura.

" no, you're not fine, Sakura. Deidara you fool! I'll kill you ! come here ! " a very angry Zetsu ran to Deidara with murderous aura.

" NO, un ! I'M SORRY, ZETSU ! HELP ME! " Deidara tried to beg to everyone to help him. But they just said NO or shrugged and smirked. Zetsu chased after Deidara until the other couldn't see them from the training ground.

" stupid men with their stupid brains and stupid thoughts! " said a very angry Konan.

" hn " you knew who..

" can someone teach this stupid itachi how to speak ?" said the redhead puppet master of Akatsuki.

" Tobi can ! I'll teach you, itachi-senpai " a very happy Tobi was jumping up with happy attitude.

" how are you today, Sakura-san?"

"I'm fine, Pein-san. A little bit rough at the hospital. An ANBU member got attack by some rogue ninjas and got serious wounds."

"I'm sorry to hear that, Sakura-san. But is he okay now?"

"yeah..he's okay. I already healed him."


"hn...well done."

"that's my honey, saki-chan."

"thanks tobi, itachi-san, konan-chan!" said a blushing sakura.

"now how about I treat you all for dinner?"

"You're the best, Leader-sama" said Kakuzu for the first time.

"sorry, I can't. Have to worship to Jashin-sama!" said Hidan dramatically.

"What about Dei-chan and Zetsu-kun?" asked Sakura.

"they can ask for the food by themselves" said the Leader of the Akatsuki


After that, they walked together to the restaurant, leaving a poor Deidara and a very angry Zetsu.

"HELP ME, UN!" screamed Deidara.

That was the last sound they heared from the training ground.

Hi guys, this is my first fanfic. Is this good?

Well, In this story Akatsuki is part of Konoha now. You could say that because the love of Sakura, they changed their mind and became Konoha's ninjas.

I know my grammar is bad, can u forgive me?

Anyway I can't promise to you to update real soon. But I'll do my best.

Please R&R

I need it so much..