Disclaimer: I do not own anything recognizable from the Harry Potter series or the X-Men movie. There are mentions of abuse within the story and there will be slash later on, with possible M-preg.
Background Information
Humans can have three possible traits that are determined by two genes, called the X-gene and the M-gene. The X-gene consists of four alleles and causes the recessive-linked trait of mutation, which results in mutants. Those that have three recessive X alleles and one dominant X allele may have some abilities, such as natural power or natural speed.
EX: XXXX XXXx XXxx Xxxx xxxx genotype
normal normal normal slight ability mutant phenotype
The M-gene consists of three alleles and causes the recessive-linked trait of magic, which results in witches and wizards. Those that have two recessive M alleles and one dominant allele may have a single magical ability, such as natural mind shields or being a seer.
EX: MMM MMm Mmm mmm genotype
normal normal single ability magic phenotype
However, for unknown reasons the two genes cannot both be active (have the recessive genotype) in a single individual. Studies show that in 95% of cases fetuses that have both the active X-gene and the active M-gene spontaneously abort within the first trimester. The five percent of fetuses that did not abort were severely deformed upon birth and died within 24 hours. Another study showed those fetuses that had one active gene and the other having all but one recessive allele showed delayed growth. Upon birth, these children caught illnesses more easily and showed delayed development. As the study continued, some of the children died due to a compromised immune system (active X-gene) or an autoimmune disorder (active M-gene); to combat this problem some children underwent gene therapy to "turn off" the active gene. Unfortunately, all attempts in those children with active M-gene to "turn off" the gene resulted in death as their magic viciously resisted the gene therapy; whereas, those children with an active X-gene could successfully undergo therapy, but their immune system was so compromised that many contracted illnesses and died. Considering the disastrous results of the gene therapy for the previously discussed study, no other attempts at gene therapy have been made.
Chapter One: No risk, no reward
Six-year old Harry Potter stared at the fluffy clouds outside the small rectangular window in amazement, never before had he seen something so soft. The nice woman that walked along the aisle telling him to buckle up before giving him a cookie diverted Harry's attention. Later, when Harry met back up with the Dursleys upon exiting the sky bridge, he made sure to hide the cookie deep within his pocket. A curt word was issued before Harry was following along his family towards the large belt that carried the bags around for passengers to collect. Soon Harry was dragging along his ratty backpack and Dudley's newer backpack as he followed the Dursleys out to the parking garage floor that contained the rental cars. After minimal paperwork, the reluctant family of four was in a car driving to the hotel. The hotel was close to a nice shopping district and not far from the company, that Vernon was doing business with as a representative of Grunnings.
The hotel was nice and the suite that Grunnings was paying for was spacious, containing a living area/kitchenette, bathroom, bedroom with a king-size bed, and a bedroom with two single beds. Of course, Harry was not allowed to sleep in one of the single beds as the family did not want to take the chance that he would contaminate their Dudley. Instead, he was told to sleep in the corner of the living area where there was a small pocket of space between one of the sofas and the armchair. Although on holiday for Vernon's work, Harry still had chores to do. These included cooking the meals, picking up so the normal people did not get more work than needed, and carrying the bags when Petunia took Dudley out shopping. Three days passed in this way, before things took a horrific turn.
A slurred curse and a loud thump woke Harry from his sleep. Peeking out from the space between the sofa and armchair, Harry saw a large dark shape next to a lower dark shape. The identity of the large dark shape became clear as a loud "Boy!" came from that direction. Harry quickly scrambled out of his corner and over to the wall to turn on the lights before approaching his still cursing uncle. There was no warning before little Harry was sprawled across the floor from a hard hit to the side of the head. Through his shock and the ringing in his ears, Harry vaguely heard his uncle mention losing a deal. Vernon wasted no time in starting to rain down punches onto his fallen nephew, muttering of Harry's wrongdoings as he went, until a loud gasp issued from behind him. Looking behind him, Vernon saw Petunia with wide fear-filled eyes and a small, bony hand covering her mouth.
"Vernon, how will we explain this to the management?! The boy is bleeding into the carpet and people are definitely going to notice all the bruises and whatnot on his body, fix this," Petunia said in a low hiss. There was no love or worry in her eyes as she quickly categorized the cleaning products that she would need to remove the blood surrounding her nephew's still form.
"Of course pet, just gather all the freak's things and I'll go drop him off where no where will find him. We will just tell everyone that the ungrateful brat ran away and no one will be the wiser," Vernon said soothingly, his eyes gleaming at the prospect of getting rid of his nephew. Petunia gave a curt nod before quickly going around the room collecting any object that could be associated with Harry's presence in the room. Within no time at all, Harry was wrapped up in a spare blanket and all of his things or anything that could be associated with him was packed into his ratty backpack. Petunia took one last look around the room, scanning for any items that she missed, before shooing Vernon out the door with their nephew clutched in his beefy arms. Vernon drove down the unfamiliar roads in silence as he looked for a suitably out-of-the-way place to dump the little freak. Soon enough he found a perfect road that seemed rarely traveled and pulled over to the side. A low rumble and rough hands were what Harry became aware of as the pain receded temporarily to leave the thought of how angry Aunt Petunia will be if he bleeds into the hotel carpet. Sharp pain raced through Harry's body as Vernon dropped him hard onto an uneven, cold surface before a heavy, lumpy item was dropped on top of him. The last thing Harry remembered before falling back into darkness was a muttered "Good riddance."
It is said that the human body can mange unimaginable feats in order to survive, even on the brink of death. However, a human body that already harnessed an extraordinary power can do the impossible to survive, and doing the impossible is what made Harry Potter famous. The damage done to the small body was too extensive for him to heal naturally, so little Harry's magic went inward to seek a method of fast healing. Searching, the magic found a gene that when activated would give Harry new powers, one of which was the ability to heal quickly enough to prevent death. However, activating the gene would kill him instantly. Nevertheless, the magic continued to search out the gene in every cell and activated it. Then, before the gene activation registered, Harry's magic retreated into its own gene, effectively turning itself off. Quickly all the damage done to his body was starting to heal itself, made known to an observer by the healthy flush to Harry's cheek and the disappearance of color from bruises.
Driving at night was not his most favored activity, but Logan could not avoid it if he wanted to stay on the move. He made a habit of staying on back roads as to avoid running into any more people than necessary. As he was driving down the dark road that was bordered by a thick lining of trees, he saw a car pull off to the side of the road and a heavy-set man toss a bundle to the ground beside the road. Logan caught site of what looked like hair peeking out of one end of the bundle, but shook it off as he passed them. Thirty minutes later, Logan's mind kept making him think of the possibilities that shock of hair could mean until he turned around with an agitated growl. Arriving back at the spot the bundle was dropped, he pulled over and began to search. Finding the bundle, Logan unwrapped the blanket to find a small boy covered in blood, but otherwise unharmed. Next to the boy was a ratty backpack that when opened showed some large clothes, a couple books missing their covers, some notebooks with ripped out pages, a few broken crayons/pencils, and a ratty baby blanket. A deep growl rose in Logan's chest as he gathered the boy and his things before going back to his truck.
Harry opened his eyes when the light became too bright behind his lids to continue to ignore. Shooting upright Harry's mind replayed the happenings of the previous night. Looking around fearfully, Harry found himself at a wooded area with a truck parked nearby. Trembling slightly from fear, the sound of leaves rustling alerted Harry to a tall man coming from the woods. In the man's hands was a pair of rabbits and two small fish. Feeling warm and shy, Harry looked down to notice he was wrapped in a blanket that he recognized from the hotel and a thick coat. The tall man approached before sitting before a pit lined with rocks where he started a fire. Curiosity caused Harry to move closer where he saw the man take a knife from his pocket and start to cut the fur from the rabbits. Harry startled when the man turned towards him and motioned for him to come closer. Harry shuffled closer, eyes wide, where he was more easily able to see the man skin the rabbits. The two rabbits and fish were skewered with a blackened stick before being placed over the fire.
"So, what's your name kid?" Logan asked in a gruff voice as he looked over to the small boy sitting next to him. The little one was rather tiny and extremely too skittish for Logan's comfort level, but considering where he was found it took little imagination to understand why.
"My name is Harry, are you gonna take me back to Uncle Vernon?" Harry asked softly as he looked at the man with desperate hope he said no.
"Nah, you're stuck with me kid," Logan said, noticing the pure joy in the little boy's emerald eyes, "how old are you anyway?"
"I'm six, what's your name?" Harry asked curiously, not noticing the shock caused from his response.
"Logan," was the short reply before Logan started to show Harry how the meat must be turned to assure even cooking. At one point as Logan allowed Harry to scrape any excess meat off the rabbit furs, Harry cried out before staring at his finger when the cut immediately closed. Looking up, Harry caught Logan's gaze resting on his healed finger. Cringing away as Logan lifted his hand, Harry dropped his head in fear and shame. With a heavy sigh, Logan stared sadly at the top of Harry's head as he put the pieces together behind the mystery of Harry's past.
"Harry, do you know why that happened?" Logan asked while Harry tightened into a ball before minutely shaking his head, "You are what is called a mutant Harry, I'm a mutant too." Harry lifted his head at that and watched as three metal claws came from each hand, situated between the knuckles of his fingers. With conformation that he was not a freak or alone any more, Harry started to cry. Logan retracted his claws before lifting Harry into his lap and continued to turn the meat; soon the meat was cooked through. Looking down at Harry's face he saw that the little one was asleep, so Logan gently shook him until those dazzling green eyes opened. Harry sat still on Logan's lap as the meat was set on a nearby plate and cut with another knife into strips. After they finished eating, during which Logan noticed the small amount Harry was able to consume, they fell asleep on a blanket kept next to the fire.
They stayed at that camp for a week before Logan packed them up and started to drive again. Harry sat in the passenger seat picking at the white fur that lined the pieced together shirt Logan had made for him. It had been a couple days after Harry had awaken that he asked about clothes, to which Logan replied he was going to re-stitch them to fit better. Now Harry had better fitting clothes, a few shirts with linings of rabbit fur, and a few pairs of pants with rabbit fur on the legs. Logan even made a rabbit fur coat with the inside having three linings of fabric from the hotel blanket and the extra fabric from the clothes. As for shoes and underwear, Logan had said that when they hit the next town he was going to buy them. That was what they were doing now, heading to the nearest town.
Reaching the town, Logan drove around until he spotted a retail store. It did not take long for them to grab a pack of underwear, socks, and Logan also grabbed a hat, gloves, and scarf. The clerk watched them and cooed at Harry stating that he was such a sweet little boy. Leaving Logan drove around some more until he saw a shoe store and pulled into a parking space. Logan got out the truck and walked to the passenger side to get Harry out, who he decided to carry to move faster. Walking into the store, he looked around to spot a clerk to help them and saw a young woman in a blue swirl shirt. The young woman did not immediately come forward but instead watching the two walk through the children's footwear aisle. Logan felt irritated as he walked through the aisle looking at the colorful shoes and rows of boxes until Harry tugged on his collar before pointed to a box on his right at eye level. Taking the box down and sitting on a nearby bench with Harry in his lap, he took a look inside the box. Inside was a small pair of boots that were primarily brown, quite close in color to his clothes, with design in white that ended in a Siberian tiger face on the heel. Soft footsteps approached before a blue swirl shirt came into his peripheral line of sight.
"Do you need any help? Perhaps I can check your son's shoe size?" a high pitched, slightly accented voice asked. Within the hour, they left the shop with the boots in Harry's size and looked for a place that rented rooms.