So We Fly

A "How To Train Your Dragon" Fan Fiction poem by the notorious Underwaterwriter.

Slowly, my eyes cast a glance to the left.

Slowly, they glance to the right.

Nobody notices me; they're too busy laughing, discussing about the next big victory with a dragon,

I can't even be bothered to notice leaving, is it so?

No turning back.

The sun peeps through the trees as I run for it.

It must want to see what's going on, why excitement glistens in its eyes.

He's waiting for me.

The dragon.

Those smooth scales belong to my ride, my friend, my getaway.

Like a panting dog, he sticks out his tongue and stares at me,

With those promising eyes, prepared for what will come next.

I smile to myself as he downs the fish I just tossed him.

Time for a quick check.

Stirrups fastened on? Check.

Rope tightened? Check.

Tail opened? Check.

Good grip on the reins? Check.

As soon as he's downed his tasty snack, I know we're ready.

I snap those reins and we rocket to the sky.

Even when strapped to him can I barely hold on.

Adrenaline, adventure, excitement rushing through every inch of me as the wind hits my face.

A ride so out of control, my worries can barely hold on,

Instead, they slip off, too scared to keep up.

Higher he goes, higher I go,

Through the wisps of clouded wall streaked with orange sun,

Which now becomes my floor.

The world below me,

My fears below me,

Everything below me,

I'm ready for this.

So we fly.

So we fly.

So we fly.