- Usami -

Would it be possible to crush my skull into the ground without a lot of hassle? I was so sick and tired of that witch's rants that I was desperate to put myself out of my own misery.

I mean honestly, who calls an emergency meeting at eight o'clock at night? Aikawa really has some nerve if she thinks that I'm going to finish that manuscript by tomorrow.

I sighed audibly and reached the front door of my apartment. I grabbed the handle, ready to turn it and walk inside, when I heard unfamiliar voices coming from the other side.

Curious, I let go of the handle carefully and listened. I pressed my ear against the door to hear them better. I heard Misaki's voice; that was a bit reassuring.

I listened more intently. I could've sworn I just heard Hiroki's voice. Why is he in my apartment? Then another voice; someone I didn't know. What the hell was going on?

Tired of straining my neck against the door, I leaned back, casually turned the handle, and walked in like I owned the place. Oh wait. I did.

The three were standing near the windows at the back of the room. They all stopped talking and turned to stare at me. Misaki looked distressed. Well, at least I was right about Hiroki being there. But who was this other guy? A friend of Hiroki's, perhaps?

"Oh, Usagi-san! I didn't expect you to get back so early! Um, this is…" He couldn't even finish his sentence. He was freaking out. I sighed; this boy needed to take a chill pill.

I held up my hand to shush him, even though he had already stopped talking. He stared at me curiously. I looked toward the stranger and pointed my finger at him, "Who're you?"

He glared at me; I didn't much appreciate that. "It's not polite to point, Akihiko." Hiroki's voice rang in my ear like an annoying doorbell. I turned to him and smiled, "It's certainly been a while, hasn't it Hiroki?" I addressed him coolly.

His cold eyes seemed to look right past me. Ever since Takahiro, he hasn't ever wanted to look me in the eyes. Sad, really. I kind of wanted to keep in touch with him.

The stranger sighed audibly. I turned back to him and repeated myself, "Who're you?" He looked at me and frowned, "My name is Miyagi. I believe you have something of mine."

Me-ow. This one had some spunk. And balls the size of cantaloupes to even have the gall to talk to me with that tone of voice. "If you're talking about the little straggler we have so kindly taken in, he's not here right now."

Suddenly, I realized something. "Wait, you're Miyagi?" I asked in disbelief. Miyagi stared at me. His look alone answered my question. I mentally slapped myself.

However, before this invigorating conversation could continue further, we heard fumbling with the doorknob. All four of us turned simultaneously toward the front door.

We looked on curiously as the door seemed to inch its way open. A golden head peered around the corner frightfully. His cloudy eyes were full of tears as the young boy entered the room slowly.

Miyagi took a step forward, "Shinobu?" He questioned cautiously. Shinobu simple stared at the older man. His tears started to stream down his plump cheeks as he took a few steps inside.

"Wh-wh-what a-are you d-doing here?" He managed to stutter through choked sobs. His voice sounded groggy and raspy. His clothes were tattered and torn. The kid looked like he had just stepped out of a tornado.

"What the hell happened to you? You look awful." Miyagi seemed to voice my thoughts. Shinobu said nothing; he just kept on walking. He seemed to gravitate toward Misaki.

Once he reached the small boy, he collapsed into his arms. Misaki, not expecting the sudden downfall of his friend, was caught off balance and toppled to the ground.

When Misaki had regained some of his composure, he turned to Shinobu quickly, "Are you alright?" He panicked. Miyagi was right by his side in an instant.

He gently caressed Shinobu's face, "I'm sorry, Shinobu. I never meant to hurt you. Risako means nothing to me. You are the only one I love. Forever and always." Miyagi's face showed the he, too, was aware of how cheesy he sounded, but he obviously didn't care.

If he was willing to say all those mushy things to his lover, it made me realize that maybe I should start saying those kinds of things to Misaki. You know, to make him feel better. Or something.

Just then, Shinobu turned toward Miyagi and looked up into his eyes. He smiled weakly, "You don't mean that." He said. Miyagi looked heartbroken. Shinobu then let out a hacking cough. Misaki felt his forehead, "You're burning up!"

Miyagi ran his fingers through his lover's hair. It was soft despite his rough appearance. Miyagi closed his eyes sighed. He was probably cursing himself for letting Shinobu get away.

Shinobu sneaked his hand up to Miyagi's cheek and cupped it gently. Miyagi opened his eyes and stared down at the boy, confused. Shinobu laughed softly, "I'm just kidding, you idiot."

Miyagi grinned stupidly. He grasped Shinobu's hand and held it close to his face. He kissed it again and again. Tears started to stream down his face, staining his cheeks.

"Don't you ever do that to me again! You nearly gave me a heart attack!" He sounded like a father scolding his rebel teenage son. It was kind of cute, actually. Now that the happy couple had made up in my living room, there was only one thing left to do.

"Get out."


Now that Graduation is over and done with, I feel that I have more time to work on these dumb stories of mine.

Especially since I don't have a job anymore as well. Hur hur.

Well, I realize that it wasn't really the best way to end a story, but I should be happy that I ended it at all.

Literally every story on my flash drive has NO ENDING. SERIOUSLY.

Well, I'm still working on other stories too, so be sure to check them out as well! C: