This is my first fanfic so please no flames! Also Sabrina and Puck are fourteen, which means Red and Daphne are eleven. is no longer the Wolf either and Red is not crazy so her and Daphne are best friends. I hope you enjoy it! Thanks!
Disclaimer: I don't own anything!
Nobody's POV
"PUUCCKK!!" Sabrina yelled as she looked in her mirror. She stomped out of her room to go hunt down Puck. She didn't even checking to see if her screaming had woken up her sister, Daphne, but she didn't need to look to know that her sister was still sleeping, she could sleep through a tornado. Sabrina reached Puck's door and barged in, ignoring all the signs magically taped to the door. As she walked into his marvelous room she couldn't help but stare at the beauty of it. She quickly got over the room knowing what would happen if she stayed in one place for too long. She wondered around the room until she reached a giant trampoline with a boy sitting lazily on it. The boy had unruly blond hair and was wearing a green hoodie. At the sight of Sabrina his face lit up with a mischievous grin.
"Nice hair, Grimm." He commented.
"How do you explain this, Puck?!" Sabrina yelled pointing to her newly purple hair. That only caused Puck to grin wider and harder.
"I thought it would match your ugly face." He replied simply. Unfortunately that only caused her anger to flare even more. You could almost see smoke raising from Sabrina's ears. Then she leaped for him. But Puck knew what was coming from past experience and popped out his marvelous pink wings and took to the air only slightly out of Sabrina's reach. As she jumped up and down Puck yelled, "How you gonna get me, Grimm?" Until she did something unexpected, she crumpled to the ground, putting her head into her hands and started whimpering. At that, Puck cocked his head curiously and slowly flew down to ask what was wrong and, if needed, to comfort her. He walked over to her slowly and with zero confidence.
"Sabri-" He started but never got to finish because she jumped up, elbowed him in the stomach while grabbing his wooden sword at the same time. Then, as he was leaning forward with his hands on his stomach, she knocked him the ground with the sword's point an inch from his throat.
"Okay, now that you got me, what are you going to do?" Puck asked mockingly.
"This." Sabrina answered. Then she flipped the sword so butt of it was facing him and jabbed him in the stomach with him knocking all the air out of him. Right when he had curled into a tiny ball, she picked him up by his shirt and punched him full in the face. Then she dropped him and walked calmly out of the room without another word.
Sabrina's POV
Puck was such a jerk! Why did he have to do this to me? Oh, that's right! Because it's "fun". I walked down the hall and into the bathroom to take a shower. I locked the door and began to run the water. I slipped out of my clothes and hopped in. Luckily, I discovered that Puck wasn't smart enough to use permanent dye so my hair quickly returned to it's natural silky blond. When I was done taking my shower, I tightly rapped myself in a fluffy tower and run towards my room. Unfortunately I run, literally, into Puck. Haven't I seen enough of the jerk? I slammed into him causing me to fall backwards, still gripping my towel tightly. I braced myself for the impact of the floor but it never came. Then I realized that Puck had caught me.
"Um... Thanks." I whispered to him, then ran into my room, slamming the door shut behind me. My heart was fluttering and I could feel the blood rushing to my face. Stupid hormones! But still it's just Puck. I pushed that to the back of my mind and went to my dresser. I took out some blue jeans. I was about to wear a purple T-shirt but it reminded me of this mornings prank so I quickly switched to a lime green T-shirt that fit me nicely showing my curves.
I opened my door and stuck my head out of it, looking left then right. Once I was sure the hallway was clear I ran all the way downstairs. I kept running until I almost run into Granny.
"Oh, there you are, liebling." Granny Relda exclaimed. "I've been looking everywhere, I should have guessed Puck was keeping you. Anyways, I need you and Puck to stay here alone."
"WHAT?!?!?" I screamed. This could not be happening! "You heard me correctly. We have a case in California and a Grimm has to stay here one for the barrier to stay up and two to make sure Puck doesn't burn the house down."
"WHAT?!?!? You can't just leave me alone with him! Anyone but him! Please!" I begged knowing it would cause Granny to feel a little bad. I knew want they were doing. Everyone thought Puck and I were meant to be and they were always trying to get us together. This was just another one of their schemes.
"I'm sorry liebling, but it's okay you won't be totally alone, Elvis will be here!"
"Great!" I grumbled sarcastically, falling onto the couch. Granny seemed in a hurray. I wonder why? Probably to tell Puck the news.
"Glad you're happy, good bye!"
That caused me to shoot straight up. "Wait, what? Your leaving n-n-now?" Then everything went black.
Puck's POV
I walked down the stairs slowly, still trying to recover from all of Sabrina's attacks on me. Man, that girl could punch! I couldn't breath for about five minutes. It's a good thing I'm immortal.
When I got to the bottom of the stairs the only thing I noticed was Sabrina past out on the floor and the Old Lady standing above her looking concerned.
Seeing that I said the first thing that came to my mind, "Wow! It's like a Jonas Brothers concert in here!" The Old Lady gave me a look that clearly said What?! but I ignored it. Then she started to walk over to me.
"Puck, liebling, I need to talk to you."
"What's up, Old Lady?" I asked curiously. She looked calm, then what could be wrong? Maybe it had something to do with Sabrina pasted out on the floor. Hmm...Sabrina looked pretty when she was passed out. Wait! What?
"The family is going on a case in California so you and Sabrina are staying home alone." Oh, okay. That wasn't so bad. Wait! What did she just say?!?!?
"WHAT?!??!" I yelled, then everything went black.
Sabrina's POV
When I finally came through everything that had just happened flooded back to me and I groaned. I looked up to find Puck laying on the ground, passed out. He looked so cute! Wait! Pretend I didn't say that! Anyways, I'm guessing Granny had just told him the news. I looked to Granny next.
"You told him?"
"Yep"She replied simply."Sabrina, I need to go so when Puck wakes up tell him I left. There's a list of emergency phone numbers and plenty of food. I think that's it." Granny turned around and headed towards the door. Right when she had her hand on the door knob I remembered something.
"Wait, Granny! How long are you going to be gone?"
"Two weeks. Now good bye, liebling" She kissed me on the forehead and left, locking the door behind her. Two weeks? I was beginning to feel light headed but just then Puck come through.
"WAIT, WHAT?!?!" He yelled. Ouch, that hurt! Gosh, that boy can yell loud!
"She gone Puck. It's no use yelling." I said to him while I walked over to the TV turning it on the same time I plopped onto the couch.
"Is she really gone?" Puck wondered, more to himself, as he walked over to the couch and sat down on the other end. "Believe it, Puck. She's gone" How could he not believe it? It was just all part of their evil, little plan! Curse that plan!
We both just sat there on the couch for about thirty minutes both thinking the same thing: Well, this is awkward.
When all of a sudden there was a giant flash of light. Then a girl about my age came hovering down. What really caught my attention was her giant aquamarine wings that glittered slightly in the light. She had reddish-brown hair that went a few inches past her shoulders and shocking emerald green eyes. She was wearing a long white dress with a golden rope tied around her waist and black converse. Altogether she looked like a goddess. She scanned the room for a few seconds until her eyes met Puck's and mine. Then she gave an a million dollar smile showing all her pearly white teeth.
"Hello, my name is Alice."