Hello everyone.

I know it's been ridiculously long since I've updated this. It's been killing me that I haven't able to write almost at all because I've been so busy. It's my junior year, you see, so I've got everything from way too much homework to SATs to driver's ed to extracurricular activities to... well, you get the point.

There's also another reason I haven't updated this story. I started a new story, entitled If Anyone Asks, about Remus and Tonks. While writing it, it came to my attention that it is much better quality than this or of Brick by Boring Brick, and that made me sad.

I want all of my writing to be the best it can possibly be, and while I have so many faithful readers for both this and Brick by Boring Brick, I don't think I deserve them.

So, some good news and bad news.

The bad news: I am, regrettably, discontinuing both this and Brick by Boring Brick. I'm truly sorry to anyone this disappoints. As much as I would like to continue them, I am honestly too frustrated with myself and my writing to do so (even with my lack of free time). Thank you to everyone who has stuck with this story from the beginning, and to everyone who's started reading along the way.

The good news: This will not be the last you hear from either of these stories. Sometime in the (hopefully near) future, I am going to rewrite both of them, and fix my writing as well as the plots, because I have issues with those as well. When I revisit them, I hope to return to you the story you have enjoyed, but even better.

So, if you, when the time comes, would like to read the reworked versions, please put me on your Author Alert if you have not already done so.

Finally, I have a plea for you all. Despite If Anyone Asks being much better (in my opinion) than Brick by Boring Brick or Misguided Ghosts, I have very few readers. I'd like to ask you to be so kind as to check that out and drop a review, even if you don't plan on continuing to read it or hate Remus/Tonks.

Many thanks once again to all of you. You're all fantastic and I'm really sorry to have come to this decision, but I think it's for the best.

Lots of Love and Gratitude,
