Revenge - The Alternate Version
You can't be saved,
You've gone and dug your grave,
And its getting deeper by the minute.
Well you had to turn your back,
Not cutting you any slack,
Hooked on your lies you had me going.
knowledge is power and as such people are concerned that those claiming to have a potentially superior knowledge are also those to be wary of, for it's association with power that brings corruption.
Two weeks ago she felt herself die and become reborn again to the current person she is now. when she killed Julia Chang she killed herself, at least that person she once was, looking into the mirror each day reminded her of how much she has changed from her pigtails, to her bright clothing, even her joyful expressions vanished within the darker imagine she now portray herself as. Xiaoyu was beginning to embrace this new image with pride. her old self was becoming nothing more than a memory that was quickly fading away.
As Jin would say... ''Power Is Everything, and those that deny it, never had it''
Ling gazed out of the window as the private plane cruised across the gloomy sky. by the looks of it a storm was forming, at times like these she felt like she was being stared upon by the heavens, they were glaring at her with disappointment and anger, she wouldn't be surprised if a lightning bolt stroke this plane and fried her to a crispy toast she was going straight to hell on a first class ticket. she murdered someone in cold blood, not just anyone it was, Juila Chang. the kind person known to protect the Earth and the wonderful things the inhibit it. she took her life and there was nothing she could do to change that. there was absolutely no going back.
As if reading her mind Jin spoke reassuringly. ''Xiao, she deserved it. she was going to expose me there was no other choice, what's done is done. I run a very powerful organization and I can't afford to have someone poking there nose in my business, not now when things are incomplete. for now everyone think I'm an Angel compared to that old wrinkly bastard Heihachi, they trust me and that's exactly the way I intend to keep it for the time being''
''Besides...'' He stared at her. ''No one suspects a thing they have no idea who caused Julia's death, you have nothing to worry about and if it make you feel any better you can blame me.'' Jin smiled slightly as she looked at him.
Ling gave him a half smile. he didn't say things in the most romantic way but she did appreciate his thoughtfulness to her. ''You're right, Jin-kun. she did deserve it she was going to hurt us, Julia. caused her own death. I'm deeply sorry I had to be her grim-reaper but she should have reconsidered her choice to attack us, we didn't try to harm her she chose to come after us, we were only acting on self-defense, right?'' She asked with anticipation trying to convince herself that what she had done was the right thing to do by ending Juila's life.
''You're one hundred percent correct, I couldn't have said it better myself... I'm only trying to help the people of this world to insure there future, Julia wanted to stop me, she was the evil one, not us. we did nothing wrong, Xiao.''
Xiaoyu smiled brightly relieved by his answer. standing from her seat as they sat across from each other she was on her way to approaching him when she stumbled into him.
He laughed as caught her. ''I guess we're experiencing some turbulence''
''In your arms is wanted to fall... so I don't mind.'' she said as she giggled
''You can always count on me to catch you'' He smirked wickedly as he spoke seductively in her ear. causing her small frame to shiver, even after exposing himself to her he still found it to be an exciting rush being with her, that fire she ignited in him was still burning hot, the sex was still mind-blowing and passionate and his interest in her was steadily growing, Xiaoyu was quickly becoming his perfect equal.
''Are you getting romantic with me?'' She teased putting her knee between his legs and sensually ran her hand on the side of his face while breezing his ear with light kisses.
Aggressively grasping her behind firmly in his hands Jin lustfully squeezed her cheeks. ''Maybe I am'' He whispered. ''But I just might be tempted later on to go the extra mile... He brought his tongue to her neck and licked it slowly before showering her slim neck with sensual kisses. ''but for now, Xiao... let's just skip the mushy shit and get right to it'' He quickly spun her around so that she was seated.
Ling released a delightful gasp as he ripped her shirt open. ''I guess I'm going to experience some turbulence?'' she grinned devilishly
He laughed reaching under her skirt and yanking her panties down. ''Hold on, it's going to be bumpy ride'' He then shoved his head in-between her legs
She inhaled his strong scent, So sweet and masculine. She was becoming so intoxicated by this sensation, This shocking but pleasurable betrayal. Her legs spread apart with him in-between driving his hard penis deep inside her wet tunnel, it welcomed him blissfully. each stroke felt better then the last, each time he would nearly pull out of her she would suck him back within her squeezing him painfully until he couldn't control his actions.
Jin pounding his body into hers, causing her to scream, cry, and lust for more. Her body shuttering, Her pussy stretching from his incredible size. Being beneath him present to the Fuck of her life. With her lungs gulping furiously for oxygen and her finger nails clawing into his back drawing blood. Until he aggressively grabbed her wrist and forcefully pined her arms unto Xiaoyu's bed. He slowed his pace and begin to stare into her eyes, then sadistically spoke... ''Beg me to Fuck you'' He commanded, ''I can tell just by looking in your eyes that you're ready to cum.''
Miharu breathe deeply while she stared intensively into his dark eyes. her body was hot, sweaty, slippery, her climax was standing on the edge and she desperately needed the final push ''Fuck me'' she moaned pleadingly
''Speak louder'' He demanded
'Please, Jin. Fuck Me!''
She said revenge can be so sweet
I like to take it when I can
I need to play with the ones I hate
I like to see them suffer It has to be dangerous
It has to be refined
It has to be skillfull
You need to take your time
''It hurt doesn't it? almost as much as your betrayal. you being my first and best friend since I've moved here''
Walking back to the couch and picking up the remote she pressed play and immediately the screen displayed Jin and Miharu having sex in her bed.
''I want you to watch yourself fucking my boy friend.'' She dropped the remote on the floor and began heading for the front door. ''Next time you will think twice before stabbing me in my back'' looking back at her once more witnessing the fear and panic on her face, Ling almost felt proud of it.
''Sayonara... My best friend.''
I'm fast and I'm strong
My reflexes are good
It doesn't take long
To achieve my deserved revenge
Miharu quickly sat up in her bed panting. she had been having the same nightmare since her near death experience caused by none other than her former best friend. unfortunately this nightmare really happened, she knew what she did was wrong but Xiaoyu has gone to far, poisoning her and she also knew Xiao was the one responsible for Julia's death. but the mastermind behind everything was Jin. Miharu didn't even care anymore that he was controlling Ling. she was nothing more than a murderer now.
Whatever it took she was going to have her Revenge on both of them... and that was her Promise.
Artist: Eurythmics
Song: Revenge