Walking through Fire – Chapter 4: Sitting Targets

A cell phone rang in the dimly lit room, causing the person to stop what they were doing in order to answer it. Fumbling in semi-darkness, with nothing but a flashlight and the lighted numbers on the phone pad they answered it on the second ring.

"What do you want?"

"Have you found it yet?" the caller asked impatiently.

"No, I haven't found it," came the reply. "For God sakes I've only been in here for fifteen minutes."

"Are you doing a thorough search, I need those papers and I need them today."

"This isn't easy you know," they said. "I'm not exactly a professional when it comes to ransacking someone's home."

"You're right and I'm sorry," the voice replied. "I'm just anxious to get my hands on those documents."

"I know, but calling every few minutes isn't helping," they retorted in exasperation. "I'll call you when I'm in the car and as far away from here as I can get."

"Alright, but don't forget to check her office."

"I won't," they answered getting frustrated. "I have to go."

"Fine," and with that they closed the phone and continued the search.

"We're going to die, we're going to die, we're going to die…"

"Haley," Ellie shouted. "Knock it off, I need to focus and your chanting is not helping matters."

Just as she said those words they felt another powerful jolt from the car behind them. Who was this guy and why was he trying to run them off the road.

"Zack how far away are you?" Ellie asked him trying her best to sound calm.

"We just pulled out of the parking lot," he replied. "No sirens yet?"

"No, you said Bob called it in right?" Haley frantically asked as they were slammed yet again.

"Zack he's coming up on my left and he's close," Ellie shouted. "I think he may succeed in pushing us off the road."

Before he could reply the man plowed his car against hers, effectively causing her too loose control as they went careening off the pavement. The two women sat frozen while a figure they couldn't quite make out in the darkness, stepped out of his car with a gun.

"Hale duck!" Ellie shouted just as a bullet shattered their front windshield.

The girls screamed while a small round of shots were fired hitting every part of the car including their tires, which were now deflated.

"Zack," Haley cried. "His got a gun."

Just then they heard the sound of sirens in the distance and a car screeching down the road. Taking a minute to calm their nerves they lifted their heads and chanced a glance over the dashboard. The man was gone but two police cars as well as Zack's car came to a stop beside them.

"Girls are you okay?" Zack shouted as he yanked open the door and he and Bob helped them out.

"I think so," Ellie stated rather shaky.

"Okay?" Haley interrupted. "No we are not okay, this guy wanted to kill us."

"I don't think so," Zack surmised.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Haley countered.

"He was shooting at the car at point blank range," Bob chimed in. "If he had wanted to kill you, he would have."

"I think I'm going to be sick," Haley cried clutching her stomach.

"Here's the ambulance," Bob stated. "Have them give you a once over while we take a look around."

The two sisters nodded and walked over to where the EMT's were waiting. As Zack and Bob joined the four officers investigating the scene they couldn't help but cringe at how close this had come to a double murder. What was strange is why this person would choose to target the two women, when the caller had made it blatantly obvious who the two victims would be.

"Something doesn't add up," Zack stated. "They were in his sights, he had ample opportunity to shoot one if not both of them."

"I think they were trying to send us a message?"

"I agree," Zack said when his phone rang. "Zack here."

"I hope I didn't scare the ladies too badly," the person on the other end laughed.

"What the hell kind of crap are you pulling?" Zack shouted making Bob turn his head and pay attention.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't like playing games."

"Really of all people I thought you would enjoy this more than anyone."

"Lay off my family," Zack growled. "Or…"

"Or what, you know what Martin, you make me laugh, really you do," Zack heard a chuckle which pissed him off more. "You actually think that your demands mean anything to me?" he added. "You just love playing the tough guy for everyone don't you? But we both know the truth, you're weak, you always have been. So how's your brother?" The line went dead as the man's laughter continued to echo in his ears.

"That was him," Bob stated noticing the angry expression on his friends face. "Wasn't it?"

"Damn it," Zack whispered under his breath. "If this guy wants to play games, we'll play games."

"What's going on?"

"I'm going to find that out, and when I do, I'm going to let this prick know he's fucking with the wrong guy."

"I thought this was about Cody and Janet?"

Zack paused to look over at Haley and Ellie who looked back at him. He knew that he couldn't do much here, still he was reluctant to leave them alone. He would have to take them back to the hospital with him in order to pick up Cody and Janet. If anything happened to them Cody would never forgive him, hell he would never forgive himself.

As if reading his mind Bob interrupted his thoughts. "Zack, go back to the hospital. I'll take Haley and Ellie home and we'll meet up at Cody's house in a bit." Bob stated with a smile. "Then we can all sit down and figure this out, and you can fill me in on the phone call you just received."

"Alright," Zack nodded.

After he and Bob filled Haley and Ellie in on the plans, he got back in his car just in time to receive another call. Gazing at the screen on his cell phone he flipped it open.

"Janet?" he stated. "Is he ready?"

"Yeah, he's ready," she replied. "How are Ellie and Haley?"

"You haven't told him anything have you?"

"No of course not," she said answering his question. "In fact I don't know exactly what to tell him."

"They're fine, I'll be there in a few and then we can drive over to your place and pick up a few things."

"Pick up a few things?" she asked confused. "Why?"

"Because, we have a lot to talk about and I'd rather we all do it under the same roof."

"But I can't, Angie is flying in tonight. I promised I'd pick her up from the airport," Janet informed him regarding her cousin's plans.

"I'll send a uniformed police officer to pick her up," he replied. "He'll drive her over to Cody's."

"What about my car, it's still parked in the garage at work."

"I'll give Greg and the boys a holler to keep an eye on it."

"I don't think this is a great idea," she replied rather annoyed.

"Janet, after what happened tonight, I really don't care what you think."

"Nice Zack, real nice," she stated as Cody was wheeled up beside her in a wheelchair. A nurse standing behind him.

"Are you too at it again?" Cody rolled his eyes and took the phone from her. "What's going on?"

"Don't worry about it bro, I'm a few minutes away. Do me a favor and stay inside the doors until I get there."

"It's kind of stuffy in here," the younger twin replied. "I think a little fresh air will do us good."

"Inside, I mean it!" he demanded before Cody heard a click indicating he had hung up.

Cody instantly caught on to the fact that Zack was using his cop voice and not his big brother voice. Something was wrong, but he knew he wasn't going to get a clear answer just yet. So he agreed, and they waited just inside the double doors. True to his word his brother pulled up a few minutes later and they all climbed into his car. The fact that Zack's eyes never stopped scanning their surroundings was not lost on his baby brother and that nagging feeling returned. Yup, something was definitely wrong.

Zack pulled up next too Janet's house and told his brother to wait while they ran in to grab a few things. The silence between them was deafening and awkward. The type of silence you could cut with a knife but that didn't change the plan, Janet was going with them whether she wanted to or not. Besides this was going to be a simple in, out and on their way situation.

Zack should have known better, in the academy he was taught never to trust simple. The first thing he noticed was the shattered glass near the window by the front door. It looked like someone had put their fist through it in order to gain access. The door stood open less than an inch and Zack forced Janet behind him.

To Janet's amazement Zack pulled out a gun from his holster and held it up. She hadn't known he still carried one, which was a crazy thought considering the line of work he was in. But still the idea terrified her.

"I want you stay back near those bushes," he whispered in no uncertain terms. "I'm going to check out the house."

"But what if someone is still in there?"

"That's what I'm hoping," he told her. "Then maybe we can get some answers," he added placing two fingers up to his lips indicating that he wanted her to stay quiet and hidden.

Janet did what she was told and placed herself between some bushes and the house well hidden from any danger. Or so she hoped, but then a thought hit her. What if the person ran out and saw her. As her heart began to beat a bit faster in her chest and her breathing became ragged from the fear enveloping her, she could have sworn that time slowed before she finally heard an all clear coming from inside the building.

She cautiously made her way inside and gasped. Her entire home looked like it'd been hit by a tornado. All her things were scattered around and flipped and toppled over. Several artifacts were broken and in pieces and hard to distinguish.

"Someone really did a number in here," Zack said walking in from the other room. "They ransacked every room."

Suddenly Janet's heart stopped and she gazed over to Zack in a panic. He saw the desperation in her eyes and knew something was up. When she ran into her bedroom, he was right behind her.

"Janet calm down," he asked as she began searching for whatever it was that she was looking for. "What are you looking for, let me help you." She was becoming hysterical and it was obvious she was crying.

"Where is it?" she cried. "I can't find it, help me find it."

"Find what?" Zack kneeled down beside her concerned.

"It's not here, I can't lose it. Zack I can't lose it."

"Lose what?" he asked taking a hold of both her hands. "What are we searching for?"

"The locket," she explained while leaning up against him.

Finally Zack understood. The last item her parents had given to her before they died in that tragic accident. The last item she was given before the big argument. He knew she blamed herself for what happened. None of it was her fault of course, but he wasn't able to convince that fact to her.

He helped her drag out her jewelry armoire so they could get a better peek. Pulling out the drawers and throwing them aside she instantly went for a latch toward the back. She pulled out a small drawer and the only thing in it was a small locket with a picture of her and her parents and an old ring that had belonged to her great grandmother and had been passed down through three generations. Both priced positions that she would never part with.

"I didn't know there was a secret compartment in your jewelry box."

"I meant to tell you, but a girl's got to keep some secrets."

"Get your things together," he stated sympathetically. "I don't want to be here in case that person decides to head back."

"I thought you wanted to catch them?"

"Looking at this place," he explained. "I won't feel safe until you and the others are where I can keep an eye on you."

"Who do you think is doing all this?" she asked.

"I'm not sure, but the one lead we have right now, is Dickie. So we'll start there. In the meantime, we will all compare notes, maybe we can figure something out."

"It's strange though."

"What is?"

"Doesn't it seem weird how at the very same time Hayley and Ellie were being run down, my home was being ransacked?"

"I was thinking the exact same thing."

"Do you think it's more than one person?" she asked almost afraid of the answer.

"I think we better hurry."

Bob pulled up to the drive way just as a patrol car pulled in behind him and Angie got out with her bags.

"Would someone please tell me what's going on?" she asked worry apparent in her voice. "Where's Janet?"

Hayley walked over and took her bags from her as the two women made their way toward the front door. "Hold it, no one goes in until we've made a full sweep of the house." On that note everyone groaned and the three women were forced to stay with the police officer until he was finished.

"Okay all clear," Bob announced strutting back over to them. "Now, let's all go inside and we'll talk."

"I want answers now," she demanded.

"Look standing out here is not a safe thing to do," Bob expressed. "Let's go inside and we'll wait for Zack and the others."

"The others meaning…"

"Meaning, Janet and Cody," Bob explained.

"What do you mean not safe?" she asked as an afterthought.

"Ladies, please…" he pleaded pointing toward the front door. "After you."

The three women took his cue and headed inside the house. As everyone put their bags down Haley ushered them all into the kitchen for some coffee. The next hour was chaotic at best, another officer had pulled up and now they were told two officers would be watching the house at all times. Zack pulled up with Cody and Janet and everyone was hunkered down for the night.

"Okay let's get this conversation started."

AN: This was long in coming but I hope it peeked your interest for the rest of the story. :)