Me: Hey, guys I'm back and ready to update everything I have put on this site so far. I know there is no excuse for leaving you guys hanging for so long but a lot of issues have come up. Now, however I have the time and energy to write and update so things will get better. On another note I have decided to make Reflections of a Shattered Heart a two-shot.

This is dedicated to Angelic Samurai for taking the time to review my stories/one-shots and just being an awesome person in general.

Musings of a Broken One

As soon as forever is through, I'll be over you. ~Toto

Ponyboy is flirting with Angela Shepherd. Actually, it's more like Angela is hanging all over him and Pony's just kind of standing there awkwardly and trying to keep her hand from sliding down his chest a little too far down south if you know what I mean.

It's killing me.

I'm sitting in the corner, smoking and wondering how the hell he got Darry to agree to let come to Buck's or if he told him at all because that would be a great excuse to grab him (more like ask) and go because god dammit she's too close.

Way too close

And it's not fair she can get him. Not fair she doesn't have to hide her feelings. If her feelings go beyond a quick fuck anyway.

Not fair not fair not fair

But I don't say anything. I don't march over there and throw Angela Shepherd off Ponyboy and I certainly don't drag him out of this shithole party. And I certainly, don't ever kiss him. Nope, instead I sit here and smoke and think and muse over broads and broken hearts.

My broken heart in particular