Bella had gone all out with the sleepover--getting ice-cream, chips, popcorn, pizza…everything. Griffin didn't mind what there was, he just wanted to spend some time with his favorite girl. But Bella wanted to impress Alice and not look like a geek, like she normally did.

Griffin came over at about 8:30, but then went straight to the bathroom to put on a face mask. Alice came over shortly after Griffin. After answering the door, Bella led Alice to her room--which looked like it was decorated for a twelve-year-old. It was partially because she hadn't lived in Forks since she was younger, but it was also because she was like a little girl, hence her being a geek in high school. But Alice didn't say anything, on account of Bella telling her in the bathroom that she had just moved here. Well, that and the fact that she didn't want to rude.

While Alice was unrolling her sleeping bag, Griffin came out of the bathroom.

"Ooh, he's hott." Alice whispered to Bella. "I didn't know that you had a brother."

"He's not my brother." Bella whispered. "Alice, this is my friend, Griffin."

Griffin shook Alice's hand. "Nice to meet you."

"W-what's up with your face?" Alice asked, just noticing that he was wearing a face mask.

"Who wants to play a game?" Bella tried to change the subject.

"Sure. …Ooh, how about '20 questions'?" Alice suggested. "Since we don't really know each other. …I'll start. Um, Bella…What's your favorite color?"

"Blue. What's your's?" Bella replied.

"Pink. Griffin?"

"Green." Griffin smiled, but his green face just made everyone crack up.

The three continued to play 20 questions until they knew a decent amount of information about each other. Then, they moved on to playing Twister, up until Griffin fell on Alice, getting some of his mask on her.

"Oh, shit!" He ran into Bella's bathroom. "I forgot to take it off!"

"Is he ok?" Alice asked.

"He should be." Bella said, before they both laughed. "So…about Edward?"

"Well, first you should know that he's not as bad as he seems. He's okay, actually. …Except when he's around his friends. He…he just kind of shows off in front of them. He needs a chance to be himself."

"Oh." Bella said. "But how can I date him? What do I have to do?"

"Well, I'll have to give you a make-over, teach you some skills, and then maybe we could break him." She smiled. "Bella Swan, welcome to Alice Brandon's…" She thought for a second. "…School of dating a jackass!"

"But I thought you said that he wasn't like that--"

"Well, he's not. But the only way for you to know is if you break down past his jackass wall that surrounds him. …You think you can do it?"

"I hope so." Bella sighed. "What's the first step?"

"Appearance. First, when do you get your braces off. …Please say soon."

"Tomorrow. Wow, that's helpful." Bella laughed. "What else?"

"Do you have contacts?" Alice asked.

"Yeah, but I never really wear them."

"Maybe you should start. Now all you need is some make-up, some new clothes, and a new hairstyle and you've got Edward."

"How do you know that it'll work?" Bella asked.

"Trust me, he'll fall for the superficial things, but he'll keep you for your personality." Alice said. "But you won't have to worry about that, that's step three."

"How many steps are there?"

"Hmm…I'm not sure…it depends on how long this lasts…"

So sorry for ending it right here, but this is getting harder than I thought! Sorry if it's not good!!!!! I'll update soon, but I just had to leave it there for a second!!