"In a 2007 interview, Rowling said she would like to believe that a centaur's hoof pushed it 'the resurrection stone' into the ground, burying it forever. But we don't know for sure that happened..."


Year 2023,

"Al no, Al you have to stop." Albus turned on his sister as he made his way up the stairs of his house. "You'll never find it." Lily had seen Albus leave the house again as he had left every night since they had arrived back home for the summer. She knew where he was going and knew the only thing that was going to happen. He was going to get hurt. It was nearing three am and she had been waiting for him at the top of the stairs with her fathers invisibility cloak in case her parents woke up. She had whipped it off as soon as he came in the door.

"I have been searching Lily, for five years now. What makes you think you can talk me out of it now." They kept their voices in harsh whispers as to not wake anyone up.

"You'll never find it." She said. "Besides even if you did what would you do with it?" She followed him up the stairs and into Albus' room. Albus threw off his shoes and pulled off his shirt.

"It doesn't matter what I'm going to do with it." He said. "It's none of your business."

"Albus... you're scaring me..." Lily said her eyes watering. "What are you turning into? You're becoming obsessed with a man who has been dead over twenty five years now. You won't find it and the sooner you face that reality the easier it's going to be on you." Lily said. "That forest is huge, it could be anywhere." Albus turned on his sister again, his bare chest pale in the moonlight shining through the window.

"Lil I love you, you know that. But this is something I've been working too hard on doing." He said his voice quiet but stern. "I am not just going to give up now." Lily stared at him for a few moments not knowing what to say. She took a step back and shook her head at him.

"I wish dad had never told you about him... maybe then I'd actually have a brother instead of this monster you're turning into."

"You can say what you want. I'm not giving up." He said again. She shook her head again before leaving the room and heading to her own bedroom down the hall.

Albus looked down at his bare feet and moved to his bed. Flopping back down onto the bed on his back he reached into the pocket of his black jeans. "Besides." He said pulling out a small ring. "Why would I give up now when I'm so close..." He said with a wicked smile.

TBC... So what did you all think so far? More to come soon, please R&R I'd love you forever. Tell me what you think or if you have any ideas for future chapters this story is so far not set in stone so feel free to email me the_half-blood_prince at live . ca just take out the spaces and turn at into the at sign as FF . net doesn't allow emails and links lol.