Chapter 1: Running

Why was he running? He didn't know any more.

The rain falling around him was peaceful and cooled his body burning with sweat. He couldn't hear anything but the thumps of his heart beating incredibly fast.

Why was he running? He didn't care anymore.

He stopped to catch his breath he couldn't hear the person running after him calling "Matthew, Matthew wait please slow down"

Why did he stop running? He didn't know any more.

"Mattie," the person said "He didn't mean it…" He turned around to this person and whispered "Alfred, you know what I like about the rain, it hides my tears." With great pity the person said "Mattie, Arthur didn't mean what he said, he was drunk and…" He cut him off again "Alfred, its okay, I knew it all along, but it just hurt to hear someone I care for say it." The person couldn't say anything and refused to look him in the eye.

Why did he start running again? He cared too much.

This is my first fanfic and the story will continue.....