Disclaimer: I don't own D. Gray-Man or any of it's characters. I wish I did, though!

And a big Thank You to dragonheart3 for correcting my spelling mistakes! It. . . made me happy. . . -Cries-

- Allen's POV-


In every direction Allen looked, there was just a black emptiness. It was quiet. Absolutely, deathly quiet.

However, a sudden drowning feeling engulfed his senses, and he began struggling to breathe. It felt as if his lungs were being crushed by a pair of invisible hands inside his chest. The darkness slowly turned a murky crimson, and when the boy looked up, the red sky above was rippling like waves on the ocean with beams of faint light falling through.

He began to panic as lack of oxygen made him lightheaded, his vision going blurry. 'I need air. . . !'

His legs were kicking, and his hands were clasped around his neck as he struggled to not open his mouth. Giving in to instinct, Allen gasped for breath, instead swallowing the liquid he was suffocating in.

It tasted metallic, and his eyes opened wide as he realized he was drowning in blood. He began to frantically swim to the surface, but felt a heavy weight on his leg. His head shot down to see what it was preventing him from getting air.

He froze in shock.

- Normal POV-

Allen screamed bloody murder, his eyes snapping open, as he shot up from his bed and fell onto the cold floor, dragging the blankets along with him. He took a deep breath to calm his racing heart as he wiped the cold sweat from his brow.

"Allen!" was heard along with the thud of footsteps, which soon after came the bam of Allen's room's door slamming open. Standing in the doorway was Lenalee and Lavi, who were breathing heavily from sprinting, and Kanda standing poised behind them with his hand on his Innocence katana Mugen.

"Allen, what happened?" Lenalee said as she rushed to Allen's side, grasping his arm and helping him stand on his shaky legs.

"It was nothing Lenalee, just a dream" Allen laughed nervously, sitting back on his bed, being afraid of his leg giving out on him.

Kanda dropped his hand from the hilt of his sword, then turning around and walking away, faint cursing to be heard. Meanwhile, Lavi was giving a squirming Allen a hug attack, which was also getting them both tangled in the already messy bed sheets. "Well, you're okay now that I came to you're rescue!" Lavi practically yelled in Allen's ear, which sent the said boy cringing.

Lenalee was just watching them silently, hands on her hips, as Allen attempted to push Lavi off of him, who was clinging to his waist with a death grip. 'I wonder what happened to Allen. . .' she asked herself.

"L-Lavi get off me! You're making my shirt go up!" Allen stuttered, embarrassed and face flushing somewhat, as he began to try to pry Lavi off.

"But Moyashi-cha-" Lavi was cut short as Allen's elbow came down on his head. "IT'S ALLEN!"

"Lavi, let go of him." sighed Lenalee, trying to help Allen getting a whining Lavi off of him.

"Fine fine!" Lavi submitted, letting go of Allen, who was holding his aching waist. "Hey Allen, get dressed so we can go eat, because if I'm starving, I can't imagine what you're stomach is doing to you" Lavi said with a grin, giving Allen a playful noogie.

Allen batted his hand away and shook his head, acting exasperated. "Alright, i'll be out in a minute"

After Lenalee and Lavi had left his room, Allen shut the door quietly and began undressing. He sighed as he searched for clean clothes, running his hand through his messy white bed hair as he paused for a moment.

'What did that dream mean, and who was that?'