Hey, this is just something I came up with after last night's episode of EastEnders. Maybe a 4 or 5 parter. Please R&R. Thank you! x


Jack put his hand on Chelsea's arm turning her towards him.

"Come on, you know what she's trying to do, it's not like that..."

Chelsea shrugged "So, right, if Ronnie came up to you right now and handed herself to you on a plate you'd still pick me 'cos I…!" she moved her hands about trying to make her point more dramatic.

Jack had stopped listening before Chelsea had begun. His eyes were drawn to the blonde who was struggling to walk in the background. He saw a man approach her from behind. He heard her shout.

"Babe? Babe?!"

Jack focused his attention on Chelsea for a minute.

"Yeah look, there's something I need to sort out, just go down" He said pointing down the steps of R&R.

"What? By myself?"

"Yeah, I won't be long, everyone's down there for Laurens party" he flashed a quick smile before again raising his gaze to the blonde who was still struggling with the male figure.

As soon as Chelsea had entered the club Jack ran towards the commotion.


The young man turned to Jack instantly frightened by the look in his eye.

"Look mate, she just dropped these, honestly, I was only giving them back to her, when she lost it!"

Jack nodded and took the keys that dangled from the young man's grasp.

"It's alright, I'll get her home"

The young boy turned and walked away quickly.

"Ron? Ronnie? It's me, Jack!"

"I know who you are!" Ronnie replied in a distant tone.

"Ronnie it's freezing, what you doing out here where's your coat?" Jack continued talking while removing his suit jacket and placing it over Ronnie freezing bear arms. "How much have you had to drink?"

"Nothing at all" Ronnie replied sniggering to herself.

Jack shook his head. "Ronnie what's brought all this on, falling around the street drunk it isn't exactly your style is it?"

"I just want to forget!" Ronnie said merrily "You shag anything in a skirt to make you feel better and I…I drink…to make me happy, to make me forget"

There was silence between the two until Ronnie spoke again in a barely audible whisper "but I can't just forget, he won't go away"

Jack sighed "Come on let's get you home!"

"How do I get him to go away Jack, I'll do anything, I will, if he just leaves me alone!"

"Come on, let's just get you home, and we can talk about it there!"

"No, wait…I'm gonna be sick!" Ronnie pushed away from him before emptying the contents of her stomach all over the ground.

Jack watched her fall apart in front of him. He wondered when she'd gotten like this. Why hadn't he noticed before now?


Finally arriving at Ronnie's flat Jack opened the door to leave them inside. Once inside he surveyed the flat. It was clean, clear of any rubbish. Jack smiled at the photographs that stood proudly on display. His gaze slowly scanned the rest of the room, seeing the empty vodka and wine bottles he sighed. He removed his gaze and instead landed his eyes on the snow globe that rested on the TV. He smirked before going to it; he picked it up and turned to Ronnie who was now sat on the sofa with her hands covering her face.

"It's a bit early or, late even for Christmas decoration Ron!"

Ronnie looked up "Put it down! Put it DOWN!!" she screamed shocking Jack who carefully placed the snow globe back where he had got it.

"I'm sorry" Ronnie whispered "You can go now! I'm fine!"

"Oh yeah, this is fine, is it?" Jack took the few steps to the fridge, opening it he was greeted with nothing but a bottle or two of more alcohol.

"Ronnie have you eaten today!"

Ronnie shrugged in reply "No, I've been too busy, I was cleaning, you see and then Roxy and Danny...Oh and I had a chat with your new girlfriend, Chelsea? Great choice by the way! Classy"

Jack stood looking at her not daring to say a word.

Ronnie stopped talking and stood up. Frantically she began cleaning the flat again. She moved things, she wiped things down with her hands, she threw things, until she was stopped by a hand on her shoulder.

"Calm down!" he whispered.

"I can't! This place is so dirty, it needs to be cleaned, and I'm dirty, I am! I need a shower!"

Jack desperately tried to hold on to her, he could see the distress in her eyes. Ronnie struggled with his grip, fighting him off. In the struggle the snow globe was thrown to the floor causing Ronnie to gasp. Quick as a flash she picked it up, it wasn't damaged. Her eyes stuck like glue to each piece of snow that fell; standing still she was waiting, waiting for the last piece to land, waiting for him to come find her.

"I don't want to play because it's stupid! I don't like it!" an eleven year old Ronnie pouted.

"Don't be so grumpy, we get sweets, it's fun" Roxy smiled "Please Ronnie, if you don't play Dad won't do it and he'll get cross!"

"You girls ready?" Archie asked entering the room.

"Yayy!" Roxy squealed jumping around excitedly.


"I don't want to!" Ronnie replied in a completely different tone to that of her innocent younger sister.

"Excuse me?!"

"Ron!! You said you would!" Roxy pouted tears instantly fell from her eyes.

"Ok I'll play! Stop crying!"

Archie winked in Ronnie's direction before shaking the snow globe. Both girls ran Ronnie to her room and Roxy to the biggest cabinet in the kitchen.

Minutes later Ronnie was sat on the floor of her bedroom, she was frozen with fear, scared of what she knew was coming. She furiously wiped her tears away; she was the oldest she had to protect Roxy that meant she had to be strong. No crying. Her heart beat almost stopped when she heard the door open. Her wide eyes stuck to her father as he locked the door, before too long he came closer and whispered "Times up!"

"Times up!" she whispered.

Jack shook his head confused at Ronnie's almost catatonic state.

"Ronnie?" he gently caught her arms trying to have her open her eyes.

"No, please get off me"


Opening her eyes Ronnie was relieved to see Jack stood there. Feeling tired and embarrassed she allowed some tears fall from her eyes; she pulled away from his grasp and sat down.

"Please tell me what's wrong?"

"What's right Jack?" she said attacking his question as more tear filled her eyes.

"We can talk about it"

"About what exactly?"

"Whatever is upsetting you so much?"

"No, I can't, I can't!" Ronnie cleared her throat "Please just go!"

Jack looked at his watch and sighed.

"I just need to go check if Laurens party is going ok! But I will be back! I will! Ten minutes tops, don't try anything stupid now will ya?"