THE BLURB: Booth comes calling on Brennan at the Jeffersonian to find that she's going on a date. A little mush/angst, a little jealousy, followed by smut smut smut!

A little bit of mushy Booth in this bit - smut in the next chapter if I write it and it doenst suck

THE DISCLAIMER: I dont own Booth and Brennan, I just take them from the FOX toybox for a while and play with them before putting them back. No money is made from anything, it is purely for non-profit purposes covered under section 107-118 of title 17, U. S. Code and 1988 Copyright Designs and Patents Act (UK) and the case law of Hustler Magazine, Inc. et al. v. Jerry Falwell 1988. It is all used purely for parody and entertainment purposes. However should FOX want to give me Booth then Im sure we could come to sort of arrangement!

This is my first fanfiction so be gentle and I dont have a BETA so PLEASE let me know if Ive missed some grammer/spelling issues.

This chapter was inspired by the song Sweet Misery by Michelle Branch, which I think sums up whats going on in Booths head -or what I think should be going on in there!

Are you going to betray me?' – She had asked him that over some really bad whiskey in his office. He had answered her truthfully, that no he never would and she had claimed that nether the less she would be vigilant. Little had he known it was he that should have been vigilant.

He had saved her and she had saved him right back. Saved him from his fears of becoming his father, from never allowing Jared to stand on his own two feet, and never being the man he knew he should be for Parker. As much as she was socially awkward, as much as she claimed she didn't believe in the emotional context of the human heart she had helped him with his. She was his partner, his Bones –and right now on a very boring Friday night his Bones was the one he needed to see.

Security didn't stop him as he entered the medico-legal lab; it was not unheard of for the partners to work long into the night even on their weekends. After checking her office and for the forensic platform and finding them both vacant of anyone but cleaning crew, he headed for bone storage. He hated this room; it reminded him of those padded cells at funny farms, except there were for squints. The loonies had nice padded walls to stop them hurting themselves; the squints had walls covered in ancient puzzles and bones to stop them hurting themselves on the big wide world. There in the middle of the room was his very own loony, bent over yet another white grinning skull. He looked around at the white room and the hundreds of drawers, with the hundreds of poor bastards piled inside, nothing left but ashes and bones. Limbo –the name that Brenan had chastised Zach for using and they were both stuck inside it. The room was a goddamn metaphor for their lives – nothing but memories and bones –collecting dust, unable to move on because they couldn't or wouldn't put a name to what they had.

As he got closer he let out a long teasing whistle. 'Well Bones look at you, where' you going to all dressed up?' he asked, expecting her normal reply of some fundraiser, benefit, or press junket for one of her books, he was not expecting her to say.

'I have a date Booth, Doctor Milner for the Medieval department has asked me to go to dinner with him tonight –we are leaving from here at 7:30' she said not even looking up from the skull she was examining, that seemed to grin mockingly at him from her slender grip.

He was glad she didn't look up, or she would have seen the look of regret that flashed for a moment behind his eyes. He didn't like it when she had dates, but some stung more than others. He had spent hours turning over in his head whether it was worse if she was dating another FBI agent or if one of her colleagues. When it came to Sully, and those like him who had flirted with Brennan over the years he had dealt with it. He knew he could compete with them, knew that he was as moral, as sympathetic, as wily and strong as any other male on the FBI books, but it carried that sting, that nagging voice in the back of his mind, why not him? The squints were a different story, they were her people, they could talk to her in a way he could not – like Ian 'man whore' Wexler. He was sure that she never had to correct their pronunciation of some technical term or have them correct her on her mixed metaphors or incorrect use of pop culture. He glanced down at his watch, 7:25.

'Oh…well…you know most women prepare for a date by dressing up, pampering themselves, not spending the evening examining a dead guy' he said, the advice to cover up the fact he was swallowing down his own emotions. A small sick part of himself was pleased that she was working before her date, it meant that the guy –this Doctor Milner, didn't mean enough to her to make her stop working. A small lopsided smile came unbidden to his lips and when she met his eyes to challenge his statement she thought he was laughing at her.

'We'll I'm busy Booth!' she said defensively, 'I am still a woman and I did dress up I just have other obligations than simply to myself.' He regretted making the statement when he noticed the hurt in her eyes. It was as though he was challenging her feminity –which of course in his eyes at least was beyond question. Yes she was still a woman, all these years together and he could not have missed that, but she wasn't any ordinary woman, she was more 'Bonesy' than other woman, it pleased him that she cared more for her duty to these long dead humans than her own appearance, because it spoke to the heart that most people claimed she lacked.

'Bones I'm –'he started to apologise, but the opening of the door cut him off. The man who entered was as tall and broad as he was, built big through the shoulders, he must have been a football player back in the day. Booth had hoped he would have looked like Zach –scrawny and pale like he hadn't seen daylight in some weeks. No such luck.

'I hope I'm not interrupting' the smarmy looking guy said, loud enough to draw attention to himself. Booth's eyes narrowed in annoyance and outright suspicion, but if the man noticed he didn't let on. Okay, the guy wasn't that smarmy, his tone had been affable and easy but Booth in his attempt to dislike the other man who was taking out his Bones decided he was smarmy. Milner's watery blue eyes fixed on the woman they were both interested in. Following his line of sight Booth glanced at Brennan; she had stopped working and was looking at her 'date' with that look on her face, the look he thought she reserved for him. He was another of those pretty boys, another of those smarmy types to help her fulfil her 'biological urges' –he didn't like the idea. 'Are you ready to go?' Milner pressed clearly anxious and becoming increasingly uncomfortable at the glares the burly FBI agent was giving him. Booth wanted to give himself a shake, to pull himself out of the taciturn mood he could feel himself slipping into, to stop behaving like a dad on prom night and just be pleased for Brennan, but ever since the dream he had become selfish, he wasn't able to be happy for her when it came to her relationships, he wanted to be happy with her. But every time he thought of doing something, saying something to put an end to it all something stopped him, maybe it was Sweets telling him that Brennan wasn't ready and to tell her would be selfish, or maybe it was the memory of her telling him that kissing him had been like kissing her brother.

It didn't matter what Sweets said, he wanted to be selfish, he wanted to grab her and prove that he was defiantly not her brother. The memory of her, her touch, her scent, her taste, all of it, all of that softness that was so intrinsically Brennan, he couldn't get it out of his head. When he had woken up and seen her sitting at the end of the bed, he had been disorientated, but he had still thought they were Mr. and Mrs. B. He had explained to the Doctors and then to his friends what it was he had seen in his dream, like Dorothy back from Oz, and they had all found it amusing. Except for her, she hadn't laughed, she had looked away, then given some platitude and brief hug and left. It seemed that being with him, even in a dream was something that she could not deal with. Every now and then he would slip up and forget, calling her Tempe and after the first few times and the shock and pain that registered in her eyes at the slip he had struggled to look into her eyes when they spoke for fear of being the cause of any pain there.

Even so, the only thing that stopped him from telling her was the thought that if he told her and she ran, he didn't think he would have coped. That was the reason he was stood in Limbo with Temperance, watching her prepare to leave on a date with another man.

'I'll be just a moment Hank.' She said. When she noticed the two men eyeing each other up with painfully forced grins she added 'Doctor Hank Milner, this is my partner Special Agent Seely Booth.' Introductions done she began scribbling madly on the notepad, finishing off what she had begun. The two men gave half hearted acknowledging nods. Before either was forced to say anything Bones had flipped closed her notepad and had lifted her purse from the chair, shrugging off her lab coat in the interim.

She breezed past him and Milner held out his arm to her, which to his pleasure she did not take. Instead she turned to call over her shoulder. 'See you Monday Booth' he nodded after her. He walked to the door of Bone Storage, watching his partners retreating back as she and her 'date' made their way across the forensics platform. Then looking from her to Hank he called after her.

'Hey Bones, If you need a ride later lemme know 'Kay?' he called after her, his voice echoing painfully in the empty room, causing a cleaner to look up a the commotion. Booth resisted the urge to face palm, why the hell would she need a ride? Why was he such a moron? He remembered that cheesy movie he had watched with Parker at Christmas, very 1980's, the Princess Bride, where every time the guy said 'as you wish' it was as though he was telling her he loved her, that's what it felt like, every time he offered her a ride, he was making sure she was safe, making sure that if the guy made her feel uncomfortable or upset that he was there, to love her anyway.

He watched her go, watched the bounce of her hair as she strode along beside the sandy haired man in the expensive suit, the gentle curve of her waist and the arch of her neck. When she didn't respond he pursed his lips unable to bite back the moment he called after her again, 'Bones, if you want to talk about the case later, gimme a call, Ill come pick you up' he was sure, if only for a moment, there was a sneer on the face of the other man, but it was probably his imagination. She didn't say anything in reply, but turned her face in his direction with a slightly exasperated looked which was Bones speak for 'I heard you!' but she raised her hand and nodded, still walking away.

That's what he always seemed to be doing –watching her walk away.

Lemme know what you think- bad or good -I grow through feedback! xxx