Warning!! Violence, blood, a tidbit of OOCness, angst, dark theme, swearing, failed attempts at humor, MaixNaru

Disclaimer!! Sadly I do not own Ghost Hunt or any of the characters in it. If I did Mai wouldn't be so naïve and Naru wouldn't be such a narcissist.

Summary!!! Mai's dreams have been taking a turn for the worse when a particular case comes in involving twins but it only gets worse from that case. Mai's noticed that Naru's been a little more protective but when familiar figures start showing up in her dreams Mai is sure that something is wrong. As her dreams begin to become more violent as well as the malevolent spirits begin to turn their sights on her Mai's life becomes endangered. However, will feelings be revealed or will she die?

Author's Note!!! I realize I'm moving farther and farther away from the stories I should be focusing on but I will get back to those I promise. I will not leave my Naruto fics but while I've been sick I've had time to look at other stories that I like and think of idea's I have for them. I promise I will not abandon my other stories but for now let us focus on this story. I hope you will all enjoy it and find it as enjoyable as my other stories.



Spirit speak


"Blah" character talking

'Blah' character thoughts

Gone But Never Forgotten

Chapter1- Raven's Wings Part 1: Never Happened before


"Mai…Mai-chan…Open your eyes, Mai."

That familiar female voice was calling to me. It was so familiar yet soothing and I had the person's name at the tip of my tongue.

"You need to open your eyes, sweetheart…Please sweetling…Open your eyes for your Okasan."

I felt a fresh wave of sorrow wash over me as I recognized my mother's voice. Slowly, my eyes fluttered open at my mothers pleading. My eyes met indigo as I looked into the face of a smiling male that I knew so well. I was confused, he shouldn't have been there but something else caught my attention about him. There was a sad look in his eyes as he smiled down at me and I whispered feebly as I felt my eyes get heavier,


I didn't get to finish my question as everything began to fade out while I was swallowed by the cool darkness. Suddenly a high pitched feminine scream that was enough to make my blood run cold, rang through the darkness.


Mai sat up quickly in bed as the scream faded into her alarm clocks ringing. For a few she felt her heart hammer against her chest before calming down a little. She stared at her alarm clock unseeingly for a moment before she cried out in shock.

"I'm late!! Naru's going to kill me and act like a total jerk."

She threw the covers off of herself and stumbled out of bed still asleep a little. She rushed through her daily routine before running out the door locking it behind her. She bit her lip and glanced at her watch when she got on the train that went to SPR's HQ. Her foot tapped impatiently on the floor just as the doors to her stop opened and she bolted out not noticing the bewildered looks on the bystander's faces. She skidded to a halt infront of the building and took a few deep breaths to gain her breath back. She smoothed her skirt and shirt before going up the stairs and approaching the front door cautiously. When she got there and opened the door she was relieved to see no one was in the front room. She could hear Lin typing away in his room and the faint sound of a page being turned in Naru's office. She looked up at the bell and saw it was on the verge of ringing and cursed Naru for his slyness, she was sure he put that there so he would know when she was late or not. She winced as she entered the room the bell ringing loudly to announce her presence. She noticed the slight stop in typing from Lin's room and the soft rustle of movement in Naru's office. She moved quietly towards the kitchenette after hanging up her coat glancing back at Lin and Naru's rooms. She prayed Naru wouldn't see or hear her but the moment she got to the kitchenette's doorway a voice said,

"Late, Mai."

Mai yelped in surprise and whirled around seeing Naru near one of the couches with his arms crossed over his chest. She didn't get to say anything because Naru continued to say, "That's the third time this week, Mai. Stop staying up late since it's affecting your ability to be competent."

With that he turned around and walked towards his office entering it without a look back. Mai glared at his back before he disappeared behind the door and whirled around towards the Kitchenette when his voice called out, "Tea Mai."

She growled and thought angrily 'Naru, You Jerk!!!' While she boiled the water Mai became relatively calmer and she reminisced a little. Ever since she had told Naru AKA Noll AKA Oliver Davis (She liked bothering him about the fact he had so many little names) that she loved him and he had questioned it asking her, 'Do you love me…Or Gene?" She, Lin and Naru's relationship had shifted slightly. At first she had been so hurt and angry that he thought she didn't know her own feelings towards someone that her and Naru's relationship had turned cold and distant. Keeping their conversations clipped and short to a point the only time they talked was when it was completely necessary. While on the other hand she and Lin's relationship had gotten slightly warmer towards each other. The times when she refused to talk or look at Naru he would come over to her home with an air of understanding and let her vent. He had turned into what she liked to believe as almost an uncle like figure. He was the only one who visited her home as well as the only one who actually knew where she lived and it still surprised her those rare times when he popped up unannounced. It wasn't until her almost fatal accident that she and Naru's relationship melted down to relatively the way they were before. Mai smiled as she remembered the day Naru had saved her as well as the scolding he gave her.


Mai glared down at the ground as she slipped on her coat and exited the office angrily. She and Naru had, had an argument…again. She was beginning to get fed up with the stupid narcissistic slave driver. She had spilt the tea on her hand and all in the front of her clothes when she tripped. Naru had heard her pained yelp and come into the kitchenette to see her on the floor hissing in pain as she held her hand to her chest. She had been quickly picking up the cups before looking up at him when she noticed his presence. She tensed when she saw the annoyance in his eyes just as he sneered and said,

"Why are you so damned klutzy? Be more careful and things like that wouldn't happen. Luckily, you hadn't broken anything."

Mai hadn't believed what she heard from his mouth, there she was hurt and in pain, yet he was angry at the fact she spilt tea. She had lost all reason to keep her temper in check and yelled angrily at him. They had exchanged heated words before she screamed out,

"Fine, Shibuya-sama! If you're so adamant in making yourself a complete and utter asshole I quit!!"

He had looked at her for a moment as they stared at each other before he turned around and walked away. He didn't utter a single word but she didn't expect him to and yet that hurt her still. She attended to her hand just as Lin stepped in and looked at her with slight concern. She didn't bother looking at him even though he probably already knew she was crying. She didn't sob or cry aloud though but the tears ran down her cheeks as her shoulders shook but not one sound escaped her mouth. Lin had helped her put on the burn salve and wrap her hand before he looked at her and asked,

"Were you serious?"

Mai looked at him brokenheartedly before giving him a determined look and said, "Yes…I can't do it…I just can't do it anymore, Lin-san."

She had got up and began to get her stuff on ending up where she was now. Walking down the street deep in thought not paying attention to where she was going. She glared at the ground more as her eyes began to blur with tears again. Her hands clenched at her sides as she tried to fight them off unknowingly stepping into the street. She didn't notice the on coming car until the horn blared and she froze as she looked into its headlights. It was inches from her when she clenched her eyes shut and braced herself for the impact. Suddenly she felt something wrap around her waist and she was being pulled back into a chest then she was falling. She heard the blaring of a car near her and then she noticed she was on top of something that was moving up and down. She looked up and was surprised to see Naru but his face was hidden from her. She pulled away and he sat up as they faced each other but she still couldn't see his face. She hesitated slightly before she asked shakily forgetting her anger with him,

"N-Naru? What…What are you doing here…? Why…Why aren't you-"


She looked at him completely shocked at his outburst as he looked at her with eyes blazing in anger and fear.

"What were you thinking?! How could you go out into a road without looking?!! Stupid! Idiot! Numbskull!! If I hadn't been there…"

He trialed off as his breath hitched slightly before he looked away from her and she gasped with realization. She bit her lip as she realized he had been scared, scared of loosing her the same way he had lost Gene. She laid her hand over his and he looked at her from the corner of his eyes as she gave him a watery smile and said,

"I'm sorry, Naru."

His mask was back on but he nodded his head slightly and got up but just as she was about to get up on her own he wrapped his arm around her waist and lifted her to her feet. She squeaked in surprised before Naru let her go and began walking back towards the office while she just stood there unsure of what to do. He looked over his shoulder and said,

"Why are you standing there like an idiot? You don't really think I'll let you quit do you? I practically own you, Mai. You're mine."

She blushed scarlet at those words and the smirk on his face before he turned around walking. Mai wasn't sure if he had meant it in the way she wanted him to mean it but it touched her heart never the less.

~Flashback End~

The loud whistle of the boiled water woke her from her musings and she took it off the stove as she prepared the teas. She hummed softly as she did this and walked towards Lin's room before knocking on Lin's door then entering with a smile. She put his cup of tea next to him and he glanced at her for a moment before looking back at his computer saying softly,

"Thank you, Taniyama-san."

Mai perked up and said cheerfully, "You're welcome, Lin-san!"

She turned around and headed out muttering, "If only Naru learned some manners from you…"

The corner of Lin's mouth twitched upward as he tried to keep the smile off his face but he said nothing as his door closed. Mai sighed exasperated before smiling and heading towards Naru's office, knocking once again before entering.

"I brought your tea, Naru."

He glanced up at her from his book but merely replied with a, "Hn." Then he looked back down at his book as though more interested in it than her. Mai felt a vein throb in her temple angrily but bit her tongue knowing the words she wanted to say would most likely get her in trouble. Placing the tea next to him she was about to turn when Naru said,


She looked at him only to see him pointing, his eyes still on the book he was reading so intently. She followed his finger to see a stack of papers and groaned just as he said, "…File those."

She stomped over to them and grabbed them as she muttered darkly, "Darn narcissistic, pigheaded arrogant slave driver."

Naru cleared his throat signaling he had heard but she merely glared at him and stalked out the room angrily. He had to admit to himself that getting her riled up like that almost made him smile, almost. It was around noon when Mai was done with the tower of paper work and files Naru had kept adding to. She swore he enjoyed seeing her angry and did everything in his power to anger her. She got up and stretched as she looked at the clock before deeming it time for Naru's next cup of tea. She turned towards the kitchenette but something caught her attention from the corner of her eye. She stopped moving towards the kitchenette and turned towards what had caught her eye.


I looked around and all I saw was darkness around me. There was nothing to look at and I suddenly felt an overwhelming sense of dread. I didn't want to see what was going to happen but my eyes wouldn't close and my body wouldn't move. My body trembled as a familiar scream pierced through my darkness and suddenly images flashed infront of my eyes. A woman was running through a corridor as she glanced back. Her heart was beating as fast as mine as terror over took her. Whatever she had kept glancing back to see if it followed her she had seen because she let out a terror filled scream. The image changed to the woman in a corner covered in blood as she stared in wide eyed terror at the figure standing over her. I didn't realize I had been crying until something wet landed on my hand as I covered my mouth in horror. The dark figure raised its hand and I saw the blood covered knife just as he bought it down. The woman's blood curling scream rang through my head as the images faded. I gasped as the woman stood infront of me with sad eyes. Softly, echoing through my head as she said,

"Help her…"

Suddenly, she was flung back and I was blinded by the darkness around me. I felt myself hyperventilate as fear began to overwhelm me. I could hear an eerie heavy breathing from a foot away from me. I whimpered when I suddenly felt something stroke my cheek but I couldn't see what. I was finally able to clench my eyes shut and flinch at the touch. Suddenly, I knew it was infront of my face as an overpowering stench of old blood filled my nose. I couldn't help that my eyes automatically snapped open at the scent but I did regret it. Empty blood red eyes met my cinnamon colored ones and my eyes widened. A cold, hungry voice echoed throughout the space,

"You blood…is mine…MINE!"

Terror bubbled up in my chest until a scream ripped its way from my throat.



Mai shot up from where she was lain, still screaming in terror her eyes wide in fear. Naru grabbed her by the shoulders and she faintly registered a female voice asking worriedly, "What's happening to her? Is she okay?!"

Finally, her cinnamon eyes locked onto dark indigo eyes and she saw the concern and irritation in them. Slowly, Naru's words began to register in her mind as he said gently, soothingly, "Calm down, Mai. Breath, come on. Just listen to my voice. Focus on me, Mai. What happened? What did you see?"

His voice was soft yet firm as he spoke and slowly her scream died down as tears took its place. Without thinking she wrapped her arms around his chest and buried her face into his shoulder. He stared at her shocked for a moment before he hesitantly, awkwardly held her. As her sobs died down she said weakly, "I was scared…We were scared…so scared."

She pulled away from him to say something but froze when she saw who owned the female voice from before. She shrieked in fear, falling to the floor as she tried to move away pushing away from Naru and he reached out, grabbing her wrist to stop her and try to calm her again. It was the woman from her dreams there was no mistaking those startling violet eyes and salt and pepper hair but Mai couldn't understand what she was doing there. Naru's voice broke her out of her horror as he said,

"Mai, stop that right now. This is our client. Her name is Sakichi, Yukori."

Mai looked from the woman to Naru then back and whispered uncertainly, "You were dead…He killed you."

Naru looked at the woman as her eyes grew wide in shock then they turned sad as she shook her head. "No…You saw my twin, Yukari."

Mai still trembled slightly but she ignored the looks she got from Lin, Naru and Yukori when she got up and walked towards the kitchenette for tea. When she walked back in everyone was sitting back and as she passed out the tea Naru asked calmly as though nothing happened,

"What can we help you with, Sakichi-san?"

As Mai sat next to Naru she felt his gaze flicker to her before the woman began to speak. "I live in the Kyoto area and the things in my home have been happening for a while now. It never happened before now."

"Please do define 'a while' Sakichi-san." Naru interrupted and Mai could sense the slight irritation before Yukori said, "At least a month now. Strange knocking noises and feeling odd spots of cold air at random times but they never happen in the same place more than once. Then recently at least two weeks ago…"

She added hurriedly when Naru opened his mouth and Mai couldn't hold the soft giggle that escaped her lips at Naru's annoyed scowl. He quickly fixed it back to his mask as Yukori continued to say,

"My twin sister was found in our cellar…Dead. She was covered in blood…Then things started to progress in the house after that. Staff have been pushed down the stairs, they've been stabbed, knocked unconscious and…One of the maids have gone missing."

She looked up at Naru, her eyes pleading as she asked, "Please!! Won't you help us?!"

Mai looked at her boss and noticed he was in his usual thinking pose. His chin held in one hand, eyes unfocused in thought, eyebrows furrowed as he concentrated. She looked over at Lin and saw that he had stopped typing now he too was looking at Naru waiting for an answer. Suddenly, Naru's eyes snapped into focus and he glanced at the woman as he said, "I will consider it thoroughly. When I have your answer I will have my assistant call you. Leave you number and address with her."

With that he got up from his seat and walked towards his office Yukori's eyes shone with hope and relief at his words as she got up at the same time as Mai. She shook her hand happily as she exclaimed, "Oh thank you!! Thank you so much for this."

Mai smiled warmly as she took down the woman's address and number before she said, "You're welcome, Sakichi-san. You will be hearing from us soon."

As she watched the woman leave Mai glanced back to see if she was alone only to see Lin watching her. She suddenly realized that Naru wasn't through just yet because Lin never stayed after Naru had finished speaking. Suddenly feelings anxious she said aloud to no one in particular, "I think I'll go make some tea."

She was halfway through the doorway of the kitchenette when Naru came back. "Mai, come here please."

Mai froze and turned towards him slowly in shock that he had said please. Bewilderment covered her face as she looked at him and began to ask, "Did you just say-"

At the glare he sent her she quickly shut her mouth and scurried over to the seat she had taken before. Her gaze flickered between Lin who had put his laptop down and was watching her, to Naru who sat across from her. She folded her hands in her lap and looked at them nervously. Naru studied her for a moment before he asked, "What did you see?"

Mai flinched as she remembered the cold disgusting touch on her cheek and took a deep breath. "Yukari-san…Yukori-san's twin sister was being chased somewhere. I couldn't see who it was or where they were…I know it was a 'he' though. He attacked her and got her into a corner. He killed her with a knife that was already stained in blood from others."

She omitted a few parts like when he spoke to her or Yukari-san's words to her. Naru looked at her intently and she continued to stare at her hands feeling nervous and awkward. She realized he was just in thought when she glanced at him to see his eyes unfocused but it still made her uncomfortable. Lin broke the one-sided awkwardness and asked, "This never happened before. You've never dreamed about a case before hand. Why did it happen now?"

Mai shook her head slowly and said, "I don't know. I just remember that I was about to go get Naru more tea when something caught my eye. But when I turned to see what it was, I was in the dream"

Mai gasped as she remembered this and looked around for the dark glimmer. However, it was gone but she noticed something else. She got up and walked over to her desk and saw a glossy raven feather that shined in the light. She wondered faintly if this was what she saw but hazily remembered it had been a little bigger in her peripheral vision. She looked back towards Naru and Lin holding up the feather and asked, "Did one of you two put this here?"

Both looked at her questioningly as they shook their heads slowly. She looked at the feather troubled before Naru got up and said as he walked towards his office, "Call Sakichi-san and tell her that we'll be there tomorrow and to have four rooms as well as a room for our base. Call everyone and tell them to meet here at six o'clock a.m."

He stopped at his door and looked over his shoulder smirking at her as he said, "Oh and Mai…Don't be late."

Mai seethed as she watched him disappear and muttered angrily, "Naru, you narcissistic jerk!!"

Lin fought to keep his face blank as he walked to his own office while Mai stomped over to her desk. She made the calls necessary and made Lin tea acting as though she forgot Naru's. A few moments later she felt extremely satisfied when Naru came out of his office glaring at her but she continued writing down the information for the new case on a paper as though she didn't notice. He went over to the kitchenette and made himself tea before stalking back to his office with it. Mai couldn't help the triumph that filled her until Naru came back a few moments later smirking with another stack of files and papers. Mai's grin dropped as they landed on her desk and he said,

"File those too before you leave, Mai."

Then without another word and ignoring her heated glare he went back in his office. When she got home that night she suddenly had an empty feeling in her chest. Her home was a pleasant size for one person since it was originally for two but she was so used to being surrounded by people at SPR that at times the silence made her feel extremely lonely. She sighed tiredly as she changed into her pajamas and caught her reflection in her full length mirror. She had grown considerably since she had first met Naru and the gang. Her hair was just passed her shoulders and was slightly wavy with its chocolate brown color. Her doe like cinnamon eyes slanted slightly and her skin was a pleasant light tan color. Her body was supple and lithe, curved in all the right places but not overly done. It was three years since she had met Naru and now she was eighteen to his nineteen. She smiled as she remembered she had learned how to tell the differences in his moods. She walked towards her kitchen and heated up some left overs she had while she poured herself some juice. Walking to her living room she turned on the TV and began to eat as she looked at the images unseeingly as she thought about it. When his indigo eyes were a light shade and almost a pure blue he was amused or happy. When they were dark and almost black he was furious, angry. When Naru's eyes were sharp and icy he was worried, concerned or scared. When his eyes were a dull shade of sapphire he was in deep thought. However, it was rare when his indigo eyes turned that pure blue color, not at all like Gene's. Most of the time Naru's eyes were usually a mix between a soft blue and a dark indigo. It was usually when they had there little arguments that they turned that color. However, Mai could never be completely sure with him though. She remembered Gene and knew that if anyone was to ask her how she could tell the two apart it would be because of their eyes. She chuckled as she shook her head, turning off the TV before putting her dishes in the sink as she went to slip into bed and slip into a dreamless sleep.




A/N!! So what did you think? Was it okay? I wanted to try my hand at a little horror and I also wanted to give a different perspective of their relationship. Here's a little info for you all so you know what I'm doing. I have not read the manga but I have seen the anime and I am totally aware of who Eugene is and how he died as well as the events that happened after Naru returned to England after finding his body. I brought him back even though Naru was suppose to have put him to rest for a specific reason and that will be revealed later on. It is four years after Mai met Naru that fateful day and since I wasn't completely sure how old she was I made it so she was fifteen when they met. If that is incorrect please correct me so I may put it right. I am glad you have taken the chance to read this and I hope to hear from all of you. It may be a little OOC but I am trying to keep them all as much IC as I can. Thank you for reading everyone.

Edit: A reviewer was kind enough to let me know that Mai was infact sixteen when she first met Naru so i changed up the years to match the story again.