A/N: A prompt like 'flower' is both easy and difficult. I thought this one turned out rather cute, but pointless, haha.

Likened to a Flower

Pink, soft, fragile--like his lips.

Katara studied the small blossoms and blushed. She wasn't quite sure why she had been suddenly reminded of him. Maybe it was because he'd been gone for a week; or maybe it was because he was due to return today. Holding one of the flowers close, she brought it to her lips.

The smell was faint, just a hint of sweetness that reminded her of him yet again. The feel of the petals on her mouth left her missing him more. She placed a small kiss on the unnamed flower, closing her eyes and imaging he was there.

"I've been replaced by a flower, huh?"

And before she could say anything, she felt his arms wrap around her stomach, his lips, his nose, nuzzling her neck. "Can't say that I blame you," he added. His words tickled her skin. "It's probably quite the kisser."

She laughed as they fell back into the field of flowers, each soft petal welcoming their fall.