Right. Hi. This is just a piece of a project I'm starting - I realised I needed something to focus on. So I created AGGRESSION. Which is basically going to be the unrated stuff that comes out of my mind. It will eventually contain stuff like smut, yaoi, dirty drawings, and the stuff i can't blog about anywhere else. The stories are mainly going to be posted over there, but I'll post some on here. You can view it at /aggression/ as well as a bunch of sketches I'll be doing to accompany the stories.

Which in my mind is a load of LaviYu stuff. I'm sorry if anything is OOC. Please leave me as much constructive criticism as you'd like. This is the prologue, by the way.

...Also, if you're wondering what the hell an Amanto is, it's from the series "Gintama". An Amanto is basically an alien. In Gintama, they invaded Japan in the Edo period, which is not what is happening here. Also, no Gintama characters will be making an appearance for now, if you're wondering. (Personally, I'm not a fan of crossovers, but I intend this to be funny and careless. With hot sex afterwards. If that's all you want in a story, I'll name whatever chapter the sex will be as: "HEY LOOK, HEY! HOT SEX CHAPTER HERE!" or something.

"What's an Amanto? Is it like an Akuma?"

"Nah, well… I suppose some can be. I heard of this one species of Amanto that eats whatever it loves," the reply was quick, the rain was starting to come down. "But unlike Akuma, not all of 'em are evil. Some are barely even different than us."

"So why the fuck are we here, again?" the dark haired one shuffled his feet irritably. He hated being unnecessarily wet. It would wreck his uniform.

The other one – with brilliant red hair and a piercing gaze – stroked his chin thoughtfully. "Because one of them opened a gate of sorts onto a slab of rock – really, actually it's a planet… I think – and we believe they are trying to lure the Amanto on the planet over here."

Confusion was not something the dark haired one enjoyed. "The fuck would they want that?"

"Ah, well some Amanto are really strong, I imagine they wanna capture 'em and study 'em. Find out what makes 'em … tick."

"How did they open it?"

The redhead shrugged. "Many sacrifices, ascensions, rituals – hell, maybe they got their hands on some super technology – the Amanto are probably much more advanced than we are."

There was a grunt from his partner. "How do you know so much anyways, if they've never been here?"

A shrug. "One of the past clansman received information in a dream about 'em, that's the legend anyways. I heard one of them bastards talking last night before we ambushed 'em, I definitively heard the word Amanto."