"I can't believe you would do that!" An irate 17 year old blond boy yelled at his best friend.

"I didn't do anything!" The young black haired witch responded.

"Like I'm honestly going to believe that." He scoffed, "I know you like to be the center of attention, but really I thought you were better than that."

"I am better than that Draco. That is why I didn't do anything." Pansy grounded out each word like it cause her physical pain.

The entire argument started with the rumors that were running around the castle. It's a well known fact that many of the Slytherins tend to sneak out on the weekend to party in some of Hogsmead's more secretive pubs, or just bring back any available alcohol and through big bashes in the common room. One of these parties had happened over the weekend, and since then a rumor had been going on that Pansy Parkinson, Queen of Slytherin, had slept with Theodore Nott, Slytherin's best beater and biggest man whore. This was not true of course. Pansy seldom participated in the parties at all, thinking that everyone acted foolishly stupid while under the influence of alcohol and knowing more than one person who had done something that they ended up regretting for quite awhile if not forever at one of these parties. No, Pansy did not participate in these "Slytherin rituals" as the Gryffindorks liked to refer to them as. Wild parties where beneath her. The only alcohol she ever let touch her lips was a random butterbeer while in Hogsmead, or a glass of firewhiskey on special celebrations under the careful watch of her mother and father's eyes. Also, despite the rumors, Pansy was a virgin. She didn't believe it was right to sleep around, and thought it very foolish and immature the way many of the Slytherins did sleep around without a second thought as to what might happen from there seemingly innocent one night stand.

"Pansy, why would Nott lie about something like that? I know you slept with him, so stop denying it." Draco ordered shaking form rage.

"Draco Malfoy, I did not sleep with that repulsive, disgusting, vulgar, brainless, pathetic excuse for a Slytherin. I have never slept with him, nor will I ever sleep with him. Do you understand me?" Pansy asked deathly calm and emphasizing each word in her last question with a poke on Draco's hard chest.

"Loud and clear." Draco responded just as calm.

"Good." Pansy said. She took a deep breath then walked around Draco to get to the girls staircase and to her room.

"That doesn't mean I believe you though." Draco quietly said once Pansy was behind him, their backs facing each other. Pansy stopped where she was, closed her eyes, and took another deep breath. She then turned walked back in front of Draco, and without saying one word raised her hand and struck Draco across his cheek. The young man didn't say anything or raise his eyes to meet hers. He didn't want to see the tears he knew would be there, the ones she very rarely let fall.

Pansy took a step forward, and moved her head so her mouth was even with his ear and whispered, "If you truly are my best friend, if you honestly love me like you claim you do, if you care for me the tiniest bit, then for once in your life you would listen to me and not the rest of the whole damn school."

Ok so I know I shouldn't be starting anything new, and I am horrible about updating, but this has been floating around in my head for awhile now. This is why I have had such writers block, and not updated my other stories in a very long time. I'm sorry, and I am honestly trying to work on the others also. Tell me what ya'll think of this, continue or not?