I know you people are getting sick of my plot bunny one-shot things but here is another one!
I hope you enjoy it!
Tyler snuggled deeper into the arms wrapped around him; heat radiated from the body, worming Tyler to the core. The grip tightened, and the brunette was locked into place. "This is nice Baby Boy." Tyler felt a vibration of the speaker, with his head pressed firmly against the man chest.
"Yeah," Tyler sighed, raising his head to meet the chocolate brown eyes, of the man holding him.
"I love you." The man whispered, a smile playing across his face. Tyler couldn't help but smile back. Unnoticed to the young son of Ipswich the world around them began to fade.
"I love you too..." Tyler trailed off, the face of his love beginning to blur. A tremor rippled through the area, sending the brunette to the ground. "Caleb," Tyler yelled throwing his hand up to the other teen, then everything went black.
Tyler flipped himself out of his twin sized bed, landing on the rough dorm room floor with a loud smack. From the other side of the room Reid shot up in bed with a sleepy, "Wha's on?" The blond, with eyes barley open frantically scanned the room for the source of what woke him.
"Go back to sleep Reid." Tyler moaned, placing a hand on his rapidly beating heart. The older boy nodded and dropped back down into his bed, and disappeared once again under a mass of blankets. Tyler stared up at the ceiling of the dorm room forcing himself to calm down.
"Why are you on the floor Baby Boy?" Reid asked breaking the silence with his muffled voice.
"Shut up Reid," Tyler shot back, and the room fell silent. A few minuets a light breathing came from the mass of blankets and pillows.
As silently as possible Tyler pushed off from the ground, and untangled himself from the sheet that wrapped itself around his legs in the middle of the night, and was pulled off the bed when he fell to the ground. Moving cautiously the young son tossed the sheet back to it's proper location, and grabbed a pair of sweat pants and a clean shirt. The alarm clock flashed in the darkened room, 4:43.
A few minutes later Tyler jogged down the front steps of the dorms. With his I-pod in hand, and a note tapped to the insider of the dorm door telling Reid he 'went for a run'. Tyler took off down the side walk, heading for the forest lining the school.
Tyler slowed to a walk as the dorm's came to view over the tops of the trees, edging the outskirts of Spencer Academy. The brunette let out a small sigh and brought his watch closer to his face, 7:20. That gave him forty minutes to get back to his room, shower, change, and get to his first class. Pulling out his I-pod Tyler cranked the volume, the world around him disappearing as he continued his short jog back to his room.
Caleb pulled into his usual spot in Spencer's parking lot. The oldest of the covenant had agreed to met up with Sarah and help her cram for the Physics test that day. The plan was to meet at 7:30, in the courtyard. Caleb sighed peeking at the cars radio, a 7:20 stared back at him. He let out a sigh, scanning the world outside his car. The teen watched as Tyler came into view on the edge of the forest. He gazed out the windshield, as the younger teen stopped and glanced around the area then pull out his I-pod. A smile played across the oldest son's face as he jumped out of his car, and jogged across the lawn towards his younger brother.
"Tyler," Caleb called, as the boy in question slid his I-pod back into his pocket. "Baby Boy!" he continued. His smile grew as his Tyler began moving again. On a act of impulse Caleb dubbed his pace and dove at his younger brother in an attempt to gain his attention. His arms wrapped around Tyler's waist and pulled him off the ground.
The brunette let our a shrill cry of shock, his ear buds falling out of their places. "Chill Tyler." Caleb chuckled, placing the other teen back on his feet, "It's just me!"
Tyler's body went stiff when he realized it was Caleb's arms wrapped around his waist. His heart beat quickened, as Caleb hissed into his ear. The dreamer in him, said to melt into Caleb's embrace, while the logical side, screamed the other boy was straight and in a relationship.
"You okay Baby Boy?" Caleb asked, loosening his grip slightly but not releasing Tyler.
"Yeah, Cay." Tyler hissed, trying his best to remain in control of his body. "You just caught me by surprise, thats all." The brunette forced out a laugh, wiggling slightly to gain freedom.
"You sure?" Caleb continued, releasing Tyler only to spin the smaller teen around to come face to face and hands falling to the brunette's shoulders.
"Of course Caleb," Tyler answered, flashing a smile that didn't reach is eyes all the way. The look of concern never wavered on Caleb's face.
"No, somethings wrong I can tell." Caleb continued, removing one of his hands from it's place on Tyler's shoulder, and rubbing his chin in thought.
Tyler shifted uncomfortably under his brothers gaze, wishing his heart rate would slow down. In his head a voice screamed to just turn and run, but that would never work, it would just bring more questions in the future. A tingling sensation grew, from his shoulder where Caleb's hand lay. A worm, fuzzy feeling that brought a blush to Tyler's cheeks, that he never wanted to loose. The bright red teen stared over at Caleb, his blush grown darker, as he stared at the other boy. He never wanted to leave this moment.
"I got it!" Caleb announced, snapping the fingers of his free hand.
Panic rushed through Tyler 'He knows He knows!' repeated it's self over and over again in his head, the impulse to run grew. "Your having nightmares again aren't you Tyler?" Caleb asked, nodding with certainty at his declaration.
"Y-yeah Caleb, you caught me!" Tyler claimed, nodding his head vigorously, while relieve washed over him. "N-Nightmares... Defiantly." The youngest son trailed off.
"Don't keep those kinds of things bottled up Ty," Caleb lectured, but the caring expression never leaving his face. "It's not health..." The older teen was cut off as his phone rang from his pocket. Caleb pulled out is cell phone, peeked at the the name flashing across the screen. "Sarah," Caleb announced, hitting the accept button and placing it to his ear. "Hey..." He greeted, "Yeah I'm here... near the parking lot... I stopped to talk to Ty...Yeah" Caleb paused, pulling his phone away from his face, "Sarah told me to tell you Reid is looking for you." Caleb relayed. Tyler nodded, and Caleb placed his phone back against his head. "I told him... Okay I will meet you there... Bye." with that the black haired teen ended the call and placed it back in his pocket. "I have to meet her out side the dorms." he stated simply, gaining another nod from Tyler, as the two began to walk to the front doors.
The walk was silent as the brothers trudged across the school grounds. "How long have you been out here?" Caleb asked glancing to his right at Tyler.
"Uumm..." Tyler started, "It's 7:30 now, so about two, maybe three hours I don't know for sure." the smaller boy answered shrugging his shoulders, and avoiding Caleb's gaze.
"Baby Boy you have been running around for three hours?" Caleb cried a look of shock flashed across his face.
"Chill Cay," Tyler sighed, flashing his friend a smile, "I just woke up early and couldn't get back to sleep and decided to go for a run." The older opened his mouth to retort.
"Caleb!" A girlish voice interrupted, pulling the two sons out of their conversation. Their attention turned to smiling, perky Sarah. "Hey guys." She greeted, flashing a bright smile.
"Hey Sarah," Tyler answered, giving the girl a small smile and nodding in greetings.
"Sarah," Caleb grinned stepping forward and pulling the blond into a tight hug.
Tyler watched the couple with a feeling of longing, jealousy bubbling up from inside. Those feelings were soon replaced with a sense of loss and sadness, he will never have Caleb greet him like that and pull him close. Soon after his eyes began to burn and his vision began to blur with tears, Tyler could feel his heart shatter. "I will see you guys in class." Tyler announced, spinning on his heals and walking away with out waiting for a response.
"Later Baby Boy." Caleb called, watching his brother disappear through the doors of the dorm rooms.
"When are you going to tell Tyler your in love with him?" Sarah asked, voice a whisper. Placing a hand on the guys forearm in a friendly gesture.
"I don't know if I can do it Sarah. I don't want to ruin our friendship." Caleb sighed, "I don't know if he feels the same way."
Unknown to the Oldest son, Tyler rushed through the dorm rooms tears falling down his face, heart broken by the teen who loves him back.
Okay so let me know what you PEOPLE think!
I LOVE REVIEWS and they make me smile! and write more...
Let me know if you think i should add another chapter to this or leave it at this...
Yes i am trying to update my other stories! I AM WORKING ON IT