Why me?

"Who do you think you are" yelled a lady with red hair and orange eyes "you don't say okay or whatever to me I am your master do you hear me brat"she yelled even louder.

"what do you mean who do I think I am I should be asking you that you are not my master I didn't even call my real mom that and you want me to call you that you aren't even a relative for crying out loud" girl with caramel brown hair and chocolate brown eyes yelled back .

"you stupid ugly disgusting good for nothing little girl who do you think your talking to" the women named isuki yelled (just made the name up).

"who else is in the room besides you and me and I am certainly not talking to myself" the girl named mikan said sticking her hands in her shorts pockets staring straight the women.

"argh just get out im tired of seeing your ugly face" isuki yelled .

"no problem you don't have to tell me twice" mikan said walking towards the door she lifted her hand to open the door when isuki started to talk again "hey ugly do you no the reason I called you in here in the first place" isuki asked mikan didn't bother to turn around and look at her.

"mmm let me guess you wanted to torture me with your ugly face" mikan replied.

"why you little" isuki stopped and cleared her voice "no that is not and never will be the reason I call you in here" she said.

"well are you gonna tell me or just sit there like a old hag " mikan said.

"yes I will when I feel like it…………… the reason why is because I was going to give you something your father asked me too but since you acted the way you did I don't think you'll ever get it" isuki said mikan turned around and saw her smirking.

"I don't give crap about anything he would give me he's the one that put me into something like this he just had to go and get married to some ugly old hag like you. you are the worst women he had ever been with you didn't even love him" mikan said she whispered the last part glaring at isuki.

"listen you little brat I did love your father" isuki said with an fake sad smile.

" don't give me that crap cause its all a lie from hell I know you only got with my dad cause he was rich and famous and made you a big time business person you used my father you gold-digger " mikan yelled and the next thing she knew (SLAP) she felt pain on her right cheek .

"shut the heck up you know nothing" isuki said in a angry tone .

"oh yeah wanna bet I know your secret about you cheating on my dad when he went on tour and I couldn't have mistaken it. you actually had the guts to be making out with another man on the streets plus you never came home that night" mikan said her bangs covering her eyes she heard isuki chuckle.

"your not bad at all kid your not as dumb as I thought" isuki said laughing evilly.

"im not as dumb to see that you are a slut either" mikan said isuki stopped laughing.

"you little" she tried to slap mikan again but failed as mikan caught her hand before it made its way to her face isuki gasped on how fast mikan had caught her hit.

"do you see you are not fit to be my master or mother cause if you were you would know that things don't always happen the same way twice" mikan said .

"you….who do you think you are I am the one that bought the clothes on your back" isuki said.

"you didn't buy the clothes im wearing I did and if your referring to money its not yours its my dads scratch that mine so you should learn to get your sentence straight" mikan said calmly yet harsh she let go of the woman hand and started for the door but felt something grab her arm she turned around and glared at the women. "what now" mikan said through gritted teeth.

"where do you think your going" isuki said.

"somewhere" was her only reply she pulled her arm away from her grip before opening the door isuki said one last thing "if you aren't back in a hour I am going to call the police and say you ran away" she said with a evil grin.

"whatever" mikan said walking out the door "witch" she mumbled she ran down the stairs and grabbed her skate board and with it ran out the house.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please review if you have any ideas please tell me and I will try to put them in THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!