Chapter 10

"Tell me everything, Diego and don't leave out a single detail." Alejandro was anxious about his son's secret life. To think that his son had deceived him and all the evidence was under his nose all the time...

"I did not intend for the masquerade to last this long."

"It's true, isn't it?" Alejandro whispered. "I remember all the times you were never there when Zorro was around. You weren't even there when Zorro rescued me from being executed for being Zorro."

"I hated myself for lying to you and hiding who I really was…"

"We used to be so close and now…"

"Now there are no secrets between us. I can live my life without pretense or deception."

"So your lack of fencing skills was all an act."

"The sword that I carry is Sir Edmund's. I was his best student. He gave it to me when I defeated him in the courtyard..."

"You defeated Edmund!" What else his son had concealed from him?

"He recognized my fencing style when I fought the alcade. The costume was my idea. Felipe has known the secret from day one."

"How could Felipe help you? He's not deaf, is he, Diego?"

"He regained his hearing some time ago and has been my trusted friend and ally."

"I am proud of you for standing up for what is right. I hurt you many times…I apologize for my behavior and ask for your forgiveness. What will you do about Victoria now that Zorro is retired?"

"I plan to ask her to marry me. If she agrees you will finally get those grandchildren that I have denied you for so long."

"I saw the way she responded to you when you were ill. Son, I believe that she is already in love with you…not the image that you have created."

"I have missed this..."

"Trust can be rebuilt, my son."

"That's what Sir Edmund said."

"He's right, Diego."

"Diego, Victoria wishes to talk to you. She's in the courtyard."

Victoria walked about the de la Vega courtyard. Everything is almost as it should be. She suddenly sensed his presence and turned around to face it. "Señor Zorro."

"You look lovelier than ever, Victoria."

"Thank you, I see that you are feeling better."

"I've thought. You should have a husband." They stared intently at each other for several moments before Diego put his arms around her and pulled her close.

"I thought you'd never ask." The couple sealed their agreement with a kiss.

Diego awoke the next morning in good spirits. Doctor Hernandez had given him a clean bill of health. Without Mendoza's help, there was no telling what Ramon would have done. I am so grateful for such a loyal friend.

"Diego, Sergeant Mendoza is here to see you."

"Don Diego, it is good to see you."

"I wanted to talk to you last night but Father insisted that I got some rest."

"It's all over, Don Diego. You are safe. The pueblo is secure. That's all that matters."

"Thank you for what you did. You saved my life, amigo. You were very brave…"

"I could not stand by and watch him arrest you."

"I will be forever grateful to you, sergeant for what you did for me and my son. You are a loyal friend. Ramon underestimated you."

"Gracias, Don Alejandro."

"Would you join us for breakfast this morning, Sergeant? Sir Edmund is waiting for us and Maria has prepared a wonderful meal to celebrate."

"I would like that very much."

"Father, if you please...Lead the way."

The days that followed the alcalde's departure from the pueblo were filled with activity. Don Alejandro assumed leadership in the pueblo. The townspeople welcomed the change and pledged their support to a fair and just government. Mendoza flourished without the overbearing presence of Luis Ramon and the caballeros were actively taking a part in ensuring the continued peace and prosperity of the pueblo. Today , the citizens of Los Angeles celebrated the marriage of Senorita Escalante and Diego, formerly known as the outlaw Zorro.

"Stop fidgeting, Diego," Sir Edmund straightened Diego's tie for the third time.

"I'm sorry, I guess I am more anxious than I thought,"

"It isn't everyday that you get married, Diego,"

"This day would not be possible without you. Who knows how long it would have taken for Zorro's crusade to end? We owe so much to you."

"Nonsense, my boy. You and Victoria would have found a way to be together."

"Your friendship means so much to me…Other than my father, there is no one I respect more."

"I am proud of you, Diego, the man that you have become. You have been like a son to me, Diego. No man could ask for a better one."

"Sir Edmund, why didn't you…"

"Why didn't I marry, my boy? I never found my Victoria as you did but I have a wonderful life. I have friends like your father…my work at the university …so many things to be grateful for."

"Thank you for standing up with me, today."

"I am honored, Diego," Sir Edmund smiled. "Let's go. We have a wedding to attend."

The church was filled with well- wishers there to celebrate the union of Victoria and Diego. Victoria, escorted by Don Alejandro, smiled as she saw Diego standing at the altar. Sir Edmund and Felipe serving as best man, stood beside the young don who anxiously awaited his bride's arrival.

The padre began the marriage ceremony.

"We are gathered here today in the face of this company, to join together Diego Sebastian de la Vega and Victoria Elena Escalante in matrimony…

The hacienda was decorated with flowers and filled with the sounds of guitar music adding a flare to the reception. The couple greeted each of their guests in turn. Don Alejandro gently kissed his daughter-in-law on the cheek and embraced his son in return. Mendoza savored each bite of the delicious food Maria had prepared while Felipe and Sir Edmund enjoyed the celebration. The sergeant was doing a fine job of assisting Don Alejandro until a new alcalde could be elected.

"They make a fine couple, Alejandro," Don Emilio stated.

"Si, I hope they will be as happy as I was with my Elena."

"I am sure that they will be," Mendoza agreed. The sergeant was elated that his two friends had found each other.

"Alejandro, I have never seen Diego happier," Sir Edmund stated.

"Nor have I, my friend.I confess I always wanted Victoria as a daughter-in-law but I didn't think it would actually happen. My son has done well for himself. Elena would be very proud of him."

"I am certain, Alejandro."

"I am very happy for him and so proud of him."

"As well you should be, my friend. It was well worth it, Alejandro. Wouldn't you say?"

"I could not agree with you more."

"Take care, Alejandro," Sir Edmund began as they stood outside the tavern. The fight master had already said goodbye to Felipe and the good sergeant.

"I will miss you, my friend. I cannot thank you enough."

"De nada, Alejandro. Write to me soon. I look forward to a certain announcement sometime in the near future," he teased slanting a sly look at Diego.

"I will, Edmund," Alejandro smiled.

"Victoria, my dear I know that you two will be very happy together. Diego is almost like a son to me. Take care of him."

"I will, Sir Edmund," she pressed a warm kiss to his cheek.

"Please call me Edmund," he stated in return.

"It has been a wonderful visit, Diego," Sir Edmund said as he prepared to board the stage heading out of Los Angeles, "I guess you can say that Los Angeles is not a boring little pueblo. And to think I just wanted a quiet vacation."

"Thank you, Edmund for everything. I will miss you."

" I have one more present for you, my dagger. You have unique talents. Never hesitate to use them in the cause of justice."

"I will, Edmund." The de la Vegas watched as the stage left the pueblo sad to see their friend go but grateful for all that had been accomplished during his visit.