Disclaimer: I don't own Hetalia Axis Powers in any way, shape or form

Early 11th century:

There were few things that Ingvar, the personification of Denmark, feared. One of them was a pissed off Sweden when it came to Fenland. He hadn't meant to make her cry, really! He was just teasing her, like any older brother should! But then the swede had comen in and seen his little Fenland in tears. He continued to drag Denmark outside and beat the living daylights out of him. Denmark still had a scar about it. And he cringed when ever anyone mentioned a cat... a big cat... with sharp nails... and teeth... ohmygod, getitoutgetitoutgetitout!

*cough* Anyway, he also feared Fenland when ever she decided something. Last time he refused her something when she decided upon it he didn't think straight for weeks for being whacked on the head so many times.

So now, here he was, being stared at by the giant of a swede and a determinded finn who had tears in her eyes and was clutching a very small nation to her chest.

"But, we can't leave him here! He can't even feed himself! We simply must take him with us! Who kows, maybe he'll be a great nation one day," Fenland, commonly known as Aino, reasoned.

Denmark really, really didn't want to take the brat with them but he was simply too afraid of the two to actually say it so he simply sighed and nodded.

"But – I will NOT help you with him," he added with a firm nod.

"No need," Fenland chirped as she turned to face the new member of their fellowship. "Aww, you're so cute! Look at him Su-san, isn't he adorable?" she asked as she turned to the big man next to her.

The man glanced at the small buddle in the arms of his – what was Fenland to him? She wasn't his wife (yet, whispered a small part of his mind) nor his sister. He wanted to protect her and see her smile and he felt jealous when she smiled at Denmark and Norway. Hmm... maybe love or dear would be sufficient for now – Fenland and found that he liked the sight of her with a child. "Ye'h," he answered and returned to his duties.

"Welcome to the family, Alfred ("Hey Su-san, is it okay if I borrow Alfred as his name?" "S're.") Finn Johanson... hmm... where ever did Johanson come from? Oh, well... must be magic," Aino decided. She had a small gift of foresight and decided that it was better to do what it told her to than ignore it or, for heavens sake, go against it...

By next morning they were far away already, changing the course of the world history as we know it by taking away the blue eyed baby who othervice would have been found by an english man and a french man a few centuries latter.

A/N: it's just a plotbunny that has been bothering me for a while...

Since Denmark hasn't been named in the series, I gave him a name...

As for Finland's name... there is only one different letter between Aino and Tino... so yeah... it's much better choise for a fem!Finland than Tiina or Tiia that I thought before... I'm not partial at all! though, I know the name Aino was invented in the 19th century for Kalevala... And Finland is a demutive of Fenland which Finland was called because of its numerinous fenns, Since "Finland" the nation is yet to be formed I thought Fenland was a better term to call her...

Alfred Finn Johanson aka. Alfred F. Jones aka. The United States of America

There is also proof hat some finns were Vikings and that Vikings visited North America before Columbus... or anyone else from Europe for that matter...