The morning was bright. I let the rhythm of the horses hooves hitting the gravel relax me. I let my mind wander.

I could not imagine the face of King Randa when I return to his Castle. I could not imagine what he would say to me. I could only comfort this thought with the sound of Raffin's horse behind me.

And the thought of returning to Po, being with him once again.

The news spread, it was easy to tell for no one looked at me as a criminal -- but a hero. They smiled as I passed them on my horse, and were able to meet my eyes. It was a pleasure, not to hate myself. To know that I was not a killer.

For others to know that as well, was wonderful.

Po told me, before I left, that Monsea was running smoothly with Bitterblue as Queen. All have already gained the knowledge of her sweetness, and took a liking to her instantly.

"Katsa!' I turned to look at Raffin. He was grinning. "Look!" and he pointed forwards, shouting over the horses stampling hooves.

I turned back around and saw what Raffin had pointed out.

The Castle.

Somewhere in there, the servants dished food for Randa. Somewhere in there, Gideon sat back awaiting for the day I take him back.

Somewhere in there, I will be in just minutes.

I kept my shoulders back and pulled the horses reins, urging it to run faster. If Po were here, he would have told me to slow down, he would have worried for my horse.

But Po wasn't here, so I would make my horse hurry. I only wanted to get this over with. To confront Randa, instead of hide in his shadows.

There was no turning back.

I rode on.

When Raffin and I reached the Castle, we slid off our horse. Raffin ushered two servants to carry the horses off, and tie them away.

"What are you going to tell him?" Raffin asked as the servants left.

"I don't know quite yet. I am just going to have to make it up as I go along. I'm assured he has already heard the news of King Lecks death." I sighed. "I believe he is expecting me to arrive."

Raffin nodded as we opened the door and walked in.

It was the same as it has ever been.

We walked down the long halls, making our way to Randa's throne, where he sat. The gaurds, the servants, all let out gasps only someone with my hearing could hear, as we walked past.

Was it so strange of me to come back? Was I to stay away from Randa forever, and hide for the rest of my life?

No, I must talk to him. I had to face him.

"Well," Raffin said slowly. "Here we are. This is where we depart, you must go alone now."

I nodded. "Thank you, Raffin."

He sighed. "Of course, Lady Katsa. Remember," he added. "be brave." He turned and walked away.

I stood at the front of Randa's door. I took a breath, and pushed the heavy doors open.

There sat, Randa, his usually seat, lips parted and staring shockingly at me.

I smirked. "Pleasure to see you again."