Author's note: in honor of the ninth year since that fateful day, I thought i would give you all one more chapter to finish the story for real. I just wrote it in the last two hours so I hope its okay. enjoy:)

Chapter Fifteen

Nine years later…


Tyler stood tall as he looked over all that remained of where the twin towers once stood. They came here every year without fail, to honor those lives lost and give thanks for those who were saved. Ally stood beside him as they ran their eyes over the many names on the memorial name plate in front of them, full of the names of those who lost their lives that fateful day.

Tyler stopped as a single tear ran down his cheek, he placed two roses on the ground against the wall, then he slowly ran his hand over the two names that stood out to him, Jane Miller and Janine Davis, he shook his head and turned to Ally, "My name should be on here, it should be right there beside theirs."

"I thank God every day that its not," Ally said with a smile gently kissing his cheek.

Tyler looked at her and smiled as he pulled her to his side and kissed the top of her head. Holding each other they looked out over the skyline, the skyline that they had never been able to look at the same way, and somehow knew, they would never again.

"Daddy, mommy!" the voice made the couple jump. They turned as one to see a little blond boy about three running towards them a sparkle in his green eyes and a familiar smile on his face.

"Michael-," Tyler said surprised, "Where's Grandpa?"

"He's here, he just can't run as fast as a three year who is the son of a sprinter," Charles said as he came up to them, out of breath. Behind him were Caroline and Tyler and Ally's twin seven year old girls Samantha and Isabella who were all giggling.

Tyler smiled and bent down to pick his son up, "Michael-were you giving Grandpa a ran for his money?"

"I saw you first daddy," Michael said with a smile and turned to the small group behind him, "I told you I would bet you!"

Charles smiled, "Yes you did," he turned to Tyler, "Son-if there was any doubt that Michael is your son-," he paused and looked at Michael in his son's arms, "Yeah, there is no doubt."

The girls started laughing again and Tyler turned to them, "Am I missing something?"

Caroline stopped and looked to her brother, "It's nothing Tyler, dad's just talking about how fast Michael is, he's been running non stop for the last two hours."

"We told you he was like a young dog, charged up," Samantha said with a laugh, her dark blond hair was down to the middle of her back the sides pulled back in small braids, the way that Ally did her hair when Samantha's hair was left down, her green eyes sparkled.

"Sam-a dog charged up?" Ally asked looking at the daughter that nearly mirrored her husband, almost even more then her son.

"What-that's what dad says," Sam said with a smile.

Tyler looked to her, "What?"

"You do say that dad," Isabella said laughing, her hair which was more Ally's color of blond was pulled back in a pony tail that was nearly to her shoulder blades .

"Bella," Tyler hissed.

"You call our son a dog?" Ally asked looking confused.

"No," Tyler said quickly, "I say his as fast as a dog."

Ally laughed, "Its okay Tyler, that's a good way to put it really, he is as fast as a dog charged up."

Now it was Tyler's turn to look confused, "What?"

This time everyone laughed, "We just love to see you nervous," Ally said kissing him on the cheek.

Tyler rolled his eyes and kissed her back then looked to his son, "You need to stop running so much when you're with grandpa, he's on the old side remember."

Charles smiled, "Thank you-wait-what?"

Tyler smiled, "Sorry dad."

Charles smiled and shook his head, "Okay, are you two ready? We're meeting your mom at the diner for dinner."

Ally looked to Tyler, "Are you ready?"

Tyler bit his lip and looked at the wall in front of them again, "Um-I will be, can I just have a minute alone?"

Ally, Charles and Caroline all nodded in turn, "We'll get a taxi and wait for you," Ally said as she shifted Michael to her hip and led the way back towards the street. Charles and Caroline followed with Sam and Bella in tow.

Tyler watched them go and smiled as he watched Sam and Bella skip in front of Caroline. Ally put Michael down and let him walk the last few steps up to the street from the bridge. Sighing, Tyler turned back to the wall in front of him.

"I'm sorry you guys," Tyler said as a few tears escaped down his cheek as he ran his hand over the names again, "I should have told you what I was feeling-not that you have believed me, but at least I would have tried."

Tyler looked down at his leg, the leg that had not given him anymore trouble for the last five years. Sighing he up at the skyline again, and saw the flag as it slowly blew in the small wind, the only thing that still looked like it belonged there, something that no matter what would always belong there.

As more tears fell down his face he blinked several times to clear his vision and then looked up again at the flag, "Forever, may our banner wave, " he whispered and slowly turned to join his family, to come together on the ninth anniversary to honor and remember the two friends that lost their lives in a needless way.