Description: Haley's POV. AU. Haley is the wife of Damien West. Nathan is a police officer who knows something is wrong when she he sees her at the hospital. Will Haley let him help her?

As I lay on the floor once again defeated, I couldn't help but wonder how my life became like this. Every time I'm in this position I think the same things. How did I get here? What did I do to deserve this? Will I ever wake up from this nightmare? When did this become my life?

It wasn't until I sat up that I felt the blood falling down my face. It was bad this time. I knew I needed to get to the hospital. I called a cab to take me because I knew that I could never drive myself. I didn't have a good enough excuse to call Quinn. Thankfully Damien had gone back to the bar, so I didn't have to worry about him.

I was thankful that the cab driver didn't bombard me with questions this time. Sometimes they can be so nosy. It is none of their business what I look like. They need to just do their job and drive me where I need to go. I gave him an extra tip for not hassling me.

As soon as I walked in the doors of the emergency room, I was surrounded by nurses. I guess I looked worse than I thought. Not that I had actually seen what I looked like, by now I had learned not to look at myself. Mirrors are evil.

"Ma'am, are you okay? What happened? Ma'am?"

I don't know why, but I couldn't form words. It was weird. I had been fine a second ago when I paid the cabbie, but now I was completely blank. I guess I just couldn't figure out what lies to tell quick enough. That always got me in trouble. I'm a horrible liar. You'd think by now I'd be skilled at it, but no matter how many times I lie, I still suck. Maybe that's why I'm in this position. If I knew how to lie, then I'd be able to get out of these situations.

"Okay, ma'am, can you just walk back here with me?" the nurse asked. I just nodded my head and followed her. She asked me several questions as I just nodded and shook my head to answer. "You're definitely going to need stitches for this gash. You took a pretty nasty beating. Can you tell me what happened?"

I didn't answer. I just looked ahead, too embarrassed to make eye contact. What could I say? I'm a weak, pathetic woman who lets my husband beat me? I don't think so. It was much better if I just stayed silent.

"Can I have your name?"

"Haley. Haley West." That wasn't so hard.

"Haley. Can I call anyone for you?" I shook my head. I really had no one to call. "Okay, well, my name is Brooke. Let me know if I can do anything to help you. Where exactly does it hurt?"


"Okay, well, let me just go get Dr. Evans. I'll be right back Haley."

And once again I was alone. I should have been used to it by now, but I don't think you can ever get used to that feeling.

It didn't take long for the doctor to get there. Definitely quicker than the other hospitals were. Maybe I should come here more often. "Mrs. West, hi, I'm Dr. Evans. What brings you here today?"

As if it wasn't obvious. He was big into pleasantries I guess. "I'm hurt," I told him.

"I can see that. What happened?"

I looked down at my body. The finger marks were evident on the bruises on my wrist, there was no way I could get away with a fall down the stairs. "I got into a fight." It was true. Kind of.

"Where does it hurt?"

"My head, my ribs, my shoulder. Everything really."

"Okay, well let's get some x-rays done." He turned to his nurse, "Ms. Davis? Can you help us out here and get some x-rays?"

"Sure thing, boss."

That was when I saw him. Nathan Scott. High school heartthrob. He looked just as gorgeous as always. I, on the other hand, looked like shit. He looked absolutely stunning in his police uniform. Who would ever have thought that hotshot Nathan Scott would become a policeman. He had spent all of high school avoiding them. But then again, who would have thought that valedictorian Haley James would be where I am.

That's when it happened. Nathan Scott looked at me. Wait a second. I shouldn't be thinking about this. I'm a married woman. It's not like he'd even know who I am anyways. He never gave me a second look in high school. Damn he looked good, which once again reminded me of how horrible I looked at the moment.

"Haley, are you ready?" I was brought out of my Nathan trance by the perky nurse. I had been in a lot of Nathan trances in high school. I thought I had gotten over that giddy crush stage when I turned 18. Crush? No! I'm married. Haley James West, you are a married woman. Quit staring at this boy. "Haley?"

"Oh, yeah, I'm ready." I got up and sat in the wheelchair she had gotten me. They took several x-rays and then sent me back to my bed. When I got there, Nathan was there. What was he doing there?

"Hello, Mrs…" he looked down at his notepad, "West. I am officer Scott and I needed to get a statement from you."

"A statement?" What was he talking about? Why did he need a statement?

"Yes. About your injuries. Those look pretty bad."

"Thanks." Is that really professional? I don't think it's proper police etiquette to tell someone they look bad.

He looked back down at his notepad, "Haley?"


"Haley James?"

He did know me. "Haley James West."

"I'd recognize that sarcasm anywhere. Nathan Scott. I went to Tree Hill High with you."

"Yeah, I know."

"Well, why didn't you say anything?"

"Because I figured you didn't know who I was."

"How could I not? Miss Perfect. Not in a bad way though. In an impossible way, like, how in the world could someone be that amazing? Not, like how in the world could someone be so boring. So, you got married?"

"Yep." Did he just compliment me? Or was that a backhanded insult? What is wrong with this boy anyways, he's rambling about as much as me.

"Who's the lucky guy?"

"Damien West. You might remember him. He played basketball for Oak Lake."

"Yeah, I remember him. Y'all were the most confusing couple to me in high school. He was a complete jackass jock and you were this beautiful bookworm, it just never made sense. You know, if I knew you'd have dated a jock, I would have asked you out a long time before he ever did. So, how long have you been married?"

"Seven years." Seven very painful years, I thought to myself. Is he hitting on me? Or is he once again insulting me?

"Wow. So you got married right after we graduated, huh? I didn't realize y'all were that serious."


"So, what else have you been doing?"

Is he expecting us to be best friends? What the hell is going on in this guys head. I just want to get this over with and get back home before Damien. "Just getting into fights," I told him, hoping that would get him back on target.

"Right… Fighting doesn't seem like a Haley James thing to do."

"Right, because you know me so well."

"Maybe I don't know you, but I do know the signs of a fight. This was obviously one-sided. You don't have a single mark on your hands showing that you fought back. All I'm seeing are defensive wounds. Haley, I need you to be honest with me. I can't help you if you don't tell me the truth."

"Then don't help me." I didn't mean that. I want him to help me, but Damien would throw a fit if he knew I even spoke to Nathan Scott. "Can I just see the nurse?"

"Seriously? I never thought I'd see the day that you'd be asking to see Brooke Davis."

Oh God, kill me now. my eye must be swollen shut more than I thought to not recognize Queen Bitch Brooke. "Are you two still together?" I don't know why the hell I just asked him that. I don't care about them. I hate them.

"Hell no. We were toxic to each other. Every second we spent together she became more of a bitch and I became more of an ass. Thank God we figured that out before we got too deep though."

Is that another dig at my marriage? What the hell is wrong with me? Why am I taking offense to every word out of this guy's mouth?

"Knock, knock," Brooke said from outside of the curtain, "May I come in."

"Yeah," Nathan told her. As soon as she appeared Nathan began chatting again. "Brooke, why didn't you tell me that it was Haley James?"

"Haley West," I corrected him.

"You've got to be kidding me. Haley James! I didn't even recognize you."

"Could be because my face is swollen."

"That sarcasm! How did I not recognize it before?"

"That's what I said."

Great. Family bonding time. I changed my mind, screw the two hour wait, I'd take any hospital over one that these two are in. "Did you get the results?" Please, just give me pills and let me go.

"Yeah." Brooke put the x-rays up on the lamp and I just groaned. Great, let the cop see all my injuries. Have you people ever heard of patient confidentiality?

"Can you please just bandage me up, I need to get home."

"Let me go get the doctor and we'll get you going as soon as we can."

"She's sleeping with the doctor," Nathan said as soon as Brooke was out of sight.

I couldn't help but laugh. "Ow."

"Sorry. Didn't mean to make you laugh."

I looked hard at him. You've got to be kidding me. Of course he was trying to make me laugh. Why else would he rat out his friend?

"Okay, I did want to make you laugh, but I forgot it would hurt. Are you going to tell me what really happened?"

"I told you. I got into a fight."

"With who?"

"I don't know."

"With Damien?"

You know how I said I was a horrible liar? Well, you would think that right about now, I'd be screwed, right? Nope. I've figured out better ways of avoidance. You make have heard of it. it's called the 'fake cough'. It especially works when you have broken ribs. Tears come out full force. As I started to cough, I grab my ribs. Every time I do this, I think it's smart, then I remember why it's not. "Ow."

That's when it happened. He grabbed my hand. Nathan Scott grabbed my hand. Oh my gosh. Haley James. Keep it in check. No. You're not Haley James. You're Haley West. Shit. Where is Brooke?

"Mrs. West…" Thank God for the doctor. I have no idea what he said. Something about broken ribs and face. I needed to ice my face to help decrease swelling and make an appointment with the plastic surgeon in case it left a scar. No vigorous activity and take the pills as needed. Same old thing.

"Thank you, Dr. Evans. I'll be sure to do all of that." AKA I am never coming back to this hospital again.

"Can I give you a ride home?" Nathan offered.

"No, I'm good, thanks."

"It's not safe for you to drive while you're on those," he told me pointing to the pills in my hand. Duh. I know, I've been on them before.

"It's okay, I'm just going to take a cab."

"Come on, Haley, a cab? I can give you a ride home."

"You don't even know where I live."

"You're right, but you could tell me. I'm sure Damien is worried about you. He'd want you home as soon as possible."

Right. I'm sure Damien would love for me to pull up in a cop car driven by his archrival. That would play out well. I'd be back in the hospital before the night was over. "Nathan, I'm fine."

"Okay. But promise me, you'll call me if you need anything." He handed me his card and I took it, at least he thought I did. I took it and I threw it away as soon as I was outside. If Damien found Nathan's card, damn. Any situation involving that boy will be nothing but trouble.

Thanks for reading! I'm writing two other stories at the moment, but this came to me and I wanted to get some of it out. Please leave a review so I know if you like it and I'll keep writing.