Hey guys! This is the first chapter of my first ever VA fanfic! I'd set the background of this story to start from Adrian's point of view (APOV) based on Frostbite. I will try to go along with the original story but with some twists. For the benefit of the readers had just stumbled here not knowing what is VA, I shall give a brief description.

In the world of Vampire Academy (VA), Moroi (good vampires) and Dhampirs (half human, half moroi) attended private schools. Moroi (royal/non-royal) wield one of the 4 elemental magic; Water, Air, Fire and Earth. Dhampirs trained in the schools to become guardians of the Moroi. However, there are another breed of vampires called Strigoi. Moroi can become strigoi by choice by drinking from a victim and killing it in the process, or by force when another strigoi bit a human/dhampir/moroi and feed them with their blood. Strigois are evil creatures of the night with red eyes and they lived by killing others.

Rosemarie Hathaway is a student in St. Vladimir Academy, she is training to become her best friend, Vasilissa (Lissa) Dragomir's guardian. Rose had died once in the car crash which killed Lissa's parents and brother, leaving her being the last of the Dragomir bloodline; 1 of the 12 royal families. Lissa used the healing power from the rare element which she specialized in – Spirit or the fifth element. Rose was brought back to life and was shadow-kissed to Lissa, and that created a bond between them, allowing Rose to get into Lissa's mind.

Other characters:

Dimitri Belikov – Rose's mentor/friend/lover; a 24 years old badass Russian Dhampir.

Christian Ozera – Lissa's boyfriend; Element: Fire; Parents turned strigoi and others had rumored that he will also turn one day; A loner and a smartass.

Mason and Eddie: Rose's fellow dhampir classmates.

I shall not describe Adrian and the others coz you will eventually get to know them further in the story.

Thanks for reading and please leave me a review!!



Disclaimer: VA and the characters belongs to Richelle Mead. Russie and Aphrodite belongs to Rose Melissa Ivashkov. Do check out her wonderful story "One in a Hundred"!! I got some of my inspiration from her and many other wonderful writers!

Chapter 1: The Princess in my Dreams


"Hey! Wait up." I called out trying to catch up to her. She turned and giggled before heading further into the misty woods. I tried to close the distance between us but she seem to drift further away every time I thought I was about to catch up. I can still hear her giggles but it was getting faint. I wandered deeper and deeper into the woods following her laughter. The fog is getting heavier and her voice fainter. Bit by bit, I followed her lead until I can hear her no more...

I woke up from a gust of cold wind cutting across my face. "I must have dozed off when I was trying to catch a breather from all the royal parties." I thought to myself. The winter is really nasty up here at the mountains. I took out my cigarettes and lit one up. "Ahh..." I sighed as I was warming up thanks to the cigarette.

Who is she? She had appeared in almost all of my dreams, especially when Alcohol was out of my system. I couldn't figure out who she was, but I am very certain that I really like her. Love her even. IN every dream, I would be chasing her in the woods but I had never once caught up with her and take a clear look of her face. However, I know that her beauty was beyond words to describe. I hadn't dreamt about her for a really long time, ever since I started being BFFs with Jack, Johnny, Chivas and the others.

I got up from where I had slouched and fallen asleep and leaned on the rail of the porch looking out at the snowy mountain caps. My thoughts drifted to her in an instance.

The girl in my dreams. No. She's real.. She has to be. I hadn't imagined her out of my already crazy mind. I'd seen her before. Once.. But where?? I took another puff and dug deeper into my mind. Ahh.... At a birthday party.. Definitely one of the royals', a girl's party that's for sure... Who was the birthday girl? Vivien?? Nah. Va...

"Lord Ivashkov!!! It's such a pleasure to see you here!!" a blond moroi with really ridiculous hairstyle came squealing while she hung herself around my neck like a koala.

Dang!! Just when I thought I can finally recall who is the princess that had been occupying my dreams ever since I'd met her, someone had to interrupt!! I was annoyed but being the smooth and tactful Royal member, I took a deep breath and put on my royal façade.

I turned to face her, releasing her grip on my neck gently. "Hey... Nice to see you here" (As if! I can't even remember who she is) I said while giving her my usual flippant expression, scrutinizing her. "Did she have to live up to what humans think Vampires look like? She looked totally like she'd got sucked into a time warp straight from the Renaissance period!" I screamed in my mind.

She went on rambling about her family, schools and other stuffs while I return my gaze back at the faraway mountains, thinking about, absolutely nothing. Well, one can't really focus and think while they are beside a chatterbox can they?? No wait, not a chatterbox. More like a machine gun. I let out a chuckle, took one last puff from my cigarette and snuffed it out under my foot.

I turn around and flashed a smile that could make her knees go weak and she stopped talking at the very instant. "Please excuse me. I hate to say this (am I??) but I umm.. had to get somewhere to settle
some important matter. It pains me to leave u (not!) but I'll see you around." with that I left her standing like a frozen popsicle on the porch.

Wanting no more sudden interruption, I headed towards a deserted corridor of the ski resort where I know I wouldn't be disturbed. I gestured to my guardian and he appeared before me in a flash. "Shit!" I swear. Even with my heightened moroi senses, he never fails to surprise me every single time.

"Make sure there are no annoying moroi coming this way" I waved my hand in dismissal and he retreated back into the shadows as quickly as he had appeared.

I don't really like being followed so openly by a guardian so I'm really glad that I got Kira. He's able to do his job with such stealth that I had once thought that he was a ninja back in Japan. But I'd never got around asking him. Not when he hadn't speak a single word to me in his 3 years being my guardian. It's always me issuing instruction and he carried them out without any objections.

I carried on walking towards the balcony at the very far end of the deserted corridor and took out another cigarette. I leaned against the balcony's wooden fence and breathed out ringlets of smoke. I can hear people laughing and yelling on the snow 3 floors below me and I looked down. I was just randomly checking out the people playing on the snow when some jam-packed actions on the slopes caught my attention.

A dhampir girl was performing a series of humanly impossible and recklessly dangerous stunts on the slopes. A male dhampir was standing at the top of the slope watching her as she jumped and maneuvered gracefully and tactfully around the curves and trees on the slope. From the looks of it, he appeared to be her boyfriend.

Wait a sec! Did I mention that the slope was really steep??

"Is she out of her mind?" I thought.

After she completed her course, she returned to her boyfriend and he tried to follow what she did, only to land flat on his back when he missed his footing after jumping off another slope. A couple guardians and his girlfriend rushed to his side and carried him into the lodge. I guess he just got more than he could actually chew.

As they were getting closer to my direction, I got a clear view of her. Her dark brown hair dancing wildly against her tanned skin in the strong winter wind, coupled with a really toned and lean body but with all the curves at the right place. I couldn't see her face though; a pair dark tinted shades was blocking her beautiful features. She was like a living piece of art! A beautiful goddess like Aphrodite. No. Athena seems more appropriate; Wise, beautiful and definitely a fighter. However, it was another aspect of her that really caught my attention before they disappeared into the lodge.

"I'd got to know her." thinking to myself as I focused my gaze onto the distant mountains once again, lounging comfortably on the recliners on the balcony.

I motioned to Kira and told him to bring me my Russian vodka. I have no idea what's with me and vodka but Russie here never fail to ease my ever pounding headache.

Moments later, I heard footsteps nearing. "Guess he'd learnt not to scare me like that every single time." I thought. "bout time you get back here with my Russie." I said without removing my gaze from the mountain. "I'm already on my forth cigarette since you lef..."

I was cut by a female voice. A really sarcastic one.

"Well well. That seems to explain why this place is so choked with your stink stick! I'd thought this place was on fire."

I turned and saw my goddess standing right behind me. My mouth opened slightly due to the pleasant surprise but I closed it before regaining my composure.

So what do you guys think of this chapter? I know its kinda short but I'll try to buff up the word count. Please tell me if you want longer chapters (eg. 1500-2000 words?) and leave me your review!! Chapter 2 is on its way!! Look forward to it!