Title: Noah Puckerman's Guide to Orgasm Denial (How to Show Her You Really Care), Part of "The Games They Play" Universe
Pairing,Character(s): Puck/Rachel
Rating: M
Word Count: 859
Spoilers: Through 'Sectionals'.
Summary: Puck tells y'all how it's done. How to keep your woman satisfied but coming back for more, Puckerone style. VERY MATURE THEMES.

A.N.: This story takes place in my LiveJournal universe, a series called "The Games They Play". Puck and Rachel have a rather unique relationship. You'll see.


Puck looked around the locker room, smirking.

"So you want to know how it's done.

I guess I can't blame you, y'know, it's quite the fucking skill. Especially with a girlfriend -- yeah, I said girlfriend, fuck off -- as fucking hot as mine. There's nothing fucking sexier in the world than getting Rachel Berry speechless and begging. S'cuse me for a second."

Puck picked up his cell phone, dialing quickly. "Hey. Yeah, I'm just helping out some of the dudes. I'll be done soon, so do me a favor? Get the paddle, the straps, the clamps, the -- you know what, just empty the drawer, I'll pick when I get there, and just be ready to go, okay? I'm gonna be in a mood by the time I get to you. Love you, baby."

He turned to look at the gathered throng. "That shit? That's foreplay. Learn it, love it. Trust me, it pays off in the end. The more worked up you can get her, the better it is. You think she's tight? She's even tighter. Is she juicy? Trust me, you haven't seen shit. And they eat it up. They'll whine, and they'll plead, but the fucking payoff...epic.

So, if you've got balls, you've heard that 'you gotta float like a butterfly, sting like a bee', right? Well, that applies fucking everywhere, okay? Seriously. Think about it. You'll see. But right here? It's fucking gold. You know how you wanna touch, like...a fuckin' Peyton Manning Super Bowl jersey, or like, y'know, Babe Ruth's bat? Like, I'm gonna fuck it up, I can't, but I want to touch it so bad? That's the feeling you wanna work for here.

Yeah, I see you got it now.

Drives them fucking ballistic. Just the lightest touch, so you barely even feel the skin.


And dude.

Take your fucking time. Trust me on this. The slower you go, the crazier she gets. You want her right on that edge for as long as you can fucking stand it -- oh, shit. That reminds me. If you really want this to last? Make sure you get off first. Somehow. Preferably some way involving her but without getting her off. It can be part of the game. You get her to get you off first, you don't let her cum --

Wait, what? What do you mean, she -- oh, fuck, right. Okay, so this all works a lot easier if your girlfriend is kinky as fuck and loves it when you're in control. Especially if you start right out by letting her know she only cums when you say so.

Damn it, Hudson, get your shit together. You already -- not fucking going there, you know what I mean. Go clean yourself up.

As I was saying. So, there's the floating, right, but then, there's the stinging. That's when you get in there fast and hard, you hit it like hell until she's right fucking there then --" Puck yanked his hand backwards through the air. "Back to the floating.

So, that's the basic method. The real fucking trick?

The sequence.

You float for too long, and she's not on edge, she's like...blissed out. And y'know, that's fucking awesome in its own way, when she's like fucking melting and you can just --" Puck cleared his throat. "Anyway. You gotta float for just long enough, and sting just right.

Oh, and by the way. PDA? Your best friend. Your girl may even protest, be all shy and shit, but where it counts? Fucking molten. Try it. Seriously. Dare you to try it and tell me I'm wrong. There is something that gets a girl going, down deep even if she says no, about you staking your claim. You're telling her that you know that every guy with half a brain cell would want her, and you want to make damn sure it's clear she's off limits. Don't push this too far if you have one of those girls that doesn't like it, though. Just a little every once in a while, maybe even telling her you couldn't help yourself.

You know, write that down. 'Cause that's pretty key too, let your girl know how much you want her all the time. Keeps her on low simmer, makes it easy to get her all fucking riled.

It's a whole package, the whole stopping and starting. You gotta read her like a fucking book.

And that, my friends, is what makes it so fucking perfect.

The longer you can keep her on that edge, the longer you can have her feeling like she's on the verge of losing her mind? The more you've got her hooked. Seriously. I wouldn't fucking lie about this.

That's why I say, how to show her that you care. There is nothing hotter to a chick than feeling like you actually fucking pay attention to her. You listen, you notice shit, you remember what she likes and what she doesn't. And when you put it together in the Death Star run of orgasm denial? That fucking moment where shit just works?

Your cock has never felt anything like the orgasm you finally get. Guaranteed.

Shit. Someone get Hudson off the floor. You might wanna wear gloves." Puck grabbed his backpack and headed for the door, pausing with his back to the room and his hand on the doorknob.

"Oh. One more thing. Any of you assholes looks at my girl in a way I don't like. Especially if I think you're storing shit in your rotation? Dead."

He whistled his way down the hall.


As Puck walked Rachel to her locker the next morning, she frowned quickly. "Noah. Is there…is there some reason why every male in the hallway seems to be turning away or otherwise averting their eyes?" Her hand fluttered to her hair and her face. "Is there something wrong with –"

Puck smirked and kissed her. "Nah, baby. There's everything right."


A.N.: Hope you enjoyed! Again, feel free to hop over to LiveJournal, knkykty(dot)livejournal(dot)com and join the insanity.