As I sat in the hospital chair, holding my wife's hand, waiting for her to wake up. I looked down at her face, smiling a little, and thought about when we had met. I remembered the whole thing very clearly…

I was sitting in the corner at the Academy. I was trying to fend off fangirls, and Iruka-sensei had finally made them leave me alone. A pink-haired girl walked up to me. "Leave me alone," I said. She didn't say anything. I turned to look at her, since my back had been to her.

I'm Sakura, she signed. I realized she couldn't hear me.

Sasuke, I signed back.

She smiled. I'm happy you can sign. No one else at this school can. They make fun of me because I can't hear, but I can read lips and I know what they're saying. Do you want to play?

I hesitated, looking at her, wondering if she would be a fangirl, too. Then I realized that she was just lonely and wanted someone who wouldn't make fun of her to play with. I nodded. Okay.

She grinned and hugged me. Thank you! What do you want to play?

I was taken aback at the hug, then remembered that my mother had said to be polite.

What do you like to play? I asked her. She frowned.

I don't know. I've never played with anyone except my mom and dad before. What do you like to play?

I was surprised. No one had ever played with her? My mom and dad didn't really play with me, but at least I had Itachi. Well…Mama, too, when she wasn't busy.

Have you ever played tag? I asked.

She shook her head. I smiled a little bit. You say, "Tag, you're it!" and run, then the person you tagged chases you until they can tag you back!

She grinned and tapped my shoulder. "Tag, you're it!" she said. I didn't realize that she could speak so clearly, like a regular person. She ran off and I smiled, running after her.

That day, after school was out, Itachi picked me up to walk me home, like always.

"Hey, nii-san?" I asked.

"Yes, little brother?"

"Do you think Mama would let me have someone over to play tomorrow after school?"

He smiled. "Maybe. Who do you want to invite over?"

"I met a girl today," I said. "She's really nice. Her name is Sakura."

"I thought you didn't like girls, Sasuke. You said they're always chasing after you and trying to kiss you."

I shook my head. "This one's different, 'Tachi! She asked me if I would play with her and she looked really lonely, so I did, but I had a lot of fun, so we're friends now!"

"Why was she so lonely?" he asked me.

"'Cause no one else will play with her 'cause she's can't hear."

He looked kind of surprised. I didn't know why. "She's deaf?" he asked. I nodded.

"Why won't anyone else play with her, nii-san? She's real nice, and real pretty, and she talks normal, not like Aunt Rei. She can even read lips, so she doesn't have to sign all the time, but I think she likes signing better than talking. But I think it hurts her feelings when they won't play."

"I think they're scared of her, Sasuke. People do weird things sometimes. They're afraid that since she's different, if they hang out with her, people will think they're different, too."

"But why would you want to be the same as everyone else?" I asked. He laughed. "I don't know, Sasuke."

I frowned. We got home and my mom held out her arms for a hug when she saw us. Itachi got to her first, and then she picked me up and hugged me, too, when I got there.

"Mama, can I have someone over tomorrow?"

"Who, baby? Naruto? You know he's always welcome here."

"No, someone else. I met a girl today that I really like. She's really nice."

My mom smiled and said, "Come inside and tell me all about her, then we'll talk about having her over, okay?"


We went to the kitchen. Itachi grabbed some cabbage and I asked my mother if there were any tomatoes left. She smiled and handed me one. I thanked her and she and Itachi and I sat down at the table together.

"Okay, baby, tell me all about this girl you met," Mom said, fully attentive.

"Her name is Sakura," I said. "And she's got pink hair and green eyes and she's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in the whole wide world! She doesn't try to chase after me or kiss me. She's real lonely, Mama. She's never played with anyone besides her mom and dad until today! She didn't even know what tag is. She says that nobody will play with her and a lot of the people at school talk about her 'cause she's deaf. I think that's mean, Mama. I think it hurts her feelings."

My mom smiled sadly. "You're right, Sasuke-chan, that is mean. And I'm sure it does hurt her feelings. Aren't you glad Aunt Rei taught you sign language so you can talk to her?"

I nodded, smiling. "Yeah! So can we invite her over, Mama, please?"

"Well, I'll have to talk to her parents, but I don't see why not," she said, ruffling my hair.

I smiled. "Thanks, Mama!"

"Do you know her last name?" she asked. I thought hard. "Ha…Hatake?" I said, unsure. I think that's what Iruka-sensei said when he was taking roll.

She smiled. "Oh, I know her parents. I'll give them a call right now, how about that?"

I smiled and said, "Yeah!"

She went over to the phone and dialed a number. I crawled into her lap as she talked. I could hear Sakura's mother on the other line.



"Hi! This is Mikoto."

"Oh, Mikoto-chan! How are you?"

"I'm great! How are you?"

"I'm doing well, thanks!"

"How's Kakashi?"

"He's great!"

"Oh, good."

"And how are your boys?"

"Oh, they're fine!"

"Listen, Rin, Sasuke wanted to know if he could have Sakura over to play tomorrow afternoon after school. And she's welcome to stay for dinner."

"He does know she can't hear him, right?" Rin said uncertainly.

"Oh, yes, he understands."

"Does he know sign language? She can read lips, but it makes her feel awkward."

"Oh, very well! He has an aunt who's deaf, my sister, and she and I taught him how."

"You're sure it's okay?"

"Yes, of course! Sakura's welcome anytime."

"Alright, I suppose that'll be okay."

"I'm so glad, Rin. This'll mean a lot to him."

"I'll pick her up from school and take her to your house, because she needs to come home and change into play clothes first."

"That sounds great."

"Alright…and she'll have to be home by eight at the latest…Eight-thirty is her bedtime."

"Good, that's Sasuke's bedtime, too. Well, thank you, so much. We'll bring her back home whenever you want."

"Great. I'll call."

"Alright, well, I'll see you tomorrow, Rin. Ja!"

She hung up and said, "Mrs. Hatake said that Sakura can come over to play and for dinner tomorrow night, isn't that great?"

I grinned and nodded, hugging my mother. "Aa! I can't wait!"

She sent me off to do homework then. The next day, Itachi picked up both of us, and we went home to play. We had dinner together. That was when I was 100% sure I like-liked her.

Not that I would ever tell anyone that. I was an Uchiha after all. I had my ego to look after.