Okay guys! This is the for real FIRST EVER FANFIC I WROTE!!! yay!! I was so proud...but I'm afraid it's nothing special...and maybe a little OOC.
Club activities were over, and being the leader that he is, Kyouya told Hikaru and Haruhi to stay and clean up. Kaoru had to go home to help his and Hikaru's mother with a design, or he would have helped. After a 'slight' objection from Haruhi and Tamaki, it was decided. "Why does Mama hate Father so?" Tamaki said, while looking intently with his deep sea blue puppy dog eyes at Haruhi, who was wearing the dress from their Indian theme.
"Just more punishment I suppose. I'm not a supporting cast, even without the homosexual part. Besides, you would be too distracted and, frankly, distracting." The shadow king mused. His half-smirk, full of satisfactory from this wonderful revenge, quickly disappeared as he reviewed the days profits. "We lost 20,000 yen today. Say bye-bye to Indian theme…"
"No! Don't do it to me Mother! Haruhi is so cute in that wig and dress!
"Shut up and I'll give you her photo book for half price." A doggy tail appeared on Tamaki and he danced around like the idiot he is. "Okay, come on Tamaki… now let's discuss that divorce…" Kyouya smirked as he and Tamaki walked out. Little did Tamaki know, he wouldn't ever see her in the dress again anyway because half of those yen were used bribing Haruhi to wear it.
"Thanks for the yen Kyouya!" Haruhi yelled right before he and Tamaki walked out the door.
"Kyouya, you paid her to wear it? Why?" asked Hani, who had been eating, you guessed it, cake.
"I simply wanted to see her in it." Kyouya said, maintaining a straight face. Tamaki ran out crying. "God, I was just kidding. I will see you all later; I should probably go get him. Good luck."
"We had to go to. Come on Takashi!!"
"Yeah." Said you know who.
"Ha ha funny." Hikaru said. He really had just realized her dress (today had been really intense brotherly love). Her wig framed her face, and her makeup was exquisite. In fact, he had put it on her earlier. He sat staring.
"Hey, Romeo," Kaoru said from behind him, "I'm out of here, sorry. Remember, the school closes up at 6:00. Everyone leaves and them, well your stuck. I may not be home, mom needs to go get cloth and you know how picky she is. So I'm not coming for you." He said, half joking, half serious.
"Love you to, bro."
"May the force be with you. P.S. if you plan on staring at her, bring your glaze up a bit. It's flat down there."
Hikaru blushed. He wasn't looking, but something about what his brother said just made him uncomfortable. He was going to be alone with her for, like, three hours. No Kaoru, no Tono, just him and Haruhi…
"Oh, and one more thing bro. You two will be alone for a long time. Win her!"
"Oh, of course. In three hours I will have already proposed and have had a child. Come on Kaoru, think a little. But I'll try."
"There's my big brother. Bye!! Don't play with the matches and only take candy from if strangers they offer you a ride to!" He said as he left. Haruhi sneaked up behind Hikaru and poked him. "You seem unusually cool about Kaoru leaving…"
"It's okay! I still have my sister here!" he hugged her and Haruhi rolled her eyes.
"I thought you were done with calling me that."
"Nope!" ~
I'll be putting up a new chapter soon. And if all the chapter names are the same, well, I don't exactly have this all figured out yet...hehe.