Now it's really over guys! I hope you like this! :D I also won't be writing for some time because I'm going to a trip tomorrow! OMG YOU GUYS! WE PASSED 100 REVIEWS! I love you sooo much! LOL Thank you for the Story Alerts and Favorite Story Alerts! And the biggest Abby hugs ever to purplemonkeyz48, ii. Love. NCIS, sirscreen, Cutezipie, 13NCISgirl, smileysox303, zombieslayer666, Betherzz, surferdude8225 and pirate-princess1 for the reviews! :D


Disclaimer: Never owned, don't own it now, and probably never will.

Early in the morning, Ziva was checking her email. The team was already in the bullpen, except for Gibbs, who wasn't there yet. They weren't actually working, Tony was aiming paper balls at McGee, who was trying to focus o some new computer game he was playing.

The brunette saw an email from her niece; a smile crept on her lips as she happily remembered the week that the teen spent there. She clicked on the message.

To: Aunt Ziva

From: Leah

Subject: Shalom =)

Shalom aunt Zee! :D

Things are kinda complicated around here; I told mom and dad about the tattoo, I thought it would be better than if they found out. Dad didn't care that much (he actually said he liked my butterfly), but mom kind of freaked out; so you can expect an angry call or something like that…Sorry. :(

But grandma told me that mom got a tat when she was 15… Is that right? Tell me; cause if it is, I'll talk to her about it ;) . I'm kinda grounded right now (no TV or computer), but since I'm sending this from my iPod, I guess it's okay.

How's the team doing? And how are you and Tony doing? I miss you guys!

Love, Leah.

The agent shook her head. When she looked up, Tony threw a paper ball at her; she arched her brows and carefully opened the paper. There was Tony's handwriting on it. 'Meet me at my place at seven? I wanna show you something.' She furrowed her brows, wondering what the hell he was planning. She shrugged, grabbed a yellow note at the pad and wrote 'Sure, I'll see you there.' And threw it at him.

She looked back at her computer screen and hit the answer button.

To: Leah

From: Ziva David

Subject: Shalom

Shalom tateleh!

Thing are complicated, huh? I told you not to get a tattoo. :P I'm not angry at you and I think I listening to Alyssa will not kill me. Yeah, your grandma is right, your mom actually got a tat when she was 15 (I shouldn't be telling you that, but she already wants to kill me, so it doesn't really make a difference).

The team is doing fine; Gibbs is drinking as much coffee the usual, McGee is still playing with his computer games and Abby is being, you know, Abby. About me and Tony, we're doing quite well; he just asked me on another date. :)

I'm going to give your email to the rest of the team, because they are missing you a lot. (Gibbs doesn't use his email, but who knows?)… I miss you too.

Love, Ziva.

Ziva hit the send button and heard the ding of the elevator doors opening. She turned her head to see Gibbs walking out stepping into the office; so she quickly grabbed one of the folders that were over her desk and started writing. This was going to be a slow day; she could barely wait for her date with Tony.


Tony left at 6 p.m., he had done most of his paperwork; and said that the folders would still be there in the morning, the usual excuse. Ziva left at 6:30; she got into her Mini Cooper and drove it as fast as she could, trying not to break any major laws.

She was at his apartment by seven, knocking at his door. She heard him shout something like 'I'm coming' from inside and chuckled. After some seconds, Tony opened his door with his trademark smile on his face; he gave her a quick peck on the lips, and closed the door behind him.

"We're not going inside?" She asked.

"Remember that I said I wanted to show you something?" He asked; she nodded, smiling. "Well, come on." He laughed, taking her by the hand and pulling her into the elevator.

Tony pushed the last button and they started to go up. He was excited as a kid on a Christmas morning, it was actually sort of cute to watch, Ziva thought smirking. When they arrived to the last floor, Tony pulled her by the hand to the stairs; they reached a small door. She was about to ask what was going on, but Tony placed a finger on her lips and winked at her.

He opened the door and walked with Ziva outside; they were on the roof, and she could see a towel on the floor, with a bottle of wine and a basket. He looked up at him and smiled.

"You did all of this?" She asked cupping his cheeks.

"Well, yeah." He answered.

She pulled his head to her and kissed him, slowly at first, but it grew more passionate as he slipped his tongue into her mouth, wanting to taste her. They broke apart, their foreheads touching.

"Sometimes," She said, breathless. "I think I love you."

"Sometimes?" Tony gave her a mock hurt look

"Most of the time." The brunette offered.

"Better." He said, narrowing his eyes, and making her laugh.

He pulled her into another deep kiss making her moan as her hands moved to the back of his neck and his hands locked around her waist. They walked to the towel and sat down, admiring the sky. There weren't a lot of stars, but Ziva thought it was beautiful just the same; maybe the company did matter, because she felt like everything was more beautiful when she was with him.

"By the way, I think I love you too" She heard him whisper, his lips glued on her ear; and that made her heart melt.

Liked it? I hope so! :) Send me a review, pretty please?