Ponyboy POV
I sat on my bed with Johnny. We always came in here after dinner to talk about nothing in particular. Sometimes we talk about school, sometimes we talk about the gang, and once we talked about what it would be like to be Socs! But today, for what ever reason, he wanted to talk about girls...
"Well, you know that Marcia girl was nice lookin'." He said.
I blushed. "Um, sure..."
"What about the red head?"
"Cherry's alright... I guess. Girls just don't appeal to me, Johnny."
Johnny looked at me weird. "You know what's funny?" I shook my head. "You look just like Soda, but you act completely different."
I cocked an eyebrow. "If I look like Soda, you're Dally's twin brother."
"I'm serious, Pone."
I scoffed. "Sodapop's good-looking."
"Well, shoot, you are too, Pony." I blushed, but didn't say anything. "You think I'm lying?" It wasn't a question.
"No..." I said slowly. "Not...lying..." Johnny grabbed my chin and pulled me to face him.
"You are beautiful." Johnny said matter-of-factly. "If you weren't, I wouldn't love you, would I?"
I gulped. "Love?" He nodded and leaned in to me.
Just when he was about to meet my lips, I woke up.
Panting, I looked to my right, where Soda lay asleep. I was figuring on waking him up, but he looked so peaceful, too peaceful. Instead I decided to take a cold shower.
I walked carefully through the moonlit room over to the dresser and pulled out a towel and new clothes, then carried myself to the bathroom. I turned on the light to the small, yellow room and turned on the shower. Even though I wasn't gonna take a hot bath, I felt running the water first, was necessary.
Quickly, I stripped down and hopped in, letting the cool water cloak me. My mind wandered as I soaped up. I'm not gay, am I? I mean, sure I'm not into girls yet, but Soda said I'd grow out of it. Soda never lies, does he?
I turned off the water, stepped out onto the bathmat and toweled off. What am I gonna do?
I wrapped the towel around my waist and went to the pile my clothes were in. Just then, the door opened and I whirled around to see who it was. There in the doorway stood, the one and only...
Johnny Cade.
"Oh, I didn't know anyone was in here." He said. He was staring at my chest and when he realized, he quickly pulled the door closed. Not fast enough for me to see the blush on his cheeks though. The sight made me blush. I pulled on my clothes and called for Johnny. Moments later he knocked on the door.
"Come in." I said. Johnny, always playing it safe.
"What'd ya need?" I asked.
He pointed towards the toilet. "Gotta go."
I smiled, "Go ahead." And walked over to the mirror to fix my hair.
I listened as he zipped down his jeans and to the fumbling of clothes shifting against each other. Then there was quiet, but only briefly as the sound of water splashing engulfed the room. I, pretending not to listen, continued brushing my hair, spraying it constantly with hairspray.
The sound of the toilet flushing sworded through the room. Then I was forced away from the sink by Johnny's hip. "Pardon me." He said, innocently. "I need to use the sink." His smile betrayed his "innocence" though and I knew what I had to do.
He was just about done washing his hands, when I got up-pretending to walk past him- and "accidentally" bumped his shoulder. Water splashed on the floor and I said, "Oh, sorry, that was my mistake." smiling just as he had.
"No," Johnny said, over-friendly. "That really was my fault." He reached under the running water and cupped his hands filling them as much as possible. He then turned to me, "Sorry though!" He threw the water on me, soaking my front.
I was running out of ideas. Then I saw it, behind him, the shower. I took a step toward him and he-predictably- took a step back. Then I took another step forward and again he took one back. That's it Johnny, just one more step. We both took our like steps and he was just close enough to the tub for me to push him in without hurting him too badly. So that's what I did, I pushed him in. Then before he could step out or sit up, I lunged to turn on the water.
"Ponyboy!" Johnny yelled as the water splashed him.
"Did I do that?" I didn't want to keep him in there for long, he'd catch a cold. So, I turned off the water and helped him out. He kept sliding on the floor, so I held him up until I was sure he wasn't gonna fall.
Letting go, I looked at him smirking at two things: 1) He was dripping wet. And, 2) He was wearing a white T-Shirt (which is totally see through when wet). I could see his abs and his slightly peaking chest, and I couldn't help but think, I wonder what that would feel like against me...
Johnny started walking towards me. "You are gonna pay, Pony-ah!" He slipped and fell right on top of me, and let me tell you, it was like my prayers had been answered.
I couldn't help but laugh, and Johnny looked up at me, embarrassed. Then, in attempt of getting up, he rubbed our...lower halves against each other. Man, that felt real good. I struggled to choke back a loud moan.
Johnny didn't seem to notice, and he did it again. I wish he knew what he was doing to me, so he would stop. But then again, I wished he wouldn't stop.
Then, again he rubbed against me and I was instantly half-hard. Not wanting him to feel it, I pushed up on his chest. "Johnny, maybe-" I stopped and listened to my voice, it was breathy and I was almost purring.
Johnny looked at me weirdly and then for the fourth time, rubbed against my crotch. He immediately stopped moving when he felt my hard-on. "Uh..." He said looking at me as both our cheeks flooded with a heavy blush.
"Did I...?" Johnny started.
I couldn't even look at him. "Sorry. You know...hormones and..."
"Uh, maybe I should get up." Johnny stated.
"That might be best." He stood and I stood after him covering myself. There was a long awkward silence.
"I'll just...go." Johnny said, and he left.
That went well. I thought sarcastically.