Notes: Wow, I can hardly believe this story is done after five years! I wanted to tell it so badly and I'm thrilled that I finally managed to do so. Thanks so much to everyone who has shown an interest. And reviewer Starshine has a good point: I've never actually done the story that shows how Duke and Serenity got together in the first place. I did write one possible version of it, but I don't consider it my absolute canon, and of course, the really old stories like the earthquake one she mentioned don't have any bearing on the stories I started writing around 2009. All the stories started around that time are in a different canon, one that tries to follow the completed anime a lot better than my old stories did. I'll keep the idea of a Duke/Serenity origin story in mind for a possible future project. Another thing I might do is start posting some of the stories I wrote involving Duke's adventures in Los Angeles with Snakes, which take place before this story. Thank you all again so much!


A group was waiting at the Domino City airport when the plane touched down. Duke had expected it, really. Serenity had kept in email contact with a very upset and bewildered Joey and Tristan, letting them know when they were coming back.

David's family was waiting as well. When he had checked his email in Athens, he had found confused and upset messages from every one of his family members, not sure what to make of waking up to remembrances of the time David was dead. He had promised to explain everything when they got back.

Snakes eyed the groups uncertainly as they stepped inside the building after exiting the plane. "Do you really think this is gonna go over well?"

"I . . . really have no idea," David admitted.

"Probably not," Duke put in at the same time.

Serenity opened her mouth, but before she could speak, they were swarmed by the groups. Ms. Kawai wanted to speak, but Joey started in before she could.

"Serenity!" he yelled. "Where the heck have you been?! What the heck is going on?!"

"How did he get alive again?!" Tristan cried, pointing at David.

Duke looked to David, who was being glomped by all of his sisters. He smiled. Yes, he had done a good thing by going after the amethyst. He would never regret it.

"It's a long story, Tristan," he said at last.

"We saw on the news about the Chamber of Sorrows collapsing!" Solomon exclaimed. "Did that happen while you were there?"

"Yeah, but we're fine," Duke assured him. "And thanks for your information, Mr. Muto. It really helped."

"Well, I'm glad it did, but I wish I'd been along," Solomon grumped. "It's been too long since I've been on an adventure."

"It would've been too dangerous, Grampa," Yugi said. "You probably would've thrown your back out again."

"Nonsense!" Solomon retorted. "I'm perfectly fit! I haven't had trouble with my back for weeks!"

"Hey, who are you?" Tristan suddenly asked, having just spotted Snakes.

"Snakes Tolliver," Snakes answered. "I'm a friend of Duke's from Los Angeles."

"Oh." Tristan folded his arms. "So you're the one he met when he ran off down there."

"Tristan!" Téa scolded. She smiled at Snakes. "Hi, I'm Téa Gardner. Welcome to Domino City. Sorry about Tristan." She frowned at him. "Are you going to be staying for a while?"

"Just for a visit," Snakes said.

"So, uh, what do you do in L.A.?" Joey asked.

"This and that," Snakes replied. "Mostly gamble."

"You WHAT?!"

Serenity winced. She had known Joey would hit the ceiling.

"It's not really any different than you always relying on luck to win at Duel Monsters," Téa sighed.

"B-but . . . a gambler . . . with my sister . . . !" Joey flailed.

Ms. Kawai also looked horrified. "Mr. Devlin!"

"I was a perfect gentleman," Snakes drawled. "Don't worry, I didn't teach Serenity any nasty habits."

"And you should both be grateful to him," Duke said. "He saved Serenity's life while we were over there." Mine too.

"So Serenity was in danger!" Joey pounced. "You dragged my sister halfway around the world and she had to be rescued by your gambler friend!"

"Joey." Serenity stepped forward, firmly. "I know you've been worried, and I'm sorry. But I had to go with them. I told you it was my decision and that's exactly the way it was. Duke didn't want me along because of the possible danger." Her voice lowered. "We really do have a long story to tell you. Maybe then things will make sense."

"Yeah? I'm not sure how anything can make sense again!" Joey cried.

"Everyone's looking at us!" Téa said in frustration. "Can't we take this somewhere else?"

"Yes, let's." Solomon turned to go. "We'll all go to the Game Shop and we can talk there."

Duke looked to David. "Are you ready to deal with this?"

David shook his head. "No. But we owe it to everyone. Let's do what has to be done."


It was difficult to fit everyone into the living room above the Turtle Game Shop, but somehow they managed. And once they were all in place, it was far more difficult to explain what had transpired since the events Yugi and the others remembered from the past.

Naturally Joey and Tristan were appalled and upset as the story unfolded, particularly when Duke explained about the amethyst that first he and then Serenity had used. Several times the recounting had to be paused while they exclaimed in outrage and then took time to calm down again.

Yugi and Téa were stunned, but they definitely took things better in stride. Solomon said he really wasn't surprised by most of the tale, as he had pieced it together in his mind.

David's family really wasn't sure what to make of any of it. Mrs. Tanaka had always blamed Duke for David's death, but now she was learning that Duke had never given up on trying to make things right until at last he had actually succeeded in doing so. But it was all so unnatural that she wondered if David's presence would really last.

"Are you . . . really here to stay, David?" she asked haltingly, fearful of the answer.

"Yes," David smiled. "I don't exactly know how or why, but apparently I really am being allowed another chance. The Star of Bennu was destroyed and I'm still here."

"It's a miracle," Duke said quietly.

Serenity looked pleadingly at Joey. "You see why I had to go, don't you, Big Brother? I helped cause everything that happened, so I couldn't just stand by and let Duke and David go off into danger like that, especially when I remembered everything and they didn't."

Joey heaved a sigh. "I can see why you'd feel like you had to go, Sis, but I still don't like that you were mixed up in all of that. I never wanted you to be in any dangerous mess, including what Yami Marik and Noa did."

"I know." Serenity smiled. "But I'm glad I was there then, too. I met Duke because of it, and I was able to share in what happened to you and the others. I don't want to be stuck on the sidelines, Joey. I want to be involved."

Joey's expression softened. "You're really brave, Serenity. Duke's lucky to have you."

"Don't I know it," Duke interjected.

"Yeah, well, you'd better never forget it," Tristan declared.

The rest of the time spent together was a bit more pleasant. Nevertheless, when Duke decided he'd had enough and Serenity was walking him to the door, she felt his tense muscles loosen.

"It wasn't that bad, was it?" she asked quietly.

"It could've been worse," Duke admitted. "But it could've been better, too."

Serenity sighed. "It's a lot to take in all at once."

"I know. I'm not faulting them for that," Duke assured her. "But I know when I've had enough for a while."

"Joey really was grateful to you for what you did to keep all of us safe during that drug-smuggling case," Serenity said. "So was Mom. So was I."

"Maybe so, but that's not going to change that he'll be bent out of shape over this case until who knows when." Duke leaned in and kissed her. "You stay and have some fun with your brother. David's going to be with his family for a while, and I'm going to show Snakes around the Black Crown."

Serenity returned the kiss. "I'm glad he came back with us, even if just for a visit. Do you think he might ever move here?"

"I don't know," Duke said. "He seems to like it in L.A. He's established a new life for himself there and I don't think he wants to leave it." He paused. "I don't know if Joey and Tristan could take having him here all the time, knowing that you'd be around him."

"It'll just take them some time to get used to him," Serenity replied. "They can't help but see he's a good person."

"Well, I just hope they don't find out where he's really from and what he did there," Duke said wryly. "That was one thing I wasn't ready to spring on them."

"That's probably for the best," Serenity agreed. Now she hesitated. "Duke . . . do you still think there isn't really any chance for you and Joey and Tristan to be better friends?"

"I guess we'll just have to wait and see," Duke said. "Honestly, I think there'll probably always be some tensions between us. But that's okay. I gave up long ago on being part of Yugi's group. I have you and David and Snakes. That's all I need."

"Okay then." Serenity smiled.

Duke looked into her eyes. "Thank you, for everything you've always done for me. You've always kept my secrets, from when I was undercover to what happened about the amethyst. And you've been more patient with me than a lot of people ever would have been. I bet there isn't one of those fangirls from school who would have waited for me to come back from L.A."

"No, because they're always so focused on what's 'cool' for the week," Serenity said. "But anyone who really loved you would have waited and been patient, especially knowing what you were going through."

"I guess that says a lot about Tristan's feelings, then," Duke quipped.

"He really didn't know," Serenity said. "I don't think he ever knew just how much David means to you."

"Well, he does now," Duke said.

Serenity nodded. "And maybe that will help things in the long run. I'm not sure. Everything that's happened since the time you went undercover has been hard on everyone."

"I know. It's really kind of mind-boggling when you think about it," Duke said. "I mean, all those decisions I made affected so many people, even when I really wasn't trying for that to happen. It's cheesy, but people really are connected."

"Especially when they're good people who care," Serenity said. "That isn't cheesy; it's beautiful."

"Beautiful except for when the decisions made hurt instead of help," Duke said. "It's not fun knowing the ripple effect works both those ways."

Serenity had to acknowledge that. "But now that everything's right again, it will be easier for everyone involved to be able to heal," she said.

"We can hope," Duke said.

Serenity kissed him. "I don't need to hope. I know."

Duke smiled. "That's good enough for me."

Serenity pulled back as Snakes approached. "You two have fun now." She smiled. "I'll come by later. I'm sure David will, too."

Snakes touched the brim of his hat. "We'll see you then."

"Yeah." Duke leaned in for one more quick kiss before heading out the door.

His heart was light while he and Snakes walked. Now things had officially wrapped up. He imagined it would be a while before Joey and Tristan could even begin to get used to what he and Serenity had done. There were probably more arguments in store. But he wasn't dreading any of that like he thought he would. The good far outweighed it.

"You okay?" Snakes spoke as they reached the Black Crown across the street.

Duke took out his keys and unlocked the doors. "I am," he said, turned to smile at his friend. "I really am."

Snakes looked pleased. "I'm glad. I always worried about you in L.A. Tried to get you to stop all those crazy things you were doing, but I never could."

"I was too stubborn." Duke stepped inside and waited for Snakes to come in before shutting and locking the doors behind him. It would be a private tour.

"It's good that you were," Snakes said. "I still don't really approve of messing around with life and death like that, but David really did want to live again. And everything's turned out well."

"I know. I think it was when I saw David with his family that the last smidgen of doubt was wiped away." Duke switched on the lights. "Whatever we went through was worth it to get to that point."

Snakes surveyed the large room. "This is a pretty sweet place you've got here," he mused. "A lot bigger than Mr. Muto's place."

"Yeah, but his is more homey," Duke conceded. "Still, I'm really proud of this store. And this level is only the beginning." He paused for a moment, staring at the middle of the room.

"What is it?" Snakes asked. "Somebody put something away in the wrong place?"

"Nah, nothing like that. I was just . . . remembering." Duke took a few steps ahead. "I gave a press conference here, after David . . ." He ran a hand over the counter. "I told everyone what I'd done in going undercover to catch the crooks in my store and promised to keep living for David. I saw him in the crowd, for a brief moment." He turned back to face Snakes. "For a while, I actually thought I'd be able to get over David's death and move on, like most people do. But it wasn't long and I started realizing I couldn't. I didn't even hire a manager to replace him."

"I remember you telling me all that." Snakes walked over to him. "You really went through Hell."

"Yeah." Duke looked to him. "And remember when I was upset not wanting to kill the guys who were after us?"


Duke looked down. "When all my memories came back, I . . . remembered that another of the heaviest burdens on me after David's death was knowing I'd killed a man."

"The assassin who was after you," Snakes said. "You told me about that, too—how he chased you through several states and you finally turned around and decided to wait for him to come, hoping to kill him both to get him off your back and to avenge David's murder."

Duke nodded. "And even though when I really did kill him, it was in self-defense, it was really hard to keep telling myself that. By the Bible's standards, I'd committed murder in my heart already when I waited for him with hatred."

"It was just human, Duke," Snakes said quietly. "He'd gunned your best friend down in cold blood and had hounded you across half the Western states. Anyone would've had enough after that. And to think that after all that, you still felt horrible when you ended up being forced to kill him . . . well, it just goes to show what a really good person you are. You really stunned me the first time you told me about that. In your position, I wouldn't have felt anything for him if I had to end his life after everything he'd done to me and people I cared about."

"I remember you saying that before," Duke said. "Maybe most people wouldn't and I'm just the odd one out. It just . . . hurt so much, knowing I'd ended someone's life on purpose. I felt like my hands were stained for a long time after that. Serenity started helping me feel better, and when I met you, you did too."

"I'm glad of that," Snakes said.

Duke shook his head. "There's so much pain from that time. It feels like another life now, and yet, it wasn't that long ago. I kind of wish I didn't have to remember it all again." He sighed. "But I'd rather have the memories back instead of wondering what I'd forgot."

"It's always better to remember," Snakes said. "Good or bad, it's all a part of your life."

"And I wouldn't have ever met you if not for the darkest parts of my life," Duke said. "Then I found out what you were and where you were from and suddenly I had hope again. Hope like I hadn't had since that press conference when I thought I could move on."

"We had a lot of crazy adventures trying to find a way to get David back," Snakes mused. "That stuff alone could probably fill up a book."

"Yeah. Only it's not something I'd want to document in detail, in case someone would try doing what we did. If they believed it at all. Most people would probably think we were bonkers.

"I'm sure I'll never forget that time as long as I live. And I don't know that I'll ever want to review all the heartache and the wild plans. But we really bonded back then and that's something special."

Snakes nodded. "I know I told you it's more important to live in the present than the past, and I still fully believe that. But that doesn't mean I think the past should be ignored, either, especially if good came from it."

Duke smiled. "And a lot of good did." He pushed away from the counter. "Come on; I'll show you the rest of the place."


The rest of the evening was quiet and peaceful. Serenity came over later, as promised, and found Duke and Snakes relaxing in Duke's office, drinking ice water from the water cooler. David eventually joined them as well.

"How's your family?" Duke asked when he arrived.

"They're okay," David said. "Mom is especially still having some trouble adjusting to everything that happened, but she's honestly really grateful to you, Duke."

"That's seriously not an emotion I ever thought your mother would feel towards me," Duke remarked.

"Whatever she thinks of you, you got me back," David said. "She won't forget that or stop appreciating it."

Duke nodded. "I'm glad to hear that."

"You know," Snakes mused, sitting up straight, "there's four of us here, just like there's four in Yugi's group."

"That's true," Serenity blinked. "I didn't stop to think about that."

"Three guys and one girl, too, just like them," David remarked. "It's cheesy, I guess, but maybe we should have our own friendship vow, like they do."

Duke smiled. "We don't need a symbol, like they started with. We've already forged our bond through everything we've been through together."

"And we'll always be there for each other, just like they are," Serenity said happily.

"I'm all for that," David said.

"I'm sure we all are," Duke said.

"I'll come up here if any of you need my help," Snakes said, gruffly but sincerely.

"And that holds true for us, too," Duke said. "Just call if L.A. ever gets to be too much to handle."

"It's L.A., so who knows?" Snakes grunted.

That brought a round of laughter. It felt good to share the moment with close friends.


Duke looked up as David pressed the button on the water cooler, filling another glass. The two of them were alone now; Serenity had gone back to the Turtle Game Shop to walk home with Joey and Snakes had left for the Royal Hotel, Domino branch. It was lonely without them, yet Duke enjoyed having this moment with David. It was the first time they'd been back at the Black Crown since their memories had been restored.

". . . I used to visit the cemetery a lot, when you were dead," Duke said quietly. "Before I went to L.A., I mean. Sometimes I thought the visits were helping me to heal. Other times, I felt like they were going to rip apart what was left of my sanity."

"I remember those visits," David said. "I was around you most of the time, really, whether you were there or not. I was touched that you kept coming back. But I was also worried because I could see what it was doing to you."

"I wasn't sure if you were around or not," Duke said. "I hoped you'd gone on to have some peace, but I was afraid all the unrest left behind you would cause you to have unrest too."

"I couldn't very well feel otherwise, seeing the state you were in," David said.

"Did you . . . ever see what Heaven is like at all?" Duke asked, feeling somewhat guilty if he had inadvertently cheated David out of at least a glimpse of the holy afterlife.

"I saw the gates," David said. "They were magnificent. And I saw my dead grandmother. She wanted me to go in with her, but I knew I couldn't until I was sure you were healing. She understood."

Duke looked to him regretfully. "I'm sorry, David."

"Don't be," David said. "I'll see what it's like someday, hopefully a long time from now. I'm glad I could watch over you during that dark time. I'm only sorry that I wasn't ever able to get through to you."

"I saw you at least once, during the press conference I held," Duke said quickly. "Maybe at other times, too. I used to think I saw you out of the corner of my eye all the time. I was never sure if it was my imagination or not."

"At least some of the time, it probably wasn't," David said.

Duke nodded. Remembering that time still really quite bowled him over when contrasting it with the here and now. He had been so unhappy then, wishing for fantasies to be real when they weren't. And now the fantasy was real. He just couldn't stop marveling over it.

"You know," David said suddenly, "we thought it was awkward trying to explain what happened to me to Yugi's group. How are we going to explain it to the press and everyone else who's now aware that I used to be dead?"

Duke shook his head. "Obviously we'll have to invent a cover story, something like your family faked your death to try to keep you safe." He frowned. "Only that won't help everyone understand why they didn't remember before and now they do."

David gave a low whistle. "And I guess since you really can't explain that an ancient gemstone caused it, they're just going to have to struggle along with their confusion."

"Something like that." Duke spun around in his chair to face David at the window. "I never really planned on something like this happening. I didn't want a bunch of innocent bystanders to be affected by what I did at all. Of course, I never thought that the fake memories would unravel unless I inadvertently made it happen."

"A lot of things that happen in life are never things we plan on," David said wisely. "I guess it would be a lot less interesting if everything happened just because we planned it."

"Yeah, but at least that way, maybe we could stop a lot of unnecessary deaths from happening." Duke gripped the chair arms. "We should be able to do that."

"If God had wanted us to be able to control life that much, He would have given us the ability to retrace our steps through time over and over. Or even just once."

"I guess. I can't figure out why He'd let something like the Star of Bennu exist at all, though."

"Why does He let a lot of things exist?" David returned. "It's all part of living life on Earth. Maybe it will make sense someday. Right now, I'm honestly just fine with not knowing every little thing."

Duke leaned back, looking up at him. "Now that you've been allowed to stay here and live, I can say the same thing." He got up, walking over to his friend. "Welcome back, David."

"Welcome back to you too," David said. "You've never been the same since that case. And while I know you'll never be exactly as you were before it happened, I just hope that now you'll be able to really heal."

"I know I can," Duke said. "And I'll never take you for granted again, like I did when I was a kid. Any time I have with you is precious."

David smiled. "Any time you have with anyone you care about is precious."

Duke fully agreed.

He looked out at the lights of Domino City, twinkling peacefully under the night sky. There was a time when he had thought he would never be able to go home again. He had run to Los Angeles, not sure that he would make L.A. his permanent home, but figuring he would stay there indefinitely. He hadn't been able to face Domino then, wracked with guilt over the events that had resulted in David's death.

Los Angeles was still something special to him and always would be now. But Domino was home again. And now that things had been miraculously set right, Duke couldn't feature himself ever wanting to leave, except on necessary trips and an occasional vacation. He could deal with whatever chaos erupted and whatever ill feelings lingered due to what he had done.

Of course, he mused, he could have dealt with the ill feelings that had lingered after the drug-smuggling case, if he hadn't felt so horrible about what had happened to David. But he wasn't sure he could tolerate any angry feelings now if they were directed at Serenity as well as him.

". . . Do you think everyone will be upset with Serenity for supporting me in using the amethyst?" he asked with a frown.

"Some people undoubtedly will be," David said. "But I think her family and Tristan will probably give her a pass."

"And blame it on my influence, of course," Duke sighed. "If people were just mad at me, that would be fine and I'd take it. But if they make life rough for Serenity too, I don't know what we'll do. Maybe it will get so bad that we'll have to leave Domino to get some peace."

"Or maybe everyone will forget about it soon," David said.

"Would you be able to forget so easily if you suddenly realized you'd forgot something you knew?" Duke retorted dryly. "Especially if other people were suddenly remembering too?"

". . . You do have a point," David mused. "I just thought that since they wouldn't really know me, maybe it wouldn't be a big deal to them."

"I guess that's possible," Duke conceded.

"My advice? Don't worry about what might happen. Not right now." David brought a hand down on Duke's shoulder. "That was your problem all through this escapade. Just relax, Duke. Enjoy life. And deal with trouble if it happens."

Duke frowned. "But you need to be prepared. You can't just suddenly try to deal with something surprising being thrown at you if you have no idea what to do."

"I think you will know what to do," David replied. "You're smart and resourceful. And businessmen always have to deal with things they weren't counting on, especially when they're being interviewed by nosy and tactless reporters." He smirked a bit before sobering. "You've always come through before, Duke. You don't need to worry about the future."

"Maybe you're right," Duke relented. "I just don't want things to be unhappy for Serenity. It wasn't really that long ago that she and her mother moved back here, after Ms. Kawai saw how much Serenity blossomed being around Joey again and realized that they shouldn't have been kept apart. And now if Serenity has to deal with a lot of the backlash for my actions . . ." He clenched a fist. "That could really ruin the lives they're trying to set up here."

"I understand," David said sympathetically. "It's true that it could be a problem. But let's wait and see before we get really worried about it. Alright?"

"I'll try," Duke said, a bit wearily. But then he managed a smile. "It shouldn't be so hard to do, with you right there telling me stuff."

"That's the spirit," David encouraged.

It had always been easier with David around.

Duke looked at him, marveling again at how he was alive and well after everything that had happened. It was the perfect ending to this bizarre adventure, and really, it was more a beginning than anything else. Duke was looking forward to what they would continue to share now.